Friday, January 31, 2003

quote from the guardian: "victoria was known to three housing authorities, four social services departments, two child protection teams of the metropolitan police, and a specialist centre managed by the nspcc, and she was admitted to two different hospitals because of suspected deliberate harm."

none of these miserable bastards did anything for her.

you cunts. i hope you all rot in whatever hell your gods have waiting for you.

had a little time to examine the reports on the victoria climbiƩ case on the newspaper web sites.

not one of the 'professionals' who were supposed to have cared for her have even said they're sorry for letting her be so brutally beaten and, finally, killed.

to them i say this: you are almost as heartless and uncaring as the pair of inhuman bastards who killed her. if you had the tiniest grain of decency in your bodies you'd all resign, at the very least, and find new jobs training carers to be really caring and not to be the selfish bastards that the lot of you are.

if it takes 50 years of holding enquireies into why adults have allowed child after child to be murdered by their carers, the best thing we can do is tear down the who child protection edifice and start again.

  • a comprehensive list of working practices should be made;

  • penalties for failure to follow those practices should be harsh;

  • everyone working in child welfare should be sacked, with no exceptions for age, race, sex, seniority, rank;

  • new staff should be recruited to every single position. prior holders of a post will not be favoured above new applicants;

  • recruitment interviewing and decision-making should be carried-out by people who do not know personally or by reputation any of those they are recruiting. any hint of malfeasance in this procedure should be met with instant dismissal of the recruiter;

  • all holders of such posts will have it made absolutely clear to them that priority one is child safety, not some stupid woolly-minded concept of keeping families together or not wanting to upset the adults. we're talking about situations in which children get hurt or killed - no-one else's feelings matter at all;

none of this will bring poor little victoria back nor reduce the appalling, inhuman, brutal suffering she endured. it may help to stop it happening to another child.

to victoria's parents, berthe and francis climbiƩ, i offer my condolances and sorrow that this could happen in her adopted country - my country.

to victoria's killers, marie therese kouao and carl manning, i offer the profound hope that you both languish in prison for the rest of your days, you pair of bastards, and that whatever gods you believe in choose some truly exquisite way of torturing you for eternity, you scum.

just read this: 'The events of Sept. 11 hit every American hard, but by all accounts the president found them particularly painful, because in his mind they had happened on his watch and were in some way his responsibility' in an article at

my response: don't make excuses for the cunt:

  • he knew sept 11 was going to happen and has lied about that knowledge ever since;

  • he loved sept 11. it gave him an excuse for all the fascist shit going on in the us now;

  • he will continue to use sept 11 as an excuse to remove fundamental freedoms from american citizens;

  • he will continue to use sept 11 as an excuse to demonise and frame arabic (preferrably islamic) americans;
  • he will continue to use sept 11 as an excuse to kill innocent men, women and children throughout the world so that his corporate owners can make massive profits from arms manufacture;

  • he will continue to use sept 11 as a reason to criminalise his opponents.

the remainder of the article has a real go at the little bastard, so i won't condemn it, but i do condemn this particular thought.

the excellent ted rall once again hits the spot.


fascistic bastard blair has published an eu statement about iraq which is far from being an 'eu' document, since it was not even been sent to most of the eu countries for their comments - and has certainly not been approved by them.

what the fuck does he think he's doing? his lack of any kind of respect for democracy and consensus is absolutely terrifying.

if he's prepared to pretend that he represents the eu when he's not even spoken to most of the members, what the fuck is he going to do to british democracy?

expect a single-party state within a few short years, folks, 'cos this stalinist bastard will rip your right to elect a government from under you any time soon.

his hypocrisy is truly sickening. his lies are truly sickening. his attitude to properly-constituted government is truly sickening.

how long before he goes to court to be appointed as prime minister because he can't win an election by truly legal means - just like his pal herr fuhrer bush did?

there are us and uk troops in iraq, pravda says and the pentagon admits they're there performing 'reconnaissance missions'.

'Pravda.Ru contacts within the SAS confirm that reconnaissance activities can easily be termed as sabotage, murder or vandalism'. so, doesn't the fact that war has not been declared make these people terrorists under fuhrer bush's definition of the word? and doesn't it mean that he now has to declare war on the uk and on the us because they're encouraging and financing terrorism?

i hope some of these terrorists get caught and are treated as badly by the iraqis as the afghan 'terrorists' have been treated by the americans at camp x-ray. but if that happens, won't herr general bush be whining and whinging about their status as prisoners of war and other such crap - a status which he's steadfastly denied the afghans?

george walker bush is a sponsor of terrorism, a liar, a serial-murderer, an election stealer and is completely immoral. please, somebody, save the world from disaster and remove the little runt from office as soon as possible.

Thursday, January 30, 2003

the idiots in gov want to ban sex in public places.

their desperately sad definition of public will make my garden a public place if some voyeuristic twat looks over the fence!!!!!

what the fuck do they think they're doing? i pay a fortune for a house with a garden, then some unimaginative farts tell me i can't have sexual intercourse with my lover there any more.

these morons are the worst kind of prudes: because their own sex lives are joyless, programmed and hide-bound, they want to stop everyone else having fun (and, no, i don't mean they're all kinky - although it might help if some of them had that much imagination).

well, up yours, lads and lasses, if i want to fuck in my garden, i will, and i'll pay the fines and take you to the european courts to show that you have no right to stop me doing this.

if my am can admit that he fucked some bloke on clapham common without a prosecution taking place, i can't see any reason why i shouldn't make love with my girl-friend in our own garden without interference from some prurient twat of a copper.

the gov wants to give the cps a bigger role in prosecutions.

given their track record, is this really a good idea?

they have a reputation for fucking-up what would be perfectly reasonable prosecution cases by failing to give the defence acces to all the evidence, they use public interest immunity certificates at the drop of a hat to avoid embarrassment to themsleves, they lose evidence all over the place.

why should they be trusted with more responsibility when they cannot show that they take their current responsibilities seriously?

given that some fuck-wit wants them to become more like the us's district attorneys, doesn't that mean that we'll end up with the same manic self-publicists prosecuting people for the dumbest things just 'cos it gives these 'public prosecutors' a few lines in the 'papers?

what a load of old pig-wank.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

they started early, didn't they? jack "the twat" straw has used the magic words "material breach" in order to justify his war-mongering.

what a cunt.

this man used to go on anti-war protests. now, evil hypocrit that he is, he's trying to start one.

i hope he burns in hell for it, the money-grubbing, self-satisfied wanker.

Monday, January 27, 2003

hey, america, you awake? you listening?

read this now.

i note that all britain's hawks are over the age where they'd get conscripted in the event that a protracted, bloody war resulted in the deaths of the volunteers.

chicken-hawks* is, i believe, a more correct description.

* chicken-hawk a hawkish politician or commentator
who does not have the courage of his own convictions;

will sell the younger generation down the river to protect their own skins and / or money;

makes conscription-resistance look anything other than principled;

coward who's more than pleased to let other people's children die for his convictions.

have all our schools gone fucking mad?

some bunch of fascists wants to use dogs to sniff school pupils for drugs.

sounds frighteningly like sniffing little girls' bicycle seats to me, you perverted sickos.

apart from the appalling abuse of these childrens' human rights by allowing some weirdo with a sniffer dog near them, who's going to search them if the dogs alert their handlers to a problem? the same sick little wanker who's enjoying the power he / she exerts over the children by virtue of having a frightening animal under their control? some cop dragged in after a quick 'phone call to the local lock-up? a teacher with no / minimal training in drugs handling?

what if the child refuses to be searched? will their human rights be abused further by being subjected to a forced search?

what if the child refuses to be sniffed? they may be afraid of dogs. they may, quite rightly, deem it an infringement of their human rights. will they be criminalised by dint of that refusal?

someone, somewhere needs to make sure these power mad bastards cannot do this to these kids. they're children for christ's sake, let them have a childhood. if their parents give a flying fuck about their future mental health, they'll remove them from that fucking school immediately.

for certain, no inadequate little jobsworth will ever be allowed to do this to my kids - the police will have to kill me to stop me stopping them, and stopping them very violently - IYSWIM.

phrase of the day for this head teacher:

  • child abuser

phrase of the day for parents who allow their kids to be checked in this way:

  • child abuser

phrase of the day for the prospective dog-handlers:

  • child abuser

in a desperate attempt to save his sorry, racist arse at the israeli elections, the bastard ariel sharon has had the israeli butchers army launch new attacks on gaza. the butchers army have killed at least twelve, including a six-year-old, injuring the poor little mite's five-year-old brother. apparently 'the soldier who opened fire did not see the children' 'among a group that walked into a no-go area for Palestinians'. two points: - firstly, where was he looking, exactly? trying to see if there were any unarmed women he could shoot? - secondly, how can there be a no-go area for palestinians in palestine for fuck's sake?

that anyone in the 'civilised' world ever speaks to the bunch of murderous bastards who run israel is of enduring shame to me as a member of that world. forgotten the massacres at the shatilla and sabra refugee camps have we, chaps? or did you never care because they were only palestinians and civilians, at that?

Thursday, January 23, 2003

charles clarke has announced the government's intentions with regard to higher education fees.

once again, i am sickened by their attitude towards higher education. all the members of the government who have degrees got them, free of charge, at public expense. having now achieved positions of power because the public spent that money on them, they repay us by taking free education away from our children.

a few words spring to mind:

  • greedy

  • hypocritical

  • power-mad

  • narrow-minded

  • parochial

  • selfish

  • pigs

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

it was pointed out to me today by a workmate that my views would be construed in the glorious united states of america as 'anti-american'.

let's get one thing very, very clear. the fact that i despise the president of the usa and all the greedy, selfish, cynical, war-mongering bastard members of his government does not make me anti-american. it makes me anti-war, anti-poverty, anti-pandering-to-the-grossly-bloated-corporate-body, it makes me anti-racist, it makes me anti-letting-little-kids-die-because-their-parents-cannot-afford-medicines. how is this anti-american unless being pro-american is equated with being in favour all of those things?

many of the residents of the usa who I have met have been fine human beings, others have been utter bastards. likewise, many of the residents of the uk who I have met have been fine human beings, others have been utter bastards. does my dislike of some british people make me anti-british? don't think so. so why should my dislike of some americans make me anti-american? i don't think it does.

matthew riemer, in an excellent article for sums it up pretty well. check it out.

the mobile 'phone companies may be told to cut their charges: 'competition watchdog today demands that the uk's four mobile networks slash calling costs by almost a quarter'. ha, ha, ha. good joke, guys. since mobile 'phone charges are at least 4 times the cost of calls on bt's land-line system, surely the charges need to be 'slashed by three-quarters' to bring them in line.

running a mobile 'phone network has been a licence to print money for years. it's about time these greedy bastards were put properly in their place and we, the consumers, the electorate, were given a reasonable deal. they can't even claim that they need to recoup development and infrastructure costs - it's all there already, so there's no real new cost to them.

so they made idiots of themselves by paying hugely over the odds for their 3g licences. that's not my fault. i didn't say i needed my 'phone to connect me to the internet at 100Mbits, i didn't say i needed to use it to send people fucking stupid cheesy photographs, so why should i pay for these morons' unutterably dim business decisions.

since these companies insist that capitalism is the correct way to run the economy, the people who made the dumb decisions should be sacked without compensation and the company should have to struggle by - just like i have to when i over-spend - i can't just increase the charge to my employer on a whim - why should companies be allowed to? oops, i forgot, one rule for the obscenely rich, another for the rest of us.

a third of kids in britain live in poverty but our esteemed leader thinks it's ok to spend billions on a pointless war with iraq in order to make sure that dubya knows he can take our prime minister up the arse any time he likes, rather than do something about these children. the man's inhumanity beggars belief. the sooner he's replaced by someone more pleasant, less evil like - well, anyone - the better.

even john prescott would be a better pm, at least he'd just spend all his time eating pies and drinking beer rather than wasting money that'd be better spent at home on this most disgusting of military adventures.

blair and his bum-chum georgie-porgie are rattling their sabres again. thank goodness the french, russians and chinese seem to be prepared to refuse to give their war-mongering a veneer of respectability - those countries may, if the whole world's very lucky, use their veto at the un to prevent the blair-bush axis of evil from using the un as cover for their vile, imperialist activities.

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

blair's refusing to rule out using nuclear weapons in iraq

what the fuck drug is this man on? it's obviously better than anything i've ever tried and i want a few grams to keep me from thinking about the consequences of his possible actions.

why won't someone stop this insane bastard before he goes too far? why won't cherie refuse to fuck him until he stops his war-mongering? why won't his kids withdraw their affection until he stops threatening the lives of millions of innocent iraqis? why won't the labour party kick him out of office and put someone with just a grain of humanity in his place?

tony, dear, get this message from the overwhelming majority of british voters - we don't want war, you bastard, and we don't want nuclear weapons used against anyone - except you, you racist, intolerant, bigotted creep. you make everyone's skin crawl. why don't you get back under your stone and stay there, you little shit?

since blair keeps bleating about saddam having weapons of mass destruction, why the fuck do we have them? if they're naughty in iraq, they're naughty here. why won't blair / bush / straw / rumsfeld and the rest of these war-mongering animals get rid of these weapons here? why won't they engage in real conversation about the issue? why won't they ratify disarmament and non-proliferation treaties? oops, forgot; they're politicians and, therefore, liars, cheats, thieves and murderers.

Monday, January 20, 2003

Goodness, 20th January and not a single rant since 23rd December. What's happened?

Well, I seem to be a little less Mr Angry these days and more Mr Soppy-happy-person. Why? Well, I've fallen in love with the most charming, sexy, beautiful, intelligent, capable woman on the planet.

Being in love has given me pause to ponder what I'm still so angry about. Well, I'll tell you what I'm still fucking angry about:

  • Bloody murderous money-grasping bastard politicians bar Nelson Mandela;

  • Bloody murderous money-grasping bastard capitalists including Richard Branson - a trendy hair-do doesn't stop him being a bastard capitalist pig, guys;

  • Anyone with an inflated idea of their own importance, including:

    • Policemen who are on a mission;

    • Customs men who are on a mission;

    • In fact, all government employees who are on a mission;

    • Anyone else who's on a mission to make my life 'better' or 'safer' without asking me what the fuck I want;

    • All religious leaders bar Desmond Tutu;

    • All community leaders (probably) 'cos they're trying to be politicians;

    • Any bastard who thinks they have a right to tell me how to lead my life - it's mine, you cunt, so leave me alone to live it and get back under your stone.

So, still pretty angry, huh? But now angry about specific things and more focussed, so the bastards'll be getting more of a kicking but less frequently, 'cos I have more important (to me) things to do than tell a non-existent audience about what's going on in my head.

Did I mention that she's really very, very sexy indeed?

Love and peace to anyone who does read this.