Thursday, January 29, 2004

the decent papers all report a belief that hutton's report was a whitewash and part of a concerted attempt to bring b.b.c. editorial content under government control:

seamus milne in the guardian describes the hutton thing as a sideshow in his article 'the shadow of iraq'.

his contention is that bliar chose hutton because he knew the old twat would side with the government. he had, after all, represented british soldiers in the widgery enquiry and was quite happy to sit as a diplock judge in northern ireland. for those of you who don't know what that was: lord diplock proposed, and got, a system of trial without jury in northern ireland 'terrorism' cases. the reason given was that jurors would have been blackmailed into the wrong verdict by terrorists representing the accused in the trials. the reality was that judges sat without jury and found almost everyone guilty because they automatically assumed guilt if the police pressed charges, under the 'there's no smoke without fire' assumption.

so here's this old fascist who convicts without evidence in northern ireland, finding not guilty without evidence in the case of the government and guilty without evidence in the case of the b.b.c.

his findings are bizarre. while the b.b.c. may need to review its editorial policy, the fact that he says gilligan's story was 'unfounded' was an absolute lie. dr kelly had given the same story to another b.b.c. journalist - whose name i now forget - but hutton did not even mention her name in his report. why not? she backed-up gilligan's claims about what dr kelly had said, yet her evidence was not used in the findings.

he has completely covered-up the government's handling of the iraq crisis, its complete lack of care about dr kelly's state of mind, the truth in gilligan's report - later events have, after all, proved him correct - there was no weapon in iraq which could have been made ready to attack the british mainland within 45 minutes - there were no weapons with that range, as dr david kay, the u.s. weapons inspector, and his team have shown.

hutton is a charlatan and all right-thinkling people will ignore the crap he has written and get back to the important issues:

  • why no-one in government gave a damn about the mental health of dr kelly;

  • retention of the independence of the b.b.c.;

  • chasing bliar out of office for lying to us about iraq;

  • chasing bliar out of office for getting loads of british service-people killed in iraq;

  • chasing bliar out of office for only caring about oil supplies from iraq.

i really wonder why hutton bothered holding an enquiry at all when his report simply whitewashes the government and goes out of its way to try to destroy the reputation of the b.b.c.

for all its objectivity, the report's every sentence may as well have begun with the words "mr bliar told me to say ..."

i also wonder what massive bribe bliar offered hutton for producing such a one-sided report? he's already a law lord. perhaps he's next master of the rolls or lord chancellor.

i know bliar's said he's getting rid of the job of lord chancellor, but let's wait until that particular legislation makes its way through parliament and see what 'concessions' bliar makes in order to give his pal a lovely new job with a lovely new office.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

how little zionist cunts came to run the u.s.

i wonder where is the u.k. equivalent and who really runs bliar.

daniel ellsberg warned the u.s. people about the fuck-up that was the u.s. war in vietnam.

he told them about the millions of vietnamese who were dying for nothing. he told them about the waste of the lives of american troops for nothing. he told them how their presidents and other politicians were lying to them about the situation in vietnam.

he says that iraq is exactly the same as vietnam : civilians are dying just the same, troops are dying just the same, the pols are lying just the same.

the people of the u.s. and the u.k. must demand the return home of our troops. we must demand a complete withdrawal of u.s. and u.k. citizens (including 'advisors'), that the iraqi people be allowed to hold proper elections under the auspices of the u.n. and that the u.s. and the u.k. pay the iraqis massive reparations for the damage done to their country.

all reasons given for the invasion were lies. bush and bliar and their cohorts must be held responsible for their crimes against the people of iraq and must be punished by lengthy prison sentences - just as they hope to do to saddam and his lieutenants.

Monday, January 26, 2004

even robert mcnamara, architect of the vietman war, says the u.s. and u.k. wrong to be in iraq.

of the u.s. massive military strength, he's said, "i do not believe, with one qualification, that it should ever, ever use that power unilaterally -- the one qualification being the unlikely event we had to use it to defend the continental u.s., alaska or hawaii."

and how do you quantify that "had to use it", exactly?

you can't.

so you can't use it.

got that, george? got that, rummy? got that, colin? got that, condi?

how the supermarkets are lying to us about being cheap, are destroying local businesses and communities and will destroy british farming.

fuck 'em.

buy local goods at local shops.

adi ophir, counterpunch, a response to benny morris : genocide hides behind expulsion. benny morris' views are more then chilling.

morris thinks that zionist actions in palestine are ok.

ok for whom?

for the palestinian mothers who see their children murdered on a daily basis?

for the palestinians crushed to death by israeli tanks running over their homes?

for the american and british kids who are routinely killed by the israelis for daring to go to palestine to protest about the zionists' actions?

he apparently thinks it was ok to kill the native americans for the 'overall, final good'.

whose good?

that of the greedy slave-owners who wanted the land for their plantations?

that of the mining companies who raped the land of all its natural resources?

here are some quotes from the man.

chillingly like the words of another complete bastard- adolf hitler.

how the fucking greedy bastard owners of corporations have been, and continued to be, allowed to fleece us all, treat us like slaves and make governments do their bidding.

people of the whole world suffer because governments have been bought by these corrupt and corrupting bastards to pervert narutal law and labour relations to their own ends.

it's time for us all to fight back and put the cunts where they belong : in jail.

a clear victory for the consumer in italy: a court decided that selling mod chips for the ps2 is legal on the grounds that, under italian consumer law, trying to control what someone does with a product after you've sold it to them is a ridiculous thing to try to do.

the judge in the case compared it, very sensibly, to fiat selling a car and then trying to say it can't be used by non-europeans or outside towns.

expect the e.u. to side with sony and the other pigopolists on this one and get that italian law changed a.s.a.p.

Friday, January 23, 2004

since there is no 'proper' socialist party in the u.k. any more, with the capture of 'new' labour by the far right, i had been intending to vote for the liberal democrats in the next elections, but now i find that i may not be able to do that.

charles kennedy is, apparently, considering sacking an m.p., dr jenny tonge, who said she would consider becoming a suicide bomber if she lived under the conditions that the fucking zionist israelis impose on the palestinians.

her comments are perfectly understandable and acceptable to me.

i detest the idea that someone should be sacked for speaking her mind - unlike the hateful kilroy-silk who was sacked for fomenting racism.

i will not vote for a party that would sack dr tonge for trying to explain the extreme anger, frustration, desperation, oppression and fear that makes suicide bombers do what they do.

isn't it strange that dr tonge should be vilified in the way she has been, is likely to be sacked and will more than likely lose her seat when the real villains of the piece - the zionist israeli parliamentarians led by the vile ariel sharon - are treated as if they have some useful input to a 'peace' process?

sharon is a genocide:

remember the massacre at shatilla?

remember the bulldozing of occupied houses in palestine?

remember the deliberate targeting of palestinian children by the isreali army for murder?

remember the assassination of palestinians because they're 'proven' terrorists? if the israelis can can prove it, they should arrest them and put them on trial. this is murder.

everything sharon does is illegal. he must be brought down, tried and sentenced for his innumerable crimes against humanity.

but no. instead, dr tonge will be dragged through the mire for criticising the murderous bastard and his murderous bastard supporters.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

rich are the only winners.


bush's administration want all our children to suffer health problems because of obesity. they want mcdonald's and other shit-for-food outlets to prosper and make our kids into fat, lazy, uninterested slobs - probably so that they can turn the whole world into the unquestioning bunch of couch-potatoes that the u.s.' citizenry has become.

some people may say that's untrue, but why else would the u.s. government wish to undermine the w.h.o. plan for beating obesity?

i can only guess that mcdonald's contributed in a major way to the election campaign of one or other of bush's corrupt cabinet members.

the real tories in the u.k. must be so in love with anthony charles lynton bliar.

he's now supporting their anti-tax-increases for the rich bullshit by pretending that increases in tax rates are counter-productive and actually result in a lowering of tax take.

absolute rubbish and supported by lies and demonstrably incorrect assertions.

here's an explanation.

and here's the bit where he shoots his own argument in the foot:

in 2001 he appeared on newsnight before the election to declare:
"it's not a burning ambition for me that david beckham earns less
money. if you cap someone's income with the international market
what it is, that would drive them abroad."

britain's upper rate stayed at 40%. but beckham went abroad
anyway, to spain - where the upper tax bracket is over 50%,
thanks to its wealth tax.

is fat, ugly, evil, lying, murderous cunt ariel sharon on his way out because he took bribes?

it'd be lovely to think so.

but so much more satisfying if the ugly bastard was removed from power because he's a genocidal maniac and he was going to be tried by an international court for crimes against humanity.

dick-head cheney may enjoy his lie to the people of the u.s. that the jury is still out on the question of iraqi weapons of mass distraction, but the rest of the world sees his lies for what they are.

his adding further untruths about al-qaeda being supported by iraq was another weasel move by a very, very evil person; a person for whom truth and lies are as interchangeable as they are for the ministry of truth in '1984'.

iraq was tried, found guilty and executed with no truthful evidence against it at all.

paul o'neill has already shot the bush/cheney/bliar axis of evil's line to pieces - he says bush came to office with the intention of invading iraq and told his intelligence agencies to change the evidence to support his desire. bush/cheney have not denied o'neill's story, so i believe him.

the jury's not out, dickie, it's verdict is in and you and your illegitimate 'president' are the guilty parties.

john chuckman : does the american election even matter?

ted rall : suffer the french schoolchildren: the hatred bush hath wrought.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

murderous zionist bastards.

when will the u.n. find the strength to do something about this genocide?

i cannot believe that most israelis support such action, so why don't they apply some real pressure to their pols to get this stopped, get settlers out of palestine, get the 'security' fence demolished and get some recompense made to the palestinians?

people of the u.s., read this and weep. and while you're at it, read this.

then stand up and fight against the new nazis - your own 'president' and his government.

america's ik.

tell me how britain's ik are any different.

geoff hoon's a cunt. i've said it before. i'll almost certainly say it again.

his refusal to accept any responsibility for the deaths of under-equipped british service-people is scandallous.

at the very least, he should apologise deeply, sinceraly and, with proper respect for the people whose blood he has on his hands, with a massive push to ensure that our service-people in iraq are properly equipped.

better still, he'll fall on his sword.

of course, he'll do neither as his only concerns are to protect his massive income and power - income and power he's too stupid to gain in any other way, so he has to stay in his current job for as long as possible.

ibm to outsource thousands of euphemisms.

'do not be transparent...'. 'off-shore' and 'on-shore' are terms which should not be used.

typical of a nasty, vicious move by a crude bunch of capitalists intent on lining their own pockets with no care for anyone else on the planet.


there's talk of making 'off-shoring' illegal both in the u.s. and in the u.k. the british trades unions are certainly very concerned about it.

making it illegal can't happen soon enough.

cherry potter : who wants to act the hero?

linda grant : tales of tel aviv.

whitehall, lobby and media 'to blame for lost trust'.

add into that the fact that politicians have lost the public's trust because almost everything they say is either a lie or has been spun into something which bears little or no resemblance to the reality of a situation.

shraon and the other evil, murderous bastards who run israel say they may need to change the route of their 'security' fence a little to ensure it will comply with international law.

since the whole thing is an affront to international law, freedom and basic human rights, this is just more whitewash from these twats.

it is now time for the u.n. to stop pussy-footing around with israel and to enforce its dozens of resoultions condemning its behaviour.

a u.n. force must be placed in israel and palestine which has the legal power to remove all israelis from palestine, to demolish the 'security' fence and to prosecute sharon and his minions for human rights abuses, murder and genocide. it must also have the fire-power necessary to fight off the israeli armed forces, since they will surely be mobilised by the fat cunt sharon in an attempt to hold on to power and to be allowed to continue his genocide.

isn't it odd that the israelis are more than happy to ask the international court for assistance in killing palestinians, but has said that it will oppose the court's jurisdication over the legality of the 'security' fence?

do as i say, not as i do, obviously.

the twat who runs the israeli prisons has said he'll refuse to allow yigal amir, kitzhak rabin's assassin, to marry.

since when did anyone have the right to rule whether someone else may marry? just because amir killed a zionist, racist bastard doesn't mean he should not be allowed to marry the woman he's chosen.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

robert kilroy-silk's childish, racist and ill-informed comments about arabs do neither him, the sunday express nor the bbc any favours.

i can only assume that the sunday express employ him as a coulmnist because the editor favours k-s's brand of right-wing hate - i read it most sundays as my parents take the paper and i always have a look at what the intolerent, uneducated bastard is ranting about - and i am amazed that he's not been prosecuted for the things he writes.

i have no idea why the bbc employs him. i've seen his show a few times and can't believe how amateurish he is nor how self-righteous, pedantic and just plain boring he is. with the bbc in a ratings war with the trash that the independent channels put out, i suppose this kind of crap is sufficient to grab a share of the viewers.

here's a much more measured assessment of what the arabs have done for us.

Friday, January 09, 2004

i hope nick plumb is found safe and well.

if i'm concerned in any project at work and there is a meeting to dicuss that project, my employer expects me to turn up to the meeting, regardless of whether i might get some flack in the meeting. failure to attend could lead to disciplinary action being taken against me.

so how come bliar can play truant from the parliamentary debate on hutton?

surely we, the british public, as his employer, have good reason to expect him to turn up to explain his behaviour?

i suspect he will turn up if the report - which he'll be able to read in advance - is kind to him, but that he won't turn up if it's critical of him.

this little coward should resign now. he must not be allowed to treat us with distain. he's an employee, not a ruler - let's start treating him as such.

here's the text of a little message i just e-mailed to anthony charles lynton bliar.

his web site is a control freak's heaven; instead of being able to choose a subject for your message, you have to select one from a drop-down list, hence my first comment:

Dear Mr Blair,

It makes my skin creep to be sending you a message under the heading "Defence" when the thing I'm talking about is not defence but the illegal invasion of another country, but there are no options for "Iraq", "Lies to Parliament" or "War crimes" in your control-freaky environment.

I note that you stated the other day that you'd resign if Hutton found that you had lied to Parliament.

Why wait for Hutton, hoping that that accusation will not be made?

We all know that you lied when you stated that Iraq had weapons of mass 'distraction' (a real error or the name you use for it at No10?), that you lied when you claimed that Iraq had tried to buy uranium from Niger, that you lied when you said recently that there is evidence of 'hidden' laboratories all over Iraq. You lied when you said that UN attempts to enforce WMD inspections in Iraq were being prevented by the Iraqis, knowing that Saddam was offering the UN and the US absolutely any access they wanted in order to prevent his country being destroyed.

So why not just quit now and save everyone the horror of watching you trying to spin your way out of another situation? I'm sick of your continued lies and your selling of my country to your corporate pay-masters, so just resign now, please.

Anthony Berrow

anyone who thinks private health care in the u.k. would be a good idea should just read how hospitals are gouging1 and even arresting the uninsured.

if, after reading it, you still think it's a good thing, then i wish you and your riches well, because your choice will not serve the majority of people in this country well.

1 gouging - over-charging

dell in front line of war on terrorâ„¢.

if i accused them of being complete dick-wits, do you think they'd sue me?

there's a bunch of zionist bastards trying to make suicide bombing a war crime. here's their sad little petition site.

how's about making the following into war crimes then, kiddies?

  • invading another country;

  • stealing land from the people of another country;

  • stealing water from the people of another country;

  • demolishing buildings in another country, knowing there are people inside;

  • targetting the children of another country for assassination;

  • building a fence in another country to keep its people away from their agricultural land;

  • building settlements in another country and taking over agricultural land;

  • shooting or arresting farmers from another country as they try to tend their land;

  • targetting the leaders of another country for assassination;

  • attacking refugee camps and killing as many inhabitants as possible in as short a time as possible;

  • arresting the people of another country and offering them the gamble of choosing a 'punishment' card, which contains anything ranging from a beating to death as a 'punishment' for being a citizen of that other country.

oh, i just realised - they are all already war crimes - committed by zionist bastard israelis against palestinians.

so, fuck your pathetic little petition, you sick zionist bastards. you can complain about some palestinians' response to your murderous actions after all israelis are out of palestine, all israeli settlements have been razed and suitable compensation has been paid to palestine for the suffering you miserable, lawless, murdering bastards have inflicted on the palestinians since 1967.

here's just one report of a murderous israeli attack on innocent palestinians.

there are many, many more attrocities i could add to the list, but anyone who cares knows exactly what i mean.

the zionist twats who run israel also imprison conscientious objectors who refuse to enlist in their conscript army. one more example of the democratic and peace-loving principles by which they run the country.

bliar said the other day that he'd resign if hutton said he'd lied to parliament.

we don't need to wait for hutton. we know that bliar lied - it's all he ever does.

as david clark shows to clearly in his guardian article why wait for hutton?, the evidence is there for us all to see.

I have ranted on here about this subject for ages and i'm so frustrated that the british people are not all demanding bliar's resignation.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

if you read nothing else, read this:

thom hartmann : a fistful of kryptonite against supergeorge...

roger stevens : the karma of spin.

ray mcgovern : intoxicated with power.

neil berry: the search for iraqi wmd has become a public joke.

ah, fuck it - just read all of smirkingchimp, counterpunch, yellowtimes etc every day - all of you - the links are over there on the left.


neal starkman: the s factor explains bush's popularity.

olga lorenzo : they are afraid, very afraid.

sadly, british parents are becoming just as stupid and afraid of nothing.

as lorenzo says, crime rates involving children are not up greatly, they stand a much higher chance of dying faaling down stairs at home or of being killed in a road crash, yet they are ferried everywhere in cars, prevented from leaving their home, prevented from making proper human contact with other children, other than the little they get at school.

it's stupid. it's unfair and i don't want it happening to any children. so, all you parents reading this : let your child have a life, for goodness sake, and stop wrapping her/him in cotton-wool - it won't do him/her any good in adulthood when she/he can't forma decent relationship and won't leave home without someone to hold his/her hand.

it would be difficult for anyone to write more correctly about how not just useless is the geneva accord but, worse, how it formalises the desires of the brutal murderer ariel sharon, than does karma nabulsi in the hope of shatila in the guardian.

let no-one be misled; the geneva accord would gift the israelis everything they want and leave the palestinians with nothing.

glen martin : jesus vs. the beast of the apocalypse.

greg weiher : the bush administration's ongoing intelligence problem.

best friend of the military-industrial complex, lap-dog of the smirking chimp, defender of capital, enemy of freedom, anthony charles lynton bliar, has achieved another success with his mates in the whitehouse : they've scrapped the visa waiver scheme and, from october 26th, brits travelling to the u.s. must
carry visas and biometric passports.

another victory, anthony.

crawl up shrub's arse. get loads of british servicemen killed in iraq. kill thousands of iraqis. and then allow the fucking tossy americans to force us to get their fucking visas for the first time in years.

fine pay for a job well done, i'd say.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

i can't believe i'm reading this.

poacher-cum-gamekeeper welsh water says it may drain some rivers to prevent drought next year.

given that the bastards have created the conditions for drought in the first place, by refusing to issue hose-pipe bans when they knew stocks were falling, by failing for years to repair all the leaking pipes thay have etc, surely they must be held to account for their appalling behaviour?

but, no. they will be allowed to create environmental mayhem to cover-up their mismanagement.

how long will these watercourses take to recover from being completely drained? have w.w. carried-out proper studies of the likely effect on local wildlife - i'm leaving out of this the obvious casualties, the fish - what about rare otters, voles etc that will die because their water supply has dried-up?

w.w. should not be allowed to do this. instead, they should have to take their massive profits and spend it on supplying bottles, bowsers or any other suitable containers of water - bought from somewhere where there is a glut of water - in order to give us the water we pay them for.

they must not be allowed to destroy the welsh countryside in their pursuit of profits.

talk about brass-neck: downing st 'corrects' its evidence to hutton.

bliar's record of lying to the public is disgraceful and should mean the bastard gets sacked, but now he's trying to wriggle off the hook for lying to hutton by 'correcting' his submissions.

can't wait to read what hutton has to say about it all in his statement later today.


here's what hutton had to say.

the new chief constable of s wales, barbara wilding, has stated that cardiff is as likely to be hit by terrorists as is london.

what a fucking idiot.

i'm sure i'll be arrested soon, on this mad bitch's orders, as i so obviously support terrorism and won't accept the lies that the likes of her, bliar and bush keep spouting about their justification for killing, torturing and generally mistreating people throughout the world.

john chuckman : sick puppies.

fucking hell.

read this and be absolutely terrified.

if it doesn't have that effect on you, you're either brain-dead or a fucking fascist. founder wes boyd has apologised for the organisation's web site carrying two proposed tv scripts which were entered for a competition to write ads which would be used during the 2004 u.s. presidential campaign. he said they were in poor taste and should have been filtered out.

the scripts compare bush to hitler. they have been removed from the competition web site,, and can only currently be seen here on an rnc site.

i don't believe that boyd should have apologised or had the scripts removed from the site.

they were proposed as a means of warning the american people what sort of person bush is - a fascist, and how he and his disgusting party have used the 9/11 attack to turn america into a police state and to wage permanent war all over the world in order to enrich the oil and military corporations - their pay-masters.

in case the rnc removes them, here they are:

Script 1:

GRAPHIC: Nazi Flags In A Parade
HITLER: (Speaking In German)

GRAPHIC: German Troops Marching
GRAPHIC: Hitler In Car In Parade
GRAPHIC: German Troops Marching

GRAPHIC: German Tanks

GRAPHIC: German Artillery Firing
GRAPHIC: German Planes Dropping Bombs
GRAPHIC: German Tanks Firing

GRAPHIC: German Tanks Rolling Down Street

GRAPHIC: Hitler With Hand Raised
BACKGROUND: Sig Heil! Sig Heil!

GRAPHIC: President Bush With Hand Raised At Inauguration
BACKGROUND: Sig Heil! Sig Heil!


Script 2:

GRAPHIC: Pictures Of Hitler
HITLER: (Speaking In German)
CHYRON: We have taken new measures to protect our homeland,

GRAPHIC: Pictures Of Hitler
HITLER: (Speaking In German)
CHYRON: I believe I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator,

GRAPHIC: Pictures Of Hitler
HITLER: (Speaking In German)
CHYRON: God told me to strike at al-Qaida and I struck them,

GRAPHIC: Pictures of President Bush
HITLER: (Speaking In German)
CHYRON: and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did.

BACKGROUND: Cheering German Crowd


bruce ticker : today iraq, tomorrow mars.

paul foot : labour's love lost.

al kennedy : it shouldn't happen to a vet.

michael meacher : the cure for apathy is to cut the prime minister's power.

the real cure for apathy is to get rid of the party political system. it stinks from top to bottom and will never deliver democracy because party members are bullied into toeing the party line.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

raff ellis' "is american culture really superior to all others?" asks a very important question, answers it with a 'no' but raises a strange issue for me, viz what kind of question is that?

more apposite titles would have been:

  • "why do so many americans think that american culture is superior to all others?"

  • "who told americans that their culture is superior to all others?"

  • "woe betide those who think that their culture is superior to all others"

this is an excellent piece, but its very title suggests that you, also, have not got a real grip on the answer.


having re-read the piece, i can only admit mea culpa. this is a truly excellent piece and doesn't deserve such sniping - perhaps i need to examine whether i believe my own culture to be superior to raff's

osama bin laden : resist the new rome.

can't say i disagree with the sentiment.

[fx: the sound of jackboots as bliar's nazis come to take me away for assisting a 'known' terrorist]

Monday, January 05, 2004

bliar, in his speech to british troops in iraq, made during his cowardly, not-announced-until-it-was-over visit, accused saddam of having 'weapons of mass distraction'.

the bastard tells the truth, at last.

brian cloughley : never mind the wmds, just look at history.

david r. hoffman : bush vs. hitler: simplistic ideologies, disturbing analogies.

bob fitrakis: why bush must be captured and tried alongside saddam hussein. add bliar to the list, bob.