Friday, November 28, 2003

gold fillings, auschwitz & george bush.

see my links for more about bush family crimes and nazi connections.

more john chuckman: forty years of lies.

john chuckman, the doomsday machine.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

excellent piece on why the u.s.' founders wanted to separate state from religion, wealth and the military.

all that needs to happen now is for that separation to be restored and for it to be put in place in most other countries in the world.

Monday, November 24, 2003

sharon hints at dismantling settlements.

yes. and i'm a dutchman.

when will journalists stop reporting this man's words as if they have any meaning for palestinian freedom.

the only time he speaks the truth is when he's threatening palestinians with death, homelessness, torture, starvation.

when he speaks of getting his vicious colonising scum to move out of palestine, he's always lying.

what he is saying is bullshit anyway, 'cos he's only talking about uprooting a few smaller settlements - but he's also talking about israel drawing its own border!!!!!!!


the lying fat cunt has gone back on it already - took him 4 whole days.

Friday, November 21, 2003

bliar, read this, you bastard.

this is certainly not what i want my country allied to, you twat.

get our troops out of iraq now, you arse-hole, and let that cunt bush try to deal with the angry iraqis on his own - the cheap little coward.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

the real reason there's not peace in the middle east : israel.

"former israeli defence minister moshe dayan once stated: 'because we took their land, we will always be at war.' i think, then, that the answer to ending this conflict is contained in his words."

Monday, November 17, 2003

gary younge, the guardian, 'get mad - and get even': why we must get rid of bliar.

younge is exactly right. enough people have made it clear that they dislike bliar's behavious over the iraqi invasion. we must all now make it even more clear by electing another party to run the country.

not that the tories are any more attractive now than they were a few weeks ago, with david davis banging on about restoring the death penalty - fucking fasicst.

whatever other tories say about this not being party policy, we know that it will become so at some time in the not-too-distant future, for davis' comments are just being used to gauge public opinion to see whether we're blood-thirsty enough to allow such barbaric and inhumane treatment of fellow humans.

i note that that other famous fascist, anne widdecombe, supports davis. this is the woman, don't forget, under whose tenure as a cabinet minister pregnant women were handcuffed to the beds they were giving birth on ... so her care for any form of justice or humanity is obviously zero and she'll just shrug it off as bad luck when the police fit-up innocent people who are executed and then found to be not guilty long after their deaths.

i hate every politician who backs capital punishment. it's cruel, violent and a way of getting their rocks off - fucking perverts.

Friday, November 14, 2003

i am heartily sick of hearing bliar, bush, rumsfeld, straw, perle and all the other war-mongering cunts saying there was some justification in their invasion of iraq.

we now know there are no "weapons of mass destruction" there - whatever that phrase is meant to mean - if ever there was a marketing term used to sell a military idea, that's the one.

we also know that, contrary to the lying assertions of the bush-bliar axis of evil, saddam's government made it absolutely clear that they were prepared to allow any number of u.s. and u.k. troops in to perform weapons inspections.

we also know that saddam's regime were prepared to back the so-called israel-palestine peace plan.

yet these lying cunts still went to war, claiming that saddam would not accede to their demands, killing thousands of iraqi civilians and tens of thousands of iraqi conscripts.

we know they only wanted cheap oil to allow fat, ugly, ignorant bastard americans to drive around in their gross, ugly, gas-guzzling heaps of shit.

if you live in the u.k. Bare your bum at Bush!

remember a u.s. president, reagan, i think, calling the u.s.s.r. "the evil empire"?

well, now the u.s. is the true evil empire. and the rest of the world should cut off oil supplies to the cunts, bringing their economy to its knees, thus destroying bush and his murderous acolytes.

oil exports should be resumed only when there has been regime change and a clear and lasting change of heart about their desire for world domination and for wasting scarce resources.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

israel has, for years, held prisoners without charge or trial.

it's time the lying, war-mongering, genocidal little cunts who run that country were brought before a war-crimes tribunal. they all deserve to die for their appalling treatment of other humans - something i don't say lightly, since i oppose capital punishment.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

the god forsakes antony

when suddenly, at midnight, you hear

an invisible procession going by

with exquisite music, voices,

don’t mourn your luck that’s failing now,

work gone wrong, your plans

all proving deceptive - don’t mourn them uselessly.

as one long prepared, and graced with courage,

say goodbye to her, the alexandria that is leaving.

above all, don’t fool yourself, don’t say

it was a dream, your ears deceived you:

don’t degrade yourself with empty hopes like these.

as one long prepared, and graced with courage,

as is right for you who were given this kind of city,

go firmly to the window

and listen with deep emotion, but not

with the whining, the pleas of a coward;

listen - your final delectation - to the voices,

to the exquisite music of that strange procession,

and say goodbye to her, to the alexandria you are losing.

constantine p. cavafy (1911)

thom rutledge. cool guy. cool views.

bliar and bush are liars.

here are just a few bush lies.

when will the british and u.s. citizens kick them both out of office and replace them both with some guys who have a record for levelling with us?

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

blindkuntt's latest plan, to issue us all with id cards with biometric data on them is the beginning of a very, very slippery slope into fascism.

read at the register why it can't be done properly.

and consider these:

if the fascistic little fuck-wit can't see that he'll often be issuing id to the wrong people, how many of us will have benefits denied or somehow delayed because of problems with the id being issued to the wrong people;

how long before his thought police start collecting data to go into his huge biometric database and then start arresting people for thinking the wrong things?

how long before his thought police start arresting the wrong people for thinking the wrong things, having had someone else be id'd as them?

how do you force people to give biometric data? i certainly won't give it willingly, so what are they going to do - strap us down and take it? keep us in prison until we give it 'willingly'? just kill us for saying 'no'?

Monday, November 10, 2003

fine articles at counterpunch:

zionism as a racist ideology.

the nuptials of boykin and wolfowitz

Thursday, November 06, 2003

luke walmsley's death highlights, yet again, that many british schools seem to have a heads-in-the-sand attitude to bullying.

i'd love to think that the death of this poor kid will be enough to make them all confront it fully and appropriately

but i doubt it and, like children being abused by adults, will be allowed to continue despite a welter of bureaucratic actions which will do nothing to protect children from their enemies.

i remember my own school days when bullying was just seen as part of growing up.


it's about terror, crime and hatred.

and schools need to do more about it than having a fucking ineffective "bullying policy". that's like a corporate "mission statement" - a piece of crap dreamed up by a marketing moron, not by someone who gives a fuck.

friends of mine had a daughter who committed suicide. i believe she did it after being bullied beyond endurance by some little bastards at her school. the school, of course, claims there isn't a bullying problem and that she killed herself for some other reason.

any school head who says there is no bullying problem at her / his school is a fucking liar. it happens in all schools, all the time.

i see lots of people taking the piss out of a man who, dressed as spiderman, held a protest about fathers' rights.

as a divorced father, i know exactly how he feels and understand why he's doing it.

if the fatuous little bastards who are having a go at him were in his position, they'd understand how incredibly cruel some women are and how ineffective the law is at ensuring that the bitches have to keep to contact arrangements.

many women pay no attention at all to court rulings and nobody does anything about it.

it's time a few of them were imprisoned for contempt - that'd make the rest of them sit up and take notice.

the odious new tory, "blue" ken livingstone, had a go at spiderman for causing traffic problems and said that he was an example of why some women don't want their children's fathers around.

to old bluey, i say this: "you may separate from your partner one day, mate, and your currently-loving partner may make it virtually impossible for you to see your children. i hope that you suffer less than most other fathers, because i'd not wish such pain and despair on my worst enemy."

the u.s.' patent laws really need a fucking good revision.

some bloke has been able to patent d.r.m. and file encryption years after the two things became common practice.

the bloke stands to earn billions if his patents, only granted very recently, are upheld by the courts.

this is an absolute nonsense. the man's invented nothing - all he's done, because of the stupid u.s. patent system, is patent existing technology.

Monday, November 03, 2003

jim cottle, falsely imprisoned, tortured, convicted and sentenced in a show trial in saudi arabia, has stated that he wants the government to assist him and the other falsely convicted men in their claims for compensation against the saudi government.

mr cottle, don't get your hopes up. these are bliar's men you're talking about. they will do nothing to help you because they want to keep the saudis sweet so we can continue to get relatively cheap oil from them. you are completely expendable, as are we all, in the government's stampede to help the oil companies' maintain their huge profit levels.

these are men whose representatives in saudi arabia treat all imprisoned britons like pieces of shit. anyone who upsets a saudi or is accused on any crime over there is, in the eyes of our government, just another piece of rubbish to be swept away in the government's attempts to placate the oil men and their greed.

fucking south wales police, the incompetent bastards who police the area where i live, have apparently made it clear that they will prosecute two of the cardiff newsagent three (cn3) for car theft if they, the cn3, help the police to trace the real killers.

remember that this is the nunch of imcompetents who saw to it that jonathan jones was convicted for a murder he couldn't have committed because he had a water-tight alibi which the police wouldn't check - the evidence only came to light when his defence team found the witnesses to the fact that he was elsewhere at the time. these same police 'lost' a major piece of evidence - the carpet in which mr jones' poor wife's parents' dead bodies were wrapped. their only evidence against him was his finger-prit on a cup in their house - a house he had visited many, many times and was bound to have left finger-prints in.

so, to cover up their incompetence once more, south wales police will now try to prosecute people who try to help them.

this is the same police force that allegedly made some 'witnesses' purjure themselves in the lynette white case - again resulting in the wrong people being imprisoned for years.

the chief constable of south wales should be sacked immediately for allowing such fucking nonsense to occur. his replacement should be tasked solely with teaching his / her incompetent bastard detectives exactly what real evidence is and how not to commit purjury every time they go to court.