Saturday, February 07, 2009

LBC attack dogs set on Ben Goldacre

Dr Ben Goldacre wrote a critique of Jeni Barnett's LBC radio broadcast about MMR.

He's been sent a cease and desist notice by LBC's lawyers, forcing him to remove from his site an audio clip of a part of the programme.

Dr Goldacre is not incredibly well paid. He can't afford to take on a rich media company. He's removed the clip.

Other people have placed the clip on e.g. wikileaks and their own sites. See Dr Goldacre's site for more links.

I've added it here for anyone who wants to listen to Jeni Barnett's unscientific and hysterical rant against MMR (c 40MB).

I've been considering making a complaint to OfCom about the way the Jeni Barnett programme was delivered; luckily, I realised that this would lower me to the standards of her employers, LBC - using the law when anyone with principles would be using words.

Update : Sod it, I complained to OfCom anyway, because I think that trying to stifle debate using the law shows a lack of belief in the strength of one's arguments and I think LBC, Ms Barnett and their lawyers should have to argue openly in support of their position on the issue. A complaint to OfCom may have the effect of making these people / organisations defend their views.

Perhaps it'll also make some other media organisations realise that the best way to deal with issues like this is not to attempt censorship, but to have open dealings with their critics.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Have you seen i want great care dot org?

No, I'm not going to create a link to it.

You wanna go there? Type it yourself.

This wonderful site which allows you to rate your doctor and her/his services does not seem to allow comments or feedback on itself.

Now why would a failed junior doctor want to set up a site where people can, if they wish, with no other checking, rip the shit out of any honest, hard-working, caring GP, but which does not allow any feedback on its own services?

I can't imagine, but try rearranging these words into a well-known phrase or saying :

kettle the black calling pot the

or maybe this one :

twat hypocritical a