Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ian, Gordon and Jack, the liars we need to be rid of

I promised I wouldn't use swear-words on this blog because my daughter reads it sometimes and I don't think she should be exposed to such language from her father.

I've told her to stop reading this because I fucking really have to fucking well fucking swear.

What do I want to swear about?

  • Sir Ian Bliar's refusal to resign despite the fact that he tried to stop the IPCC from investigating Jean Charles de Menenez' killing;

  • Gordon Brown being PM - I wanted a General election before the twat took office;

  • The imagination-free Jack Straw's decision that he wants to invent a motto for the United Kingdom. Jack, this state has existed for more than 300 years without a fucking motto and it doesn't need one now, you Stalinist fuck-wit

  • Petrol being more than a quid a litre - a fucking litre - when the pissing Americans are whining because they pay three dollars (about one-pound fifty) a fucking gallon. When is my forced communting (there are no jobs in the valleys village in which I live) going to stop being taxed as if it were a luxury and being used to help GB (see the twat above) to allow his pals in big business to never pay any tax - because I have to pay it all on their behalf. CUNT.


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