A Bogus Hostage Crisis
Being somewhat cynical about the assertions of the current British government (and those of all previous British governments I've had to tolerate living beside), I've found it a little difficult to swallow Bliar's stories about the British mariners captured by the Iranians being innocents snatched by evil Islamists intent on starting a war with Britain.
Gary Leupp's analysis of the situation seems a lot more convincing than Blair's.
Leupp's final paragraph :
I will not prophesy that the evil, dangerous persons (including fundamentalist Christians and secular Jewish neocons) responsible for the war on Iraq will purvey a Good Friday assault on Iran. But I won't be surprised if it happens, with apocalyptic ramifications. Perhaps only in the aftermath will redeeming regime change come here. |
doesn't give me great enthusiasm for the whole thing being resolved diplomatically, despite the British government's words this morning.
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