Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Bogus Hostage Crisis

Being somewhat cynical about the assertions of the current British government (and those of all previous British governments I've had to tolerate living beside), I've found it a little difficult to swallow Bliar's stories about the British mariners captured by the Iranians being innocents snatched by evil Islamists intent on starting a war with Britain.

Gary Leupp's analysis of the situation seems a lot more convincing than Blair's.

Leupp's final paragraph :

I will not prophesy that the evil, dangerous persons (including fundamentalist Christians and secular Jewish neocons) responsible for the war on Iraq will purvey a Good Friday assault on Iran. But I won't be surprised if it happens, with apocalyptic ramifications. Perhaps only in the aftermath will redeeming regime change come here.

doesn't give me great enthusiasm for the whole thing being resolved diplomatically, despite the British government's words this morning.


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