Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Children to nag adults through CCTV

What a load of complete and utter bloody nonsense.

I can just picture the scene :

A warm Summer's evening. Several drunken young people leave a pub and speak loudly to one-another (as drunks do because many of their brains' activities are depressed and they can't hear properly). Someone cracks a joke at the expense of another of the group. The target of the joke drops his trousers and moons his abuser.

The vigilantes who are watching the cameras play some silly recording of a child saying something daft like 'Please don't moon people, it's very rude and upsetting'.

Within 13-and-a-half seconds, the entire group are mooning the camera, laughing uproariously and creating a real disturbance, becoming aggressive as each further silly imprecation is played at them and, finally, starting a fight with some stupid security guards or some Police who appear at the scene, or smashing some car windows in anger at being told off by some faceless, twattish bureaucrat hiding beind a child's voice.

So, 'fixing' the problem with silly voice recordings leads to a near-riot.

Reeeeeeeeally cool.

BTW, WTF is a 'co-ordinator of respect'?

Do I need my respect co-ordinated?

Will my legs break or my hands fall off if I wobble about using unco-ordinated respect?

What a completely, utterly, totally stupid job title. I bet the holder's an absolute silly-billy. (See Moderated Language for why I'm trying to be polite).

Wales 60

BBC Wales has created a panel of 60 people (1 per Assembly seat), the Wales 60, who will be interviewed for radio or TV about their views on Welsh politics and how they think the parties' election campaigns for the Welsh Assembly are proceeding.

I am a member of the Wales 60 for South Wales West (see link in title).

I will be attending my first Wales 60 event, the Lib-Dems' manifesto launch at the Wales Millennium Centre tomorrow, Thursday 5th April.

I'm looking forward to being able to give my views on politics and politicians and will post a report some time tomorrow.

I'll also be attending a sort of Welsh Any Questions at the National Waterfront Museum, Swansea on Sunday, 15th April and may, if I'm lucky, get to ask the panel a question, so I'm thinking hard about which of my favourite political topics I should prepare some questions about. I'll post about that event on 16th.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Bogus Hostage Crisis

Being somewhat cynical about the assertions of the current British government (and those of all previous British governments I've had to tolerate living beside), I've found it a little difficult to swallow Bliar's stories about the British mariners captured by the Iranians being innocents snatched by evil Islamists intent on starting a war with Britain.

Gary Leupp's analysis of the situation seems a lot more convincing than Blair's.

Leupp's final paragraph :

I will not prophesy that the evil, dangerous persons (including fundamentalist Christians and secular Jewish neocons) responsible for the war on Iraq will purvey a Good Friday assault on Iran. But I won't be surprised if it happens, with apocalyptic ramifications. Perhaps only in the aftermath will redeeming regime change come here.

doesn't give me great enthusiasm for the whole thing being resolved diplomatically, despite the British government's words this morning.

Moderated language

I've discovered that my daughter has been reading this blog.

In future there will be little or no use of profanity here, as I don't want to be a hypocrite - how can I correct my daughter's language if I don't stick to the rules by which I expect her to play?

Monday, April 02, 2007

Anti-Zionism as anti-semitism

I noticed on the BBC Radio 4 news this morning that some folks (I can't remember who) were saying that people are using anti-Zionism as a cover for anti-semitism.

I bloody hate this weasely use of words. It's used as a means to distract attention from what the Israeli government is perpetrating in Palestine - genocide.

I absoutely detest the Israeli government's Zionist policies, its desire to see the Palestinians wiped off the map, its desire to be able to control the whole of the middle East. I do not detest Jews.

Anyone calling me an anti-semite for speaking out against Imperialism when I see it is asking for a good slap.

I detest the Imperialism of the government of my own country. That does not make me anti-British - it makes me anti-Imperialist.

Do I have to drag out loads more examples? No? Good.

So, stop the 'anti-Zionism is anti-semitism' crap and start a dialogue about something important - like stopping the Brits and Yanks killing Iraqis and the Israelis killing Palestinians.