Wednesday, February 22, 2006

legislative and regulatory reform bill

i just found this on the bbc web site - and it wasn't even their main headline - fears raised on ministers' power.

this is one of the most sinister, frightening and evil pieces of legislation i have ever heard of.

this will give ministers the power to make any laws they feel like. allow them to "scrap jury trials", "place people under house arrest, rewrite immigration laws or sack judges", according to lawyers at cambridge university.

or, how's about:

  • imprison people forever, with no habeas corpus and no right to a trial;

  • ban media which criticises them;

  • imprison all muslims;

  • imprison all catholics;

  • imprison all jews;

  • imprison all protestants, hindus, bhuddists etc;

  • remove our right to vote;

  • remove our few remaining rights to say what we want to say;

  • remove our right to abortion;

  • remove our right to free medical care;

  • remove our right to benefits when we're unable to work;

  • remove our right to free schooling;

  • ban political parties which don't agree with their evil rule.

do i have to go on?

jim murphy's pathetic idea (idea? sop to the faint-hearts in his party, more correctly) of giving parliamentary committees a veto over the law changes / creations, is another evil action - the parliamentary committees are deliberately stuffed with government supporters, so what kind of "safeguard" would they be? they'd just rubber-stamp the fucking lot.

when the u.s.s.r. collapsed and china started dealing with the outside world, i thought we'd be heading for a safer, more prosperous and just world.

how wrong i was. the cold warriors don't have each other to argue with, so they're turning on their own populations and making our lives mean, restricted and pathetic.

we must fight this law and the evil bastards who thought it up.

bliar and his bunch of neo-fascists must be defeated at the next general election and replaced, not with a copy of them - the tories, but with a group who show that they really give a fuck about freedom, democracy, humility and human dignity.

this bill is so similar to nazi germany's "enabling act" of 1933 that it makes my skin crawl to think about it. that one act allowed hitler and his ministers to unleash on the world some of the most evil legislation ever enacted in world history. britain must not be allowed to end up in the same gutter as germany found itself when the nazis were in charge.

fight this evil legislation now, or you may never get a chance to say "no" to government ever again.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

more on i.d. cards

nicholas von hoffman: government secrecy inspires conspiracy, paranoia and rumors.

this is, of course, as true here in the u.k. as it is in the u.s.

the majority of british people, while whingeing and moaning about bliar's i.d. card scheme, will knuckle-under and register for their cards in order that they can get new passports.

if that majority would simply refuse to renew their passports, take their holidays in the u.k. (very good for some british businesses, bad for the airlines) and write to their m.p. explaining what they're doing, the whole pile of shit would collapse in no time, as the airlines and travel companies (big contributors to political parties, both) suffered hard times and begged (forced?) bliar to get rid of the whole sorry shambles.

but there's a deeper problem than just i.d. cards.

there are large chunks of government business which are kept secret. for example, the appallingly ill-inspired, badly-run p.f.i. scheme, about which the public and even m.p.s know nothing because certain things are 'trade secrets'. this scheme spends billions in public money. a full accounting is absolutely essential, but the majority accept the government's assertions that such details should be kept secret.

i don't happen to agree. it's my money they're spending, not their own, and i demand to know how, why and where it's being spent.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

iraqi child abuse by u.k. military

it utterly, utterly sickens, but does not surprise, me that u.k. troops have been exposed as child abusers : the axis of child abusers - ranking now, in the world's eyes, alongside the evil bastards of the israeli and u.s. military.

what does surprise me is that anyone has the gall to pretend their own 'surprise' that this should occur.

the british army has a well-documented history of child abuse in northern ireland, where roman catholic children were terrified to go near british soldiers for fear of the beatings they would receive.

this sort of behaviour is not the 'one-off' actions of a 'few bad apples'.

this sort of bahaviour is encouraged by our politicians with their ludicrous 'we must support our troops - no matter what' messages, is ordered by high-ranking officers and passed-down through the ranks with a nod and a wink and an assurance that few, if any, will be prosecuted.

those who are prosecuted are those who are stupid enough to allow themselves to be filmed committing their attrocities - the 'few bad apples' dumb enough to get their pictures on the telly - like the few who have been prosecuted for torturing iraqi adults. is anyone really stupid enough to believe that was the only such incident? those who pretend to believe it are liars.

the most culpable criminal in this is bliar; second come the craven bastards who voted for bliar's crazed iraqi war in the house of commons; third come the military commanders who are only too happy to turn a blind eye to the crimes committed by their service-men and -women until the press gets hard evidence of them.

they are the ones who should really be imprisoned for this - not just for these acts of child abuse, but for their prosecution of an illegal, immoral and evil war.

i.d. cards

so, britain has come to this : government staves off i.d. rebels.

i guess i now have to get ready to either go to prison when this bunch of fascists makes it compulsory to have one of their fucking cards, because i will never register for one of the bastard things, or to die of some treatable disease when the twats decide that i can't even see a doctor without having a fucking card.

this is one of the saddest days for britain. why does no-one else seem to give a fuck?

are they all so used to bliar and his corporatist owners taking away our liberties that this doesn't seem any worse than the other things this fascist government has done?

britain's long, slow slide into fascism started with that evil old bitch, margaret thatcher. she made it virtually impossible for anyone to stand up to crap behaviour by their employer when she totally emasculated the trades unions. it's beome worse and worse under bliar, a true conservative (big 'c'), who has made it more and more difficult for us to protest and now intends to make it compulsory to carry a fucking id card.

well, tony boy, you can sit on it, pal. i'll rot in jail before i carry a fucking id card and before you get any of my genetic or biometric data and i'll fight you through the european court of human rights, 'cos you don't have the right to demand any part of my body so that you can digitise my identity and fill up your database with the most intimate details of my life.

fuck you, bliar.

and fuck every spineless piece of shit who voted for your disgusting, evil legislation.