i.d. cards
so, britain has come to this : government staves off i.d. rebels.
i guess i now have to get ready to either go to prison when this bunch of fascists makes it compulsory to have one of their fucking cards, because i will never register for one of the bastard things, or to die of some treatable disease when the twats decide that i can't even see a doctor without having a fucking card.
this is one of the saddest days for britain. why does no-one else seem to give a fuck?
are they all so used to bliar and his corporatist owners taking away our liberties that this doesn't seem any worse than the other things this fascist government has done?
britain's long, slow slide into fascism started with that evil old bitch, margaret thatcher. she made it virtually impossible for anyone to stand up to crap behaviour by their employer when she totally emasculated the trades unions. it's beome worse and worse under bliar, a true conservative (big 'c'), who has made it more and more difficult for us to protest and now intends to make it compulsory to carry a fucking id card.
well, tony boy, you can sit on it, pal. i'll rot in jail before i carry a fucking id card and before you get any of my genetic or biometric data and i'll fight you through the european court of human rights, 'cos you don't have the right to demand any part of my body so that you can digitise my identity and fill up your database with the most intimate details of my life.
fuck you, bliar.
and fuck every spineless piece of shit who voted for your disgusting, evil legislation.
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