Thursday, September 30, 2004

no more travelling for me once this piece of real big brother interference with honest people going about their lawful business starts being used. no fucking jobs-worth twat is going to take biometric readings from me for any purpose.

here's the way to stop it:

everyone stop travelling overseas. bliar and blindkuntt remove the prying when the airlines start to squeak and squeal about lost revenues.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

sir ivor roberts has described cunt bush as "the best recruiting sergeant ever for al-Qaeda".

i just think it's tragic that he now feels it necessary to distance himself from the comment and to pretend that "these remarks as reported do not reflect my personal views".

at a time when we really need people to speak out against cunt bush and his mad imperialism, it's a real pity that roberts won't stand by his principles. but, then, roberts is a politician in all but official name, so what can we really expect, since politicians' principles are there to be traded for money and influence.

green tax to hit aircraft and cars that waste petrol.


at the same time as the u.s's fascist government is refusing entry to cat stevens, one of the most peaceful and peace-loving men on the planet, it is giving 'bunker busting' bombs to israel so that the israeli mother-fuckers can attack iranians and palestinians with ever-more destructive weapons.

dotch'a just luurve cunt's bush's determination to fight evil by creating more evil?

it makes me wish i was a different species, so that people could never equate me, a human male, with that fucking bastard and his increasingly insane militarism.

i also wish that i had some sort of force-field available so that i could build a completely impenetrable wall around the u.s. so that the fuckers could never, ever again, communicate with the rest of the world, or sell arms to another country, or invade another country, or mess with the internal politics of another country.

nothing wrong with pipe-dreams, is there?

Friday, September 17, 2004

body of tsar's mother to return.

given that royalists are always a fucking terrible problem, why the fuck are the russians giving the bastards a focus for their stupid ideas? it'll lead to blood in the streets - maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day and there'll be a lot of it.

leonard cohen will be seventy years old on tuesday next.

last year's man who was humbled in love?

no. a troubadour whose famous blue raincoat will live forever.

my favourite song of his, dance me to the end of love, is reproduced below, without his permission, so i hope he doesn;t mind.

dance me to the end of love

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin

Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in

Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone

Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon

Show me slowly what I only know the limits of

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on

Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long

We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the children who are asking to be born

Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn

Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin

Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in

Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

fuck, but i hate bush and every single nazi thing the little cunt stands for.

having new york police arrest and illegally detain protestors and others who weren't protesting, during the republican national convention is not the largest of his many, many crimes, but it stinks as much of hitler's nazi germeny as anything he's ever done before.

gods, i hope the american people dump this little shit at their forthcoming election - otherwise, they'll all live to regret it as his vindictiveness towards dissent becomes absolute.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

ron jacobs : steve earle's "the revolution is now" : redneck music for the new century.

there is a typo in jacobs' article's title. the album is called "the revolution starts now". cool lyrics, if rather trying music to those of us who do not like country & western. but, maybe i could be converted to it if more c&w song writers spoke against cunt's bush's imperialism and fascism.

Monday, September 13, 2004

boy killed after hunt mistakes him for a fox, but fox hunting must be allowed to continue.

mustn't it?

'compensation culture' sweeping britain.

who could it have been who allowed this situation to arise?

wouldn't have been infamous lawyer anthony charles lynton bliar when, as one of his first acts after becoming prime minister, he gave solicitors the right to advertise, would it?

jonathan freedland : tony bliar's survival is an affront to our constitution.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

peter bohmer : present and future: the cuban revolution.

"cuba's survival in the face of the u.s. attempt to destroy the cuban revolution is a great achievement as is cuba's continuing to provide for the basic needs of its population. for example, every single person in cuba has free dental and eye care. every person in cuba with aids gets free, high-quality retroviral drugs.

our responsibility as u.s. residents is to stop the criminal embargo/blockade against cuba that is being waged by the u.s. government in our name. for 45 years, the people in power in the united states have been unwilling to accept a sovereign, independent cuba. that is the main reason behind the past and present immoral and illegal u.s. actions against cuba; we have the responsibility to change u.s. policy.

during our six weeks in cuba, we were all impressed by how well we were treated and received by the cuban people and government who consider the u.s. people, but not the u.s. government as their friends. it is up to us to make the difference between the people of the u.s. and our government greater, to make our government's aggression against cuba so unpopular in the united states that it is forced to accept cuban sovereignty."

hear, hear.

i holidayed in cuba earlier this year and i have never met such warm, friendly people, never seen a government work so hard to improve the lot of its citizens, never seen such superb medicine offered in what is still, essentially, a country with a third-world economy.

long live the revolution. long live fidel. long live a free cuba.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

the deaths of so many at beslan are terrible. there is no excuse for killing children - none in the world.

that's why russia's repeated invasions of chechnya are disgusting.

the bastards have killed 35,00 chechen children, injured another 40,000, left 32,000 with only one parent and left 6,500 orphans.

racist bastard putin calls his war in chechnya a war against terrorists, in order to disguise what it really is - a racist land-grab run by a very, very ugly man.

Monday, September 06, 2004

here's a greg palast article from september 2000, bliar's american daze, which explains all of the little shit's actions.

i can't fucking believe this - bae systems are going to use windows, rather than un*x, for command and control systems on britain's warships. this is the stupidest decision i have ever heard of.

windows is full of security holes and displays unreliability of a high order. it is going to be very, very difficult for m$ to fix those holes because of the lack of modularity in windows' source code.

i can only imagine that there have been some big back-handers given out prior to this decision being taken.

write to your m.p. demanding that this decision be reversed.

oss torpedoed: royal navy will run on windows for warships - the register.

Friday, September 03, 2004

carolyne willow, in children are ordinary citizens, too, makes many valid points about the way that blindkuntt and the strawman are treating our children.

they are being subjected to curfews for no reason other than that the police are allowed to impose them.

they are going to be added to a government database, with no proper parliamentary discussion because the database inclusion is a minor clause in a childrens' bill.

they are being made out to be thugs and monsters.

they deserve none of this.

there are children with problems, and they each need to be dealt with in a way which is best for that child. treating all children as if they are problems is at best disingenuous and at worst abusive.

graydon carter : bush by numbers: four years of double standards.

labour reneges on 10-year pledge to introduce corporate killing law.

well, what can one expect from a bunch of corrupt bastards who take money from corporations to run their political party?

the law needs an immediate change to outlaw all corporate donations to political parties, making their funding dependent only on a fixed, standard payment to each party based on its number of MPs and AMs, MEPs along with a fixed, standard subscription from each registered member.

all other payments in money or in kind should automatically attract a prison sentence for the donator as well as for the party operative who received the illegal payment on behalf of the party, even if the donation is trivially small (e.g. £1 or a pencil). payments in kind of "loans" of rooms, vehicles, machinery, etc should also be included.

illegal payments of money (or a sum equivalent to the value of a payment in kind) should be taken away from the parties and placed in central funds.

a list should be published every month, and a full list each year, of those parties and individuals who have been convicted during that period of indulging in this corruption of the political process. the lists should be mandatorily published in all newspapers, on easily accessible government web sites, in home office buildings and in post offices.

those individuals involved should be excluded from holding political office for a term of no less than 20 years from the date of conviction.

i fully expect to see newspaper headlines such as "head of social services falls on sword over girl of three left in filth for two years despite her father's pleas" or "social workers admit responsibility, resign".

no, only jokin'.

i know with absolute certainty that ever single one of them will deny their dereliction, ignore this poor child's suffering and misery and will demand that they be left alone to live their lives in privacy - just as they left this child to be sexually abused, starved and brutalised in private.


i've said before and i'll say again, that cuntbush is a mother-fucking nazi. his grandfather bank-rolled hitler. his father and he are members of nazi organisations in the u.s.a.

here's someone else who thinks there are scary parallels between hitler and cuntbush.

bob fitrakis : gott mit uns: on bush and hitler's rhetoric

Thursday, September 02, 2004

clive james : "schwarzenegger? he looks like a condom stuffed with walnuts."

high plains grifter : the life and times of george w bush, jeffrey st clair

part one : the ties that blind

part two : mark his words

part three : more pricks than kicks

part four : jesus told him where to bomb

part six : bush's mask of anarchy

john chuckman : 9/11: the day the world ended, three years on.