Friday, September 03, 2004

labour reneges on 10-year pledge to introduce corporate killing law.

well, what can one expect from a bunch of corrupt bastards who take money from corporations to run their political party?

the law needs an immediate change to outlaw all corporate donations to political parties, making their funding dependent only on a fixed, standard payment to each party based on its number of MPs and AMs, MEPs along with a fixed, standard subscription from each registered member.

all other payments in money or in kind should automatically attract a prison sentence for the donator as well as for the party operative who received the illegal payment on behalf of the party, even if the donation is trivially small (e.g. £1 or a pencil). payments in kind of "loans" of rooms, vehicles, machinery, etc should also be included.

illegal payments of money (or a sum equivalent to the value of a payment in kind) should be taken away from the parties and placed in central funds.

a list should be published every month, and a full list each year, of those parties and individuals who have been convicted during that period of indulging in this corruption of the political process. the lists should be mandatorily published in all newspapers, on easily accessible government web sites, in home office buildings and in post offices.

those individuals involved should be excluded from holding political office for a term of no less than 20 years from the date of conviction.


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