Friday, June 25, 2004

gm dna in our food? no thank-you - just read gm food is heading for your fridge by michael meacher.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

i missed this a few weeks back, not having had time to read much of counterpunch: gerry adams on how british armed forces tortured irish people in a calm, disinterested way, having been well-trained in the methods they should use.

so bliar was lying again when he said the british troops torturing iraqis are just a few bad apples - they're not, they've been ordered to torture and they've been trained in the most effective methods. bliar knows it, is lying and should be forced to resign - but 'new' labour m.p.s don't have the balls to do so because they're more concerned about retaining power than in justice or truth.

fuck you, bush. keep your stinking, bloody hands off cuba, you cunt.

and let the cuban five go, you discredited, mean-spirited, evil, culpable bastard.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

paul foot with lots of good reasons for trying to get the uk out of the eu.

the first time israeli soldiers show what's happening in hebron, the authorities raid the exhibition and take away exhibits, preventing the rest of the world seeing what's happening in palestine.

their pathetic excuse that they were looking for evidence for potential courts-martial fools no-one but an idiot - they never court-martial anyone who commits atrocities against palestinians - why would they start now?

fucking american gangsters have admitted on tv that they are planning terrorist attacks on cuba.

how come that nice mr bush's police, c.i.a. and f.b.i. are very keen to arrest anyone who looks mildly arabic because they may be planning terrorist attacks but will not arrest white people who definitely are planning terrorist attacks?

the american authorities have allowed these gangsters, especially a man named orlando bosch, to kill 3,500 cubans with complete impunity.

bush's continued lies about who are the real terrorists are sickening and the american people need to wake up to the lies being told them, the lies being used to justify murder, illegal imprisonment and torture in their name and get rid of their fascistic little bastard of a president as soon as possible.

the american people ignore bush's family's nazi-supporting past, their riches coming from illegal dealings with the nazis during ww2 and their continued support for fascists all over the world - $36 million for the people who want to kill cubans.

bush is a fucking disgrace, a fucking liar, a fucking nazi and a fucking psychopathic killer. he needs to be in prison, not running the most militarily powerful country on the planet.

here's another example of bush's government supporting terrorists as long as they're white: why is ashcroft soft on terror?

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

uri avnery : irreversible mental damage

Monday, June 21, 2004

walter a davis : passion of the christ in abu ghraib.

nothing more need be said on that appallingly violent, homoerotic film nor on the appallingly violent acts carried-out by bush's little morons at abu ghraib.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

bernard weiner: no other way to say it: torture memos reveal fascist mentality

Friday, June 11, 2004

tony bliar third in local elections. ray charles dead. guess which one upsets me.

richard williams : ray charles, father of soul music, dies at 73

Thursday, June 10, 2004

i'm so glad that there are respected journalists out there who are making notes about the constant stream of lies emanating from israel, britain and the u.s. about the occupied territories and israel's complete failure to leave while claiming over and over that it is leaving; 'cos i'm sick of listening to fatty sharon contradicting himself in consecutive sentences, of listening to jack strawman lying in support of the fat greasy bastard and of reading the complete garbage that comes out of israel's terrorism- and genocide-sponsor, the u.s. gov.

ahmed bouzid : nothing new under the israeli sun.

tony horwitz : let's bury reaganomics with its founder. sounds just like the u.k. as well as australia.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

paul foot : our kind of dictators.