blindkuntt's latest plan, to issue us all with id cards with biometric data on them is the beginning of a very, very slippery slope into fascism.
read at the register why it can't be done properly.
and consider these:
if the fascistic little fuck-wit can't see that he'll often be issuing id to the wrong people, how many of us will have benefits denied or somehow delayed because of problems with the id being issued to the wrong people;
how long before his thought police start collecting data to go into his huge biometric database and then start arresting people for thinking the wrong things?
how long before his thought police start arresting the wrong people for thinking the wrong things, having had someone else be id'd as them?
how do you force people to give biometric data? i certainly won't give it willingly, so what are they going to do - strap us down and take it? keep us in prison until we give it 'willingly'? just kill us for saying 'no'?
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