i see lots of people taking the piss out of a man who, dressed as spiderman, held a protest about fathers' rights.
as a divorced father, i know exactly how he feels and understand why he's doing it.
if the fatuous little bastards who are having a go at him were in his position, they'd understand how incredibly cruel some women are and how ineffective the law is at ensuring that the bitches have to keep to contact arrangements.
many women pay no attention at all to court rulings and nobody does anything about it.
it's time a few of them were imprisoned for contempt - that'd make the rest of them sit up and take notice.
the odious new tory, "blue" ken livingstone, had a go at spiderman for causing traffic problems and said that he was an example of why some women don't want their children's fathers around.
to old bluey, i say this: "you may separate from your partner one day, mate, and your currently-loving partner may make it virtually impossible for you to see your children. i hope that you suffer less than most other fathers, because i'd not wish such pain and despair on my worst enemy."
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