shraon and the other evil, murderous bastards who run israel say they may need to change the route of their 'security' fence a little to ensure it will comply with international law.
since the whole thing is an affront to international law, freedom and basic human rights, this is just more whitewash from these twats.
it is now time for the u.n. to stop pussy-footing around with israel and to enforce its dozens of resoultions condemning its behaviour.
a u.n. force must be placed in israel and palestine which has the legal power to remove all israelis from palestine, to demolish the 'security' fence and to prosecute sharon and his minions for human rights abuses, murder and genocide. it must also have the fire-power necessary to fight off the israeli armed forces, since they will surely be mobilised by the fat cunt sharon in an attempt to hold on to power and to be allowed to continue his genocide.
isn't it odd that the israelis are more than happy to ask the international court for assistance in killing palestinians, but has said that it will oppose the court's jurisdication over the legality of the 'security' fence?
do as i say, not as i do, obviously.
the twat who runs the israeli prisons has said he'll refuse to allow yigal amir, kitzhak rabin's assassin, to marry.
since when did anyone have the right to rule whether someone else may marry? just because amir killed a zionist, racist bastard doesn't mean he should not be allowed to marry the woman he's chosen.
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