a third of kids in britain live in poverty but our esteemed leader thinks it's ok to spend billions on a pointless war with iraq in order to make sure that dubya knows he can take our prime minister up the arse any time he likes, rather than do something about these children. the man's inhumanity beggars belief. the sooner he's replaced by someone more pleasant, less evil like - well, anyone - the better.
even john prescott would be a better pm, at least he'd just spend all his time eating pies and drinking beer rather than wasting money that'd be better spent at home on this most disgusting of military adventures.
blair and his bum-chum georgie-porgie are rattling their sabres again. thank goodness the french, russians and chinese seem to be prepared to refuse to give their war-mongering a veneer of respectability - those countries may, if the whole world's very lucky, use their veto at the un to prevent the blair-bush axis of evil from using the un as cover for their vile, imperialist activities.
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