Saturday, December 21, 2002

So, Bush and Blair, paragons of virtue the pair of them, have decided on the date to start bombing the shit out of Iraq. Susprise, surprise, surprise that they should have found it so easy to find an excuse to do so - a "material breach" in Iraq's inventory of their weapons, so we're told. Funny that the people who "know" that the weapons exist won't tell Hans Blix' group where those things are so that they can be decommissioned, eh?

If they want a war so badly, there's fuck-all I can do to stop it, but I detest the way this pair of murderous bastards are trying to hoodwink me. I'm not that fucking stupid and I don't need to be lied to. If they can't justify their war in any meaningful legal manner then they should just say so and get on with it. Trying to get my support for it just makes them look even dumber than the pair of them obviously are.

I believe that Saddam should be removed from power. He's a cruel, heartless murderer. I don't believe that Iraqi children should be blown to bits to depose him, though. I also don't think that the leaders of the two countries on earth who have more weapons of mass destruction than all the others put together should dare to moralise in this way. Makes them look a bit hypocritical, don't it?

So, quick Christmas message to them: "Hope you enjoy your war, chaps, and, when it comes back to bite someone on the arse, above all you'd better pray it's you personally who gets bitten. If it's someone I care for who gets hurt and I'm still alive after the event, you'd better hide because, if I can ever get near you, you cowards, it'll be very, very unpleasantly violent for you, just like the environment you're building for millions of innocent Iraqi men, women and, above all, children, you cowardly, craven, useless pair of child-killers."

I always want to use swear words, or ordinary words in a derogatory way, when I write about Blair, Bush, Sharon, Musharaff etc, but it would be a misuse of some fabulous words:

  • I want to call them "fucking" useless, but I enjoy fucking - it's one of the most fun things on the planet ;)

  • I want to call them "butchers" but butchers are useful people

  • I want to call them "bastards" but there's no difference between me and a person whose parents don't happen to have gone through some bizzare religious ceremony

  • I want to call them "twats" but twats, specifically meaning "vaginas", are great. Love 'em :)

  • I want to call them "morons" but a misuse of (limited, in Bush's case) intelligence is far worse than having none

Best words for them are, I think, evil, arrogant, childish, churlish, stupid, murderous, mean-spirited. I'm sure I'll think of a few more immediately I've posted this, but I can always edit it later.

If anyone does ever read this, which I doubt because I haven't yet had a visit from the spooks, I hope you all have a peaceful time over the Christmas period. I know there are more non-Christians than Christians in the world, and I'm not one myself, but most of the Western world will be celebrating Jesus' birth; supposedly a time when we're meant to consider the rightness of our actions towards other people. Unfortunately, the people who can make a big difference to the world will be considering making a very big difference to many Iraqi's lives - ending them. I wish all non-Christians to please believe that the majority of people in the UK (certainly all of the ones I speak to) do not support this war. We know it's about oil not about Saddam being naughty, and we don't think its basis is in religion and we don't want it to happen so, when you hit back, please make it at specifically governmental targets 'cause the rest of us didn't start this, any more than you did, and we really don't want it.

Happy Christmas 2002



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