Haven't posted anything for a week. Don't know why - lots of dangerous things have been done by governments all over the world, things which deserve comment and condemnation. There are so many of them that I can't list them all here, so go visit SmirkingChimp.com or YellowTimes.org (see my links) to see what's pissing me off.
People need to start rebellions all over the world. Governments in most of the West and virtually all of the rest of the world, even when they're supposed to be democratic, are acting as if the people are their subjects rather than the people who run the country. So, we all need to start ruling. This means kicking out these power-mad mother-fuckers and replacing them with people who have a public service ethic and who are not firmly up the arses of global corporations.
There seems to be a left-wing backlash starting in the UK, unless I'm much mistaken. The unions, now that they're not chaired by guys who are being fist-fucked by Blair, are starting to raise questions about the way the country's being run, how corporations who give fuck-all get everything, how a Tory bastard like Blair ever got to be leader of "new" Labour anyway.
Well, that's the no-brainer, chaps - Blair is leader of "new" Labour 'cos "new" Labour has nothing whatsoever to do with real Labour; the marketeers have assisted in the hijacking of the party by the Tories. Why else would the Tories appear so unconcerned that no-one listens to what they have to say under their official name - it's 'cos they're being listened to under their assumed identity.
Time for you to take the party back, guys, and put Blair where he belongs - on the Tory back benches - unless you can make the twat resign from politics altogether and give us a break from his ever-so-earnest, ever-so-patronising tones.
He has the sort of face that needs slapping for smirking all the time. God, I detest the self-satisfied little jerk.
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