Friday, November 22, 2002

What pisses me off most about the current hysteria in the US about terrorism, hysteria which is being used as an excuse for any and every infringement of civil liberties over there, is that the US has only been hit a few of times by acts of terrorism. The only ones I know of are Timmy McVeigh blowing up a building in Oklahoma(?) killing a couple of hundred, Osama bin Laden hitting the WTC (conveniently for GW Bush) twice, once not very successfully, once very successfully.

Now, while I regard these as heinous acts for which the perpetrators need severe punishment (but short of death - I think capital punishment demeans a society hugely, being on a par with intolerance of others' beliefs or race), for the US to be bleating about these things is only an excuse for illiberal activities. The US has sponsored terrorism all over the world, including here in the UK where the IRA has received huge amounts of money from American Irish and Roman Catholics, and for them to whinge and cry when they reap the whilrwind is hypocritical in the extreme and should just make the rest of the world say "serves you right, you bastards".

I'm not saying I don't feel symapthy for the people whose family members died in these attacks, but I cannot see that they justify the appalling acts of violence being perpetrated now in Iraq (US and UK 'planes bomb sites there on most days) and the even more appalling acts which will follow when Bush / Blair get their war, as they surely will 'cos Bush has already said that the UN inspections will fail - even before they've started.

I really can't understand why people continue to vote for politicians who will not renounce violence. Politicians scream and shout about how awful violence is amongst their populus but then quite happily mete it out to foreigners - always seems to be foreigners who're sitting above some oil or where an oil pipeline may be built. Odd that, isn't it?

Scary politician of the day: Geoff Hoon. Don't know where this loony came from but he's about the most dangerous person in Blair's cabinet (a cabinet which is made up of some of the most illiberal creeps I've seen since John Major stopped being Prime Minister). He's already talking about first-strike nuclear weapons use being OK and he's said he's more than happy to send British servicemen to Iraq even before the UN inspectors start their job properly. This man needs taking outside and being given a good kicking to make him understand the pain he's going to give to people he's never met, doesn't wish to meet 'cos they're foreign. He's an evil, xenophobic, killer and surely does not deserve a job which pays him out of public funds - just like his boss, really.

Why does the Labour Party let Blair & Co continue at the top of it? They're not socialists, in fact they think socialism is a dirty word, so what are they doing running what's supposed to be a socialist party? Isn't it time you booted them out, lads?

Can't tell the difference between Labour and Tory policies any more. Think I'll join the Socialist Workers - they at least have a coherent list of policies - but then, so does Labour; it is "give our corporate friends everything they want in order that they can make as much money as they like oput of the British people. Let them charge huge amounts for necessities like water, fuel and food" and, most of all, "fuck the British public - if they're stupid enough to vote for a bunch of capitalist lackeys like us, they deserve all they get".

Why are we in the EU? So that those bastard capitalists can fleece us more and more. We need to get out of the EU, to tell the US to stuff it and to go back to our trade links with the Commonwealth.


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