Thursday, November 21, 2002

Bush is at it again. He's threatening to attack Iraq simply for denying it has "banned" weapons. Aren't these the "banned" weapons that the disgusting arms companies in the US produce in huge numbers?

Apparently, Georgie-boy wants to bomb Iraq 'cos Saddam's "lying" about not having naughty weapons. How does this equate with the US "lying" about not having biological and chemical weapons programmes for years. Surely he should be bombing himself for "lying" to the rest of the world, to his own electorate and, probably, even to his own family. Why won't this creepy, anal little man admit that he wants Iraq's oil so that at least we know the war's going to be fought on economic grounds rather than for some high ideals about protecting the world from Saddam.

The US corporations bought this president many years ago and they're now buying a war in Iraq so they can have cheap oil for a few more years. I'd rather see them spend the billions that'll be wasted on this pointless adventure on the development of non-fossil fuels so that this war and the many that will come after it, don't need to be fought.

One US president warned against the power of the military-industrial complex. Why didn't his fuck-witted countrymen listen to him and curtail the power of the military and the large corporations many, many years ago?

I really hate all these chicken-hawk politicians, Bush and Blair especially, but there are many others (Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Hoon, Straw etc) who want to send kids to fight in their evil war when they have never had the guts to go and fight anywhere themselves. I would never fight for anything that wasn't personal, so I've never joined the forces and never would, but I also would not send troops anywhere to get involved in any war.

Chicken-hawks take a different view: they're too gutless to have joined the forces themselves or, in many cases of the leading Republicans in the US, failed to serve when conscripted, but they're more than happy to send other people's sons and daughters off to die so that their equally spineless corporate owners can have access to cheap oil. I will guarantee that no child of one of these selfish, snivelling worm bastards will ever fight one of their wars. Bastards. I hate them, hate them, hate them.


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