Superb piece in today, by William Rivers Pitt, entitled 'Here. Now'
Leaders never lead, unless the people lead them. Leaders, left to their own devices, will follow the call of the folks writing the checks. For too long in this country, the people have abdicated their basic responsibility - to rule. In the absence of the people's leadership, our elected officials have begun listening to the corporations and the well-funded interest groups instead. The result is the mess we are in. This is without question a bi-partisan problem that affects both parties. Look no further than the fact that the vast majority of newly registered voters sign up as Independent.
Maybe it has gone too far to be fixed. Between the PATRIOT Act and this new Homeland Security Department, there is very little substance left to the founding documents and principles that once were the people's sword and shield. The media has become an adjunct mouthpiece for the corporations that own the outlets, and the politicians who receive the corporate donations and thus dutifully tow the line shout into this echo chamber and drown out all dissent. Those few elected officials who do stand against the nation we are devolving into see their voices disappear in the wake of parroted noise. Sometimes, those who speak out wind up dead.
Pitt's referring to the state of the US, run by a leader who can't think for himself, is a serial killer and let's the corporations who paid for his presidency to make all the rules. The situation in the UK is little different. We, the electorate, need to stand up now and refuse to be bullied into accepting further infringements into our liberties and the rolling back of the last lot of infringements before Blair and his bastards make it impossible for us to refuse.
Blair is a Nazi dressed up as a liberal. He's hi-jacked the Labour party and turned it into the antithesis if its former self. We must all watch the actions, not listen to the words, because the spin put onto the actions is intended to prevent us understanding what's really going on.
What is Naziism?
I don't know how Hitler defined it, but here"s a working definition which more or less covers things that are happening in the US and UK right now:
- The real or effective imposition of a single-party political system; either by law or by the hi-jacking of the opposition"s principal policies by the incumbent party or by the opposition failing to oppose the incumbent party for fear of seeming "unpatriotic";
- Politicians" votes and support are bought by big business contributions to them individually, to their campaign funds or to their party;
- Steady erosion of workplace safety requirements, in order that capitalists can avoid their responsibilities;
- Steady erosion of employment protection, in order that capitalists can avoid their responsibilities;
- Steady erosion of consumer protection, in order that capitalists can avoid their responsibilities;
- Steady erosion of civil liberties in order to "protect" the electorate from some unseen enemy;
- Steady increase in the influence of well-funded pressure groups, out of all proportion to their membership numbers;
- More and greater powers for intrusion into peoples" private lives by the authorities;
- More and greater introduction of capitalist enterprise into government work: in education, "security", the essential utilities, the less-essential utilities;
- The subjugation of the peoples" freedom of choice to the requirements of capitalist enterprise: peoples" choice is only from what the capitalists choose to give them;
In other words, Naziism IS capitalism.
All that needs to happen for the Nazis to take over completely is for people who care to do nothing - the Nazis are in the ascendant and they win if we stand by and fail to oppose them.
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