Goodness, 20th January and not a single rant since 23rd December. What's happened?
Well, I seem to be a little less Mr Angry these days and more Mr Soppy-happy-person. Why? Well, I've fallen in love with the most charming, sexy, beautiful, intelligent, capable woman on the planet.
Being in love has given me pause to ponder what I'm still so angry about. Well, I'll tell you what I'm still fucking angry about:
- Bloody murderous money-grasping bastard politicians bar Nelson Mandela;
- Bloody murderous money-grasping bastard capitalists including Richard Branson - a trendy hair-do doesn't stop him being a bastard capitalist pig, guys;
- Anyone with an inflated idea of their own importance, including:
- Policemen who are on a mission;
- Customs men who are on a mission;
- In fact, all government employees who are on a mission;
- Anyone else who's on a mission to make my life 'better' or 'safer' without asking me what the fuck I want;
- All religious leaders bar Desmond Tutu;
- All community leaders (probably) 'cos they're trying to be politicians;
- Any bastard who thinks they have a right to tell me how to lead my life - it's mine, you cunt, so leave me alone to live it and get back under your stone.
So, still pretty angry, huh? But now angry about specific things and more focussed, so the bastards'll be getting more of a kicking but less frequently, 'cos I have more important (to me) things to do than tell a non-existent audience about what's going on in my head.
Did I mention that she's really very, very sexy indeed?
Love and peace to anyone who does read this.
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