the idiots in gov want to ban sex in public places.
their desperately sad definition of public will make my garden a public place if some voyeuristic twat looks over the fence!!!!!
what the fuck do they think they're doing? i pay a fortune for a house with a garden, then some unimaginative farts tell me i can't have sexual intercourse with my lover there any more.
these morons are the worst kind of prudes: because their own sex lives are joyless, programmed and hide-bound, they want to stop everyone else having fun (and, no, i don't mean they're all kinky - although it might help if some of them had that much imagination).
well, up yours, lads and lasses, if i want to fuck in my garden, i will, and i'll pay the fines and take you to the european courts to show that you have no right to stop me doing this.
if my am can admit that he fucked some bloke on clapham common without a prosecution taking place, i can't see any reason why i shouldn't make love with my girl-friend in our own garden without interference from some prurient twat of a copper.
the gov wants to give the cps a bigger role in prosecutions.
given their track record, is this really a good idea?
they have a reputation for fucking-up what would be perfectly reasonable prosecution cases by failing to give the defence acces to all the evidence, they use public interest immunity certificates at the drop of a hat to avoid embarrassment to themsleves, they lose evidence all over the place.
why should they be trusted with more responsibility when they cannot show that they take their current responsibilities seriously?
given that some fuck-wit wants them to become more like the us's district attorneys, doesn't that mean that we'll end up with the same manic self-publicists prosecuting people for the dumbest things just 'cos it gives these 'public prosecutors' a few lines in the 'papers?
what a load of old pig-wank.
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