Monday, January 27, 2003

in a desperate attempt to save his sorry, racist arse at the israeli elections, the bastard ariel sharon has had the israeli butchers army launch new attacks on gaza. the butchers army have killed at least twelve, including a six-year-old, injuring the poor little mite's five-year-old brother. apparently 'the soldier who opened fire did not see the children' 'among a group that walked into a no-go area for Palestinians'. two points: - firstly, where was he looking, exactly? trying to see if there were any unarmed women he could shoot? - secondly, how can there be a no-go area for palestinians in palestine for fuck's sake?

that anyone in the 'civilised' world ever speaks to the bunch of murderous bastards who run israel is of enduring shame to me as a member of that world. forgotten the massacres at the shatilla and sabra refugee camps have we, chaps? or did you never care because they were only palestinians and civilians, at that?


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