the mobile 'phone companies may be told to cut their charges: 'competition watchdog today demands that the uk's four mobile networks slash calling costs by almost a quarter'. ha, ha, ha. good joke, guys. since mobile 'phone charges are at least 4 times the cost of calls on bt's land-line system, surely the charges need to be 'slashed by three-quarters' to bring them in line.
running a mobile 'phone network has been a licence to print money for years. it's about time these greedy bastards were put properly in their place and we, the consumers, the electorate, were given a reasonable deal. they can't even claim that they need to recoup development and infrastructure costs - it's all there already, so there's no real new cost to them.
so they made idiots of themselves by paying hugely over the odds for their 3g licences. that's not my fault. i didn't say i needed my 'phone to connect me to the internet at 100Mbits, i didn't say i needed to use it to send people fucking stupid cheesy photographs, so why should i pay for these morons' unutterably dim business decisions.
since these companies insist that capitalism is the correct way to run the economy, the people who made the dumb decisions should be sacked without compensation and the company should have to struggle by - just like i have to when i over-spend - i can't just increase the charge to my employer on a whim - why should companies be allowed to? oops, i forgot, one rule for the obscenely rich, another for the rest of us.
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