Wednesday, April 30, 2003

i've not wanted to comment on daijiro kato's death until now.

i am very upset that a bike racer should have died in pursuit of his sport. motorcycle racing is a dangerous way to make a living but i'm concerned that the track-side staff at suzuka may have contributed to his injuries by bundling him around like a rag doll instead of leaving him where he was and waiting for the doctors to get to him.

they will never read this, but my heart goes out to daijiro's widow and children. i hope his kids will be proud of their dad when they grow up and understand just what a superb sportsman he was.

'labour urged to keep p.f.i.'. yeah, by a greedy bastard director of a company that makes shed-loads of profit for providing shit services to the public.

this creep works for crapita, renowned for fucking-up the passport system, for making a complete balls-up of every educational contract they go near, for pissing public money up against the wall in every hospital contract they're given. in short, for running every one of their contracts badly and costing more than the same services used to cost when the public sector ran it - how much do you pay for your passport now? - how much did it cost before crapita were allowed near the system?

peter law is quite right to demand that p.f.i. be dropped completely. he's one of the few even reasonably honest politicians in wales.

the bastards in government who give contracts to these thieves need locking-up or, better still, pissing on - every hour, on the hour, for the rest of their lives.

how cynical is george w? asks p m carpenter.

we may well ask the same questions of the lying, corrupt little twat who holds the office of prime minister here in the u.k.

the answer, unfortunately for the british people, is that he's as bad or worse than georgie-porgie - and we, tragically, don't have a statute limiting him to two terms in office.

i hate the private finance initiative. it is so clearly a way for bliar and his corrupt friends to hand massive amounts of public money to their corporate pals.

here's an article illustrating good reasons why corporations should be kept out of public projects, especially education.

to quote one of the protagonists "we became increasingly alarmed that officers [of ws atkins] were under pressure to meet the company's targets rather than the education targets". does anything further need to be said?

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

americans have reason to be afraid of their leaders. rarely have truer words been written.

what i worry about is that bliar's government are up to the same sorts of tricks as bush's but the press, some of whom were more than happy to have a go at the bastard for taking us into an illegal war, will not shout about the constant erosion of human rights here in the u.k.

road traffic cameras are now being co-opted into a 'security' role in london, a role that the fascist-formerly-known-as-red ken is proud to crow about. he's said that if congestion charging becomes worthless, the cameras will stay in place to assist with 'security'. someone tell me how someone in a traffic control room being able to follow someone around the city will help make that place more secure? if someone was planting a bomb, for the sake of argument, he'd have planted it and left before it exploded (unless he was particularly stupid) and all they'd have would be a few images of his vehicle entering and leaving the city. how would that help them find him if the vehicle was stolen and he then dumped it somewhere without camera coverage? how would they know which vehicle he used? for it to be of any use, they'd have to know it was him, what vehicle he was in and where he was going so they could make sure the cameras were looking in the right direction to find him - better to follow him in a car or on a motorbike if you know those things, surely - then you just might have a chance of stopping him killing people - and you wouldn't want the bomb to go off and kill people so that you could use it as an excuse to introduce more human-rights infringing laws, of course ... would you? security could not be increased by this means. what could be increased is the government's ability to spy on and follow people whose car registrations they already know.

the deeply unprincipled david blunkett is going to let the police collect and keep fingerprints and dna from everyone who is arrested. not found guilty but arrested. he also wants to allow hearsay evidence in court, allow juries to be told of previous convictions, allow judges to hear cases alone, remove double jeopardy. all these are guaranteed to get more convictions - of innocent people. the little fascist is allowing the private prison companies to set the law-making agenda in this country - same as happens in the u.s. and 1% of the adult population is in prison at any one time over there.

these complete little shits are doing all this having achieved a less than consensual 25% of the popular vote at the last election. what gives them the right to act like they have some right to do anything when they haven't even been elected by a majority?

makes me so glad to live in a truly open, democratic nation - not.

u.s. troops have killed large numbers of iraqis because someone dared to throw a stone at them.

it's time to get these fucking animals out of iraq and leave the iraqi people to govern and police themselves.


the total in falluja is now 18 - sixteen on the day reported above and two the next day when local people confronted the american arse-holes and told them to fuck off home - the american animals started shooting again - well, they would, wouldn't they?

later, seven americans were injured when some locals attacked them with a grenade. cool.

corus is cutting another 1150 jobs.

the useless bastards who run the company were given the british steel corporation for a song. at the time, the company was financially strong and obviously well-managed. then the corprate thieves at corus got their hands on it and are intent on closing the fucking lot. they've already closed major plants, putting thousands out of work, making a complete mockery of the hard work that was done in the 1980s and 1990s to turn the b.s.c. into a going concern.

let's guess what comes next:

       closure of more plants;

       sale of the land the plants were on for "development" at hugely inflated prices;

       massive "productivity" bonuses for the directors;

       repeat until no further plants exist and all current directors have been given massive golden handshakes as they leave.

the politicians who sold this company, made strong by massive public investment, to the asset-strippers at corus should all be arrested for corruption, mr bliar. corus should have its assets taken from it and returned to public ownership without compensation.

randolph t. holhut has a rather good article at about how the iraqi war was just a way of expediting the privatisation of the iraqi economy.

exactly what's happening here in the u.k., but we have fewer reported deaths.

evidence against saddam will be found, bliar insists... and he'll damn' well put it there himself, if he needs to.

educational debauchery?

too fucking true. creationists are arse-holes who need to be taken outside, put up against a wall and pissed on etc etc.... along with all other religionists, whatever their particular pathetic beliefs.

the capitalist pigs are starting to share the iraqi booty.

gods, these people make me puke. they couldn't give a shit for the people who were mutilated or died in their appalling, illegal war, all they think of is money, money and more money.

they all need taking outside, putting up against a wall and pissing on copiously, once an hour, every hour for the rest of their disgusting lives - a firing-squad would be a waste of bullets.

Monday, April 28, 2003

carla binion's 'bush lies and manipulates public and congress' is an excellent article on the little shite-hawk's lies to the u.s. public and how they help him to manipulate those people - with the assitance of totally compliant and corrupt news media.

update here's an article by raymond whitaker, 'revealed: how the road to war was paved with lies', which shows that bliar is doing the exact same thing.

sack the fuckers now. they're tools of the most evil capitalists in the world and need to be replaced - as do all their 'advisors' who are nothing more than mouthpieces for the corporations who want more and more wars, more and more deaths to support their evil rush for greater and greater profits at the expense of all other humans on the planet.

for every millionaire there are thousands of poor. how can it be otherwise? if there is a winner on such scale, there must be many, many losers.

bankrupt the millionaires. return their money to the public. let them suffer in poverty - it's just retribution for their evil activities.

poor george galloway. caught in the middle of the extremely childish and evil bliar's attempts to silence the opposition by spreading rumours and lies and stories that he's just made-up.

a truly open, fully democratic system of government would not allow the evil little bastard to do what he's doing to galloway. i live in hope that one day bliar will be arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned for war crimes. unfortunately, it's the honest like galloway who will suffer.

bliar is clearly a war criminal, as are bush, powell, cheney, rumsfeld, straw etc. they will all get away with it because they have the backing of a totally corrupt system - the party political system.

Friday, April 25, 2003

scary, scary, scary.

amnesty finds race factor in u.s. death sentences.

are we supposed to be surprised?

can someone explain to me why, when the bush-bliar axis of evil was still deciding on which day to invade iraq, they held talks with a man who is as bad as saddam, the vile robert mugabe, who is at this moment organising attacks on political opponents and their supporters?

the french took a lot of stick for inviting him to meetings in paris, but the reality is that fucking bliar wanted mugabe at those meetings.

"we attacked iraq and killed thousands of civilians and tens of thousands of conscripted soldiers because they have 'weapons of mass destruction'. we can't find any weapons, but we were still justified in our invasion."

that's the gist of jack straw's latest nonsensical comments.

the man's lies get more and more obvious each day and still the british people don't want rid of him, for fuck's sake.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

politicians keep saying that they're disappointed that the public are cynical about what they (the politicians) do.

how can they expect things to be otherwise when:

  • they patently lie - see below for the education funding farsce over which charles clarke is presiding;

  • they patently lie - see this story about a welsh politician pretending that he didn't say what he'd really said;

  • they patently lie - we've been promised a better n.h.s. it's not getting better despite apparently costing more;

  • they patently lie - we've been told that the private finance initiative will provide better value for money to the public in the provision of services to us. the p.f.i.'s sole purpose is the back-door privatisation of services which the british public do not want to see privatised. it does not give better value for money, it provides large companies' shareholders with pots more cash;

  • they patently lie - clare short lied about resigning over blair taking us into a war against iraq;

  • they patently lie - read virtually everything tony blair has ever said.

francisco borg was beaten by racist cops after asking for help from skinheads who were threatening him and a friend. this action by the police has cost then £40,000 damages, plus so-far undisclosed legal costs, and further damaged the reputation of a police force that was already considered racist.

how many of his policeman attackers will be sacked?

i know: none.

why? because the officers who actually hit him will not be identified, in typical police closing-ranks fashion. i'll guarantee that.

how many coppers will be prosecuted for perjury?

i know: none.

despite the fact that pc simon williams admitted in court that he'd lied in his statement.

the extra money for schools, promised and much hyped by the government, has failed to materialise and heads are now having to cut their spending on essentials like books, computers, teachers, things like that, but they still have to implement hugely costly and pointless testing of the kiddies' abilities.

surprise, fucking surprise.

typically, rather than accept that there's anything wrong and fucking do something about it, the clown who runs education these days, some witless bastard called charles clarke, accuses his critics of 'antics' and insists there's nothing wrong.

blair needs to sack the bastard now, because he's making the government look even more stupid than they looked before.

when will we have a popular uprising and get rid of these fucking useless, self-serving, lying bastards?

update clarke has now 'hinted' he may give schools more money to stop then going into debt.

what bollocks.

if he'd given the schools the money his predecessor said they'd be getting, they wouldn't be going into debt because they'd be able to budget properly based on the money they were promised. shifting the blame onto the local authorities does nothing to cover-up his department's appalling lying in this case and does nothing to dignify his arguments.

he should either give them more money or not - not 'hint' that he might. we all know that politicians' 'hints' are a way of making themselves look good to the hard-of-thinking when we know that the reality is that they intend to do absolutely fuck-all.

the man's a dishonest little cunt who should be sacked immediately.

glad i don't live in the u.s. 'cos i'd never be allowed to share files.

how long before the u.k. has a d.m.c.a. which is crafted by just such corrupt bastards as the u.s. version is?

our esteemed defence secretary, geoff loon, has said that some countries outside the u.n. may be used to verify whether iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

so, the liar is now going to make sure his lies don't get discovered by getting some jumped-up little shits to do the dirty work for him and give him a little fig leaf to hide behind.

this completely dishonourable man should resign immediately. he's completely incompetent for the difficult task he's been given and should be replaced by someone of honesty and integrity.

forgive me if i'm arrogating to myself a knowledge that others also have but am i the only person on earth who can see that the allegations against george galloway are a means of discrediting a politician who has shown real determination not to change his views in the face of massive criticism of his stance on the illegal war against the people of iraq?

Thursday, April 17, 2003

nicholas von hoffman's article at "live from baghdad, great reality tv!"; superb.

us gov wants to give contracts for work in iraq to a company which supports terrorists.

the company is a subsidiary of halliburton, of which dick cheney used to be chief exec, but he wouldn't act corruptly. would he?

when will the american people get rid of this bunch of corrupt bastards who are eating away at the heart of all their important institutions?

ricardo semler has some excellent ideas on company management.

it sounds anarchic to too many managers but ricardo's a millionaire so his company must be doing something right.

at the very least, brigadier gordon kerr as well as the man who was head of policing in northern ireland when brian nelson was murdering catholics and gun-running should be prosecuted for being an accessory to murder and perverting the course of justice. kerr, at least, knew that nelson was receiving intelligence about people who were claimed to be ira members and was organising their murders by the uda.

in an ideal world, they'd both be charged with all the murders carried out, planned or approved with their knowledge and complicity.

britain is not part of anyone's idea of an ideal world, though, so they'll probably get their pensions increased by more than the inflation rate.

two comments:

a fuss is made in the report of the fact that "innocents" were murdered. there should be no such distinction. we do not have capital punishment in this country, so all deaths in this way are completely and utterly illegal. they are murders and should be prosecuted as such;

nelson was tried for murder once and was allowed to go free because of the complicity and lies of kerr and other intelligence officers. why have none of the others been named, since they are clearly criminals who should be behind bars?

oops, i forgot, the only people who get imprisoned these days are motorcyclists who exceed the speed limit on empty motorways and whores who can't afford to pay their fines for soliciting.

apparently our tone dreads reaching the age of 50.

what the fuck is wrong with the vain little twat? it's just an age, like any other. the fact that he's scared of it suggests deep insecurity and lack of confidence - as does all his militaristic posturing and obsessive bullying of the british people.

he's a sad little jerk - just the type who should not be in charge of anything more important than a pencil-sharpener.

what do the police do these days apart from busting bikers and drivers for minor traffic offences and taking part in appalling racist attacks; oh, and posing in their cars with the fog lamps on all the time?

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

the deeply unprincipled clare short is mouthing off again about the breakdown of order in iraq.

one has to earn bragging rights, clare, and you've got none. your credibility is shot to pieces. you have shown more than adequately that you care more about being in the cabinet than you do about principles, so just shut up.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

iraq is descending into chaos and the us and uk do nothing.

nice one, george. nice one, tony. you really do care, don't you?

georgie-porgie's state, texas, executed a mentally ill man for murder when he was clearly too ill to be capable of murder and too ill to understand his trial.

gawd bless mercuh.

why was iraq such a push-over militarily? because it had no military left, nor doctors, nor school-books, nor clean drinking water, nor drugs to treat sick kids, nor ... anything.

why? because the us and the uk had been steadily destroying everything iraq had, either by direct bombing or by economic sanctions, since 1991.

george and tony must think themselves so very brave to have picked a fight with a country that had no way at all to defend itself. cunts.

so blair's personally going to make sure this little boy gets the best medical treatment, is he?

how are you going to give him new arms, blair, you murderous, mother-fucking, evil bastard?

ali ismaeel abbas is twelve years old. he has lost his arms and has 60% burns after a 'coalition' bombing raid on baghdad. his entire family except for one uncle were killed in the attack.

what kind of future does he have after what you've done to him, blair, you cunt?

straw says the syria isn't a rogue state.

note that he didn't say that the uk will not follow the good ol' us of a into a war with syria if georgie-boy throws his rattle out of his pram again.

Monday, April 14, 2003

shopping malls (note how the american pronunciation is "mauls" - tell you anything?).

out of town shops.

retail outlets - what the fuck is that all about? whenever i see the word "outlet" i think of raw sewage being discharged into the sea. why would i want to go there to shop?

how do i benefit from having to get in my car and travel, along with thousands of other sheeple, to some retail desert where all i can buy is absolute crap from staff who couldn't give a fuck if i live or die in their retail shed, rather than buying good quality goods from someone who gives a fuck about whether i return to their shop next week?

i live in a little town called bridgend, west of cardiff, in south wales.

bridgend used to have a very busy shopping centre when i left there about 20 years ago to go to college and to work in london. on my return, i find a town centre where there are few good shops any more, there is nowhere to park, there's a one-way system which takes shoppers away from what shops are left. but it's ok, i have lots of "choice" where to shop 'cos there's a nice mall a few miles out of town. there i can buy anything i like - as long as someone wants to stock it. i can even go to the cinema there or buy a mcdonald's shit-burger. but i want to eat in a little restaurant in town, or go to a cinema which doesn't belong to odeon, ugc or some other capitalist propaganda shop.

there was a time when i could go to one of the many family-owned businesses in bridgend, take a look at the stock and choose what i wanted - or not. if they had nothing i liked i could try another shop which sold the same type of products but from other manufacturers. if i could not find what i liked anywhere, they'd order something special for me, 'cos they gave a fuck about whether i returned to their shop - good service produced repeat business.

now i go to a single shop which sells a particular kind of product, if they don't have anything i like or want i can go to hell 'cos they sure as hell won't order something special for me. "special orders" are for things in their normal inventory which they don't currently have in stock, not things i'd like that they have to find from a different manufacturer. complaining to the staff gets, at best, a shrug and a "sorry".

these shops employ far fewer staff to service the number of customers than the family-run businesses used to.

so we have a truly disgusting state of affairs:

  • we're forced to travel to the shops;

  • we have no choice of products;

  • we have staff who don't give a fuck;

  • we have staff who are not allowed to order anything not on the standard inventory;

  • we have fewer staff employed.

how is this good for anyone?  who benefits?

the mega-corporations who own the shops and the scum-bag local councillors and planners who conspire with them to destroy our town centres and take huge back-handers from them to allow their wholly unethical planning applications to bypass the proper check and controls.

i do not believe that any local councillors or council officers are honest. i do not believe that any of them have their constituents' interests at heart. they all care about two things - lining their own pockets and getting one over on the poor and unrepresented - that's you and me, in case you hadn't noticed - 'cos if you earn less than several million a year, you're poor in this country and we're certainly not represented 'cos the political parties now only represent the interests of the very rich.

war on democracy in the us.

the same things happening here in the uk. george monbiot has documented much of the decline of governmental power in the uk and its replacement with the power of capitalists in his book captive state.

we need to do something about this now, otherwise 1984 will stop being a scary book, it'll become bloody reality very quickly.

the millennium stadium's management have banned the flags of owain glyndwr and saint david.

their stupid, racist, politically-motivated action shows a complete lack of knowledge of welsh history and the place of these two men in it.

what will they ban next, y ddraig goch?

i'm not going there again until they reverse this ban.

disney and some airlines are being hurt financially by this sars virus thingy.

i think i care a little more about the people who are dying from it. if some greedy capitalist bastards are suffering a money haemorrhage because of it well, tough shit kiddies - that's what capitalism's all about - i hope their businesses bleed to death.

isn't ariel sharon a nice man?

he's said he's prepared to trade some israeli settlements in palestine for peace.

how kind of him.

my only concern is that he's not talking about getting the israeli invaders out of palestine completely, just a few settlements being handed back.

i hope the palestinians tell him to go fuck himself and his grubby little country until they get the fuck out of palestine completely and restore the borders to those pertaining before the invasion of 1967.

i used to be very pro-semitic because of the holocaust. now i believe that every jew who supports the actions of the israeli government in their treatment of the palestinians deserves a very sound kicking. you can only depend on people's sympathy for past sufferings for so long before they start getting pissed-off at your bad behaviour.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

that paragon of virtue, reliability and truthfulness, colin powell, has stated that the u.s. will find weapons of mass destruction in iraq.

of course they will. they're shipping them over there as i type.

students are manufacturing ecstasy to repay their loans.

well done, blair, you've turned complete innocents into criminals with your disgusting handing-over of their education to the corporations. you cunt.

i know that to some it may be a little odd to see me write this, but i'm glad that the axis of evil decided to invade iraq.


because when the reprisals start, the people of the uk and the good ol' us of a may just, if we're all very lucky, realise that the reason the attacks are happening is because of the beligerence displayed by their 'leaders' and that they'll then happily dispose of these scum-sucking filth in the cess-pits where they belong.

this may have the added benefit in the uk, of bringing down 'new' labour and replacing them with a party who actually give a fuck about the electorate. unlikely, i know, but it would be so lovely to see the wealth of this country handed back to us, the people, and taken out of the hands of the scum-suckers' pals in the large corporations.

don't know what the fuck i'm writing about? buy captive state by george monbiot - now.

and have a little read of this article by the inestimable terry jones in the observer about the stinking corruption at the heart of the government of the wonderful us of a.

i must add, though, that i detest the fact that anyone from either 'side' in the war died because of the axis of evil's activities and that the evil ring-leaders, bush, blair and their corrupt lackeys and handlers must be charged, tried and sentenced to lengthy prison sentences for their war crimes.

Saturday, April 12, 2003

david hare at the guardian has a new slant on why bush wanted war with iraq: because he could.

this adds a little more to the articles i've linked to before about the little shit being a psychopath. he clearly is a psycho; his symptoms are well documented. if we can see this, why cannot the good ol' boys in the congress on the us of a not see it and put a stop to it? are they so spineless or are they fearful for their own personal safety? who knows. all i know is that there is a political party in the uk which will never get my vote again.

when i was an idealistic young punk, i voted labour because their policies matched most closely my aspirations for myself and the rest of the population. "new" labour is a new tory party, controlled by and for the millionaires and billionaires of the world, so it'll be a cold day in hell before they get my vote again. ditto the tory party. who have i left? the lib-dems. oh, gods, pass the prozac, please.

Friday, April 11, 2003

when is a british 'paper going to revive this really worrying investigation which has shown that there is a paedophile in tony blair's cabinet and that tony knows who it is? why will the police not prosectute the bastard?

some of the many pictures of injured iraqi children that blair and bush don't want us to see. if more people saw these pictures, maybe they'd stop supporting this pair of evil bastards and would help to bring an end to this despicable, immoral and wholly illegal war.

i'm totally fucked-off with blair, bush, rumsfeld, powell etc and their pathetic bleatings.

they have no balls.

real men do not need to hide behind militarism. real men stand up, in full view of and within reach of their foes, state their case and take whatever's coming.

this bunch of cowards are more than happy to state their cases, but they send others to stand and face their foes. this is the worst kind of childish behaviour. what i did when i was tiny - shout at someone, then go and hide behind my mother's skirts so that she would protect me from whatever retribution was due me.

how can the peoples of the world continue to elect such useless, self-serving, cowardly, craven, money-grubbing bastards to their governments? i'll tell you how: through the useless mechanism of the political party system, that's how. the sole pupose of these institutions is their own perpetuation. change is anathema to them. change means the people who work for them may just have to get off their fat arses and do something useful rather than continuing to serve the mean ends of their controllers. until we get rid of political parties, we will have the same shit we have now.

all politicians are liars, bigots, money-grubbers and war-mongers. they abuse the party-political system for their own ends; as they abuse the rest of us for their own ends. they must be elected on a non-party basis - each person stating at a hustings what their policies are, what job they want and how they see their role in the wider political / governmental environment. if they show favouritism to another politicain, they should be excluded from the electoral system or, if already elected, sacked on the spot. i don't give a fuck what their policies are but, if they can't be shown to be acting in the public good, they should be sacked on the spot. if they act for businesses apparently against individuals, they should be sacked on the spot.

we've had enough of government of the people for the millionaires by the would-be millionaires. let's have government of the people for the people by the people. all countries have been promised it and have never had it; it's time to stand and fight for it and time to sack unprincipled bastards like blair, bush, short, powell etc - with NO pensions.


if voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal - anon.

changed my mind about not blogging any more. as julian barnes has it in the guardian today, this war is not worth a child's finger and i can't stop commenting on it, no matter how many of us there are shouting.

we may be unheeded by the politicians for the moment but they'll, hopefully, be in for a shock when we elect the fuckers out of power.

in the uk, that means we must elect the liberal-democrats. 'new' labour have shown themselves to be exactly the same as the conservatives, so neither of those parties can possibly provide our next government.

we need a government that will stop creeping up the american arse, renationalise all the national assets that have been 'floated' over the years, will move us closer to the eu and will try the capitalist, war-monger, child-killer tony blair for war cimes.

one that will give clare short a job - as secretary of state at the department of sackcloth-and-ashes-wearing, fig-leaf-providing and pretending-to-have-principles-until-the-chips-are-down.

having read the anti-social bitch, i've decided that i cannot compete with her level of vitriol so i'm giving up blogging.

she says most of the things i believe, so what's the point in repeating the same stuff in many places?


Thursday, April 10, 2003

think you know what patriotism is?

you might be an american republican if you...

american corporate racism, lying and dishonour are alive and well on the web. see the register's article about akamai and al jazeera.

that good ol' mericun freedom of speech at work again, obviously.

i wish i ran a hosting company - think of the cash i could make from all the companies that these racist, dishonest bastards won't host.

is there any part of iraq that some greedy, money-grubbing, american, capitalist waste of air is not trying to make money from? art dealers want to plunder its art works.

fuck them and fuck their greedy bastard customers - those things must remain in iraq - they're not anyone's to take.

highlights of the last couple of days at

john chuckman's "america's sovereign right to do whatever it pleases".

marc sirois' "the stench of colonialism" is a timely reminder to us all of the imperialism displayed by our "leaders"; lying, spineless little shits that they are.

paul harris' "truth is not the first casualty of war" should scare the hell out of us all.

Friday, April 04, 2003

don't know who mark steel is, but his article at the independent yesterday rips the piss out of the politicians' lies.

six more palestinians die because of israel's murderous invasion of their land.

when the fuck will this stop?

army chaplain bribes g.i.s into baptism.

if this is what this twat's religion is all about, i'm really fucking pleased that i have a job where no pseudo-religious blackmailers are given a free run at me - otherwise i'd probably have to kick their self-righteous faces into pulp. is back on line.

they have made no comment about the reason they've been down but it sounds to me like another completely spine-free hosting company pulling the plug on them because someone in power doesn't like the content.

seems it's ok to host vile, racist crap from the u.s. government but not ok to oppose that bull-shit. good ol' u.s. of a. freedom of speech, again, huh?

on that basis, i expect some of the blogs hosted by will disappear now that they're owned by the government-arse-licking

Thursday, April 03, 2003

i've just realised that i forgot to write about why blunkett's a fascist.

lots of his actions have been those of a fascist, but his latest scheme to allow police to collect dna and fingerprints from all those arrested is the worst of the many horrendous things he wants. we've been promised many times that there will never be a dna database in this country. well, what are all these samples for then, dave-boy, you totalitarian bastard?

another few i find truly objectionable are:

  • the police can now confiscate motor vehicles from those they deem to be acting in an 'anti-social' way without having to go to court for a confiscation order, so i'd have to go to court to plead for my 'bike to be returned if some power-mad, snot-nosed little dick-head decided to abuse his powers just 'cos i was eg overtaking on the left on a motorway (we drive on the left in the uk, btw);

  • cops can evict off-road motorcyclists from any land they want to, even if the riders have permission to be there from the land-owner and confiscate the 'bikes if the riders object in an 'anti-social' way (see above);

  • cops can 'disperse' 'intimidating' groups of people whenever they wish. 'disperse' allows the use of force and 'intimidating' is wide open to interpretation and i'll guarantee it gets interpretted in a repressive manner.

israel uses iraqi war as cover to attack palestine.

are we supposed to be surprised that the zionist bastard sharon would stoop to this? surely, assisting sharon was one of bush's war aims?

missed this yesterday: jemima khan says she's ashamed to be british.

me, too. from now on, i'm welsh, never british.

blunkett, if being "of a progressive, or liberal bent" annoys you, then i'm pleased to be that way and i'll go out of my way to let everyone know that's what i am, you fucking fascist.

am i the kind of person "of a progressive, or liberal bent" who is supposed to accept the burial of news that's bad for "new" labour so that you can carry on abusing your position, you bastard?

thank-you, lisa walsh thomas, for this quote:

"our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear
- kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor
- with the cry of grave national emergency. always there
has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous
foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did
not blindly rally behind it."

general douglas macarthur, 1957

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

why 'weapons of mass destruction' will be found in iraq.

it's a tragedy that clare short hasn't an iota of the principle which katy weitz has.

how long before blair browbeats straw into reversing this: u.k. will not attack syria or iran?

and how long before straw denies ever having said it?

just a few examples of the aggression and belligerence being used against civilians in iraq; also resulting in 'friendly fire' incidents involving u.s. service people.

children killed in u.s. assault (guardian).

wounded british soldiers condemn u.s. 'cowboy' pilot (guardian)

u.s. admits checks more aggressive (guardian)

'you just killed a family because you didn't fire a warning shot' (guardian)

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

appears it's not safe for u.s. citizens to donate to charity any more.

get used to being subjects instead of citizens, kiddies, and try telling me that the u.s. is not a fascist state.

the dynamic duo.

if it wasn't so sad, it would be truly funny.

the guardian's the wrap quotes the telegraph:

buoyed by reports of a friendly welcome for coalition troops near baghdad -
"whole families stood together outside their homes ... urging the americans
forward," reports the telegraph - the paper's defence editor assures readers
that the war is going well.

might they not have been urging them forward into an ambush, you prick? is still suspended.

i assume their hosting company got scared, again, of the fact that the u.s. government is worried that the site's content should be read by anyone who gives a damn about others' opinions.

i hope all you good ol' boys are proud of your famed freedom of speech over there in the u s of a, you arse-holes.