Thursday, April 24, 2003

politicians keep saying that they're disappointed that the public are cynical about what they (the politicians) do.

how can they expect things to be otherwise when:

  • they patently lie - see below for the education funding farsce over which charles clarke is presiding;

  • they patently lie - see this story about a welsh politician pretending that he didn't say what he'd really said;

  • they patently lie - we've been promised a better n.h.s. it's not getting better despite apparently costing more;

  • they patently lie - we've been told that the private finance initiative will provide better value for money to the public in the provision of services to us. the p.f.i.'s sole purpose is the back-door privatisation of services which the british public do not want to see privatised. it does not give better value for money, it provides large companies' shareholders with pots more cash;

  • they patently lie - clare short lied about resigning over blair taking us into a war against iraq;

  • they patently lie - read virtually everything tony blair has ever said.


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