Thursday, April 17, 2003

at the very least, brigadier gordon kerr as well as the man who was head of policing in northern ireland when brian nelson was murdering catholics and gun-running should be prosecuted for being an accessory to murder and perverting the course of justice. kerr, at least, knew that nelson was receiving intelligence about people who were claimed to be ira members and was organising their murders by the uda.

in an ideal world, they'd both be charged with all the murders carried out, planned or approved with their knowledge and complicity.

britain is not part of anyone's idea of an ideal world, though, so they'll probably get their pensions increased by more than the inflation rate.

two comments:

a fuss is made in the report of the fact that "innocents" were murdered. there should be no such distinction. we do not have capital punishment in this country, so all deaths in this way are completely and utterly illegal. they are murders and should be prosecuted as such;

nelson was tried for murder once and was allowed to go free because of the complicity and lies of kerr and other intelligence officers. why have none of the others been named, since they are clearly criminals who should be behind bars?

oops, i forgot, the only people who get imprisoned these days are motorcyclists who exceed the speed limit on empty motorways and whores who can't afford to pay their fines for soliciting.


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