Tuesday, April 29, 2003

corus is cutting another 1150 jobs.

the useless bastards who run the company were given the british steel corporation for a song. at the time, the company was financially strong and obviously well-managed. then the corprate thieves at corus got their hands on it and are intent on closing the fucking lot. they've already closed major plants, putting thousands out of work, making a complete mockery of the hard work that was done in the 1980s and 1990s to turn the b.s.c. into a going concern.

let's guess what comes next:

       closure of more plants;

       sale of the land the plants were on for "development" at hugely inflated prices;

       massive "productivity" bonuses for the directors;

       repeat until no further plants exist and all current directors have been given massive golden handshakes as they leave.

the politicians who sold this company, made strong by massive public investment, to the asset-strippers at corus should all be arrested for corruption, mr bliar. corus should have its assets taken from it and returned to public ownership without compensation.


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