Wednesday, April 30, 2003

'labour urged to keep p.f.i.'. yeah, by a greedy bastard director of a company that makes shed-loads of profit for providing shit services to the public.

this creep works for crapita, renowned for fucking-up the passport system, for making a complete balls-up of every educational contract they go near, for pissing public money up against the wall in every hospital contract they're given. in short, for running every one of their contracts badly and costing more than the same services used to cost when the public sector ran it - how much do you pay for your passport now? - how much did it cost before crapita were allowed near the system?

peter law is quite right to demand that p.f.i. be dropped completely. he's one of the few even reasonably honest politicians in wales.

the bastards in government who give contracts to these thieves need locking-up or, better still, pissing on - every hour, on the hour, for the rest of their lives.


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