Friday, April 11, 2003

i'm totally fucked-off with blair, bush, rumsfeld, powell etc and their pathetic bleatings.

they have no balls.

real men do not need to hide behind militarism. real men stand up, in full view of and within reach of their foes, state their case and take whatever's coming.

this bunch of cowards are more than happy to state their cases, but they send others to stand and face their foes. this is the worst kind of childish behaviour. what i did when i was tiny - shout at someone, then go and hide behind my mother's skirts so that she would protect me from whatever retribution was due me.

how can the peoples of the world continue to elect such useless, self-serving, cowardly, craven, money-grubbing bastards to their governments? i'll tell you how: through the useless mechanism of the political party system, that's how. the sole pupose of these institutions is their own perpetuation. change is anathema to them. change means the people who work for them may just have to get off their fat arses and do something useful rather than continuing to serve the mean ends of their controllers. until we get rid of political parties, we will have the same shit we have now.

all politicians are liars, bigots, money-grubbers and war-mongers. they abuse the party-political system for their own ends; as they abuse the rest of us for their own ends. they must be elected on a non-party basis - each person stating at a hustings what their policies are, what job they want and how they see their role in the wider political / governmental environment. if they show favouritism to another politicain, they should be excluded from the electoral system or, if already elected, sacked on the spot. i don't give a fuck what their policies are but, if they can't be shown to be acting in the public good, they should be sacked on the spot. if they act for businesses apparently against individuals, they should be sacked on the spot.

we've had enough of government of the people for the millionaires by the would-be millionaires. let's have government of the people for the people by the people. all countries have been promised it and have never had it; it's time to stand and fight for it and time to sack unprincipled bastards like blair, bush, short, powell etc - with NO pensions.


if voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal - anon.


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