Monday, September 29, 2003

john chuckman continues to turn out excellent pieces over at

see american psycho.

Friday, September 19, 2003

sports utility vehicles, off-roaders, land-rovers, range-rovers, jeeps, whatever, are a major, dangerous pollutor.

our government is not helping, as they allow these fucking stupid things to be exempted from all sorts of safety legislation 'cos they're supposed to be agricultural vehicles.

they must be made so deeply fucking unfashionable that no-one would ever want one.

some folks in america have started the proces there by burning the bastard things at the dealerships and by putting stickers all over the filthy, lethal piles of crap. it's time we did the same thing here.

ted rall seems to agree.

perhaps the american people will stop being so fucking naive and now believe that bush and his cabinet are the most useless, most corrupt bunch of bastards who ever got their noses in the trough.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

met faces boycott in race row.

fucking deserves it, too.

i have never seen a clearer case of racism.

dr dizaei should sue the bastards shitless.

all recruits should boycott the bastards, not just black recruits: if they're prepared to countenance racism, they'll countenance any other crime.

it's time for a very serious shake-out at the met - like, sack them all and re-employ only people who can show themselves to be trustworthy - 'cos they all seem to be corrupt bastards.

Friday, September 12, 2003

lying, fascist mobster silvio berlusconi has proven once again that he is completely unsuitable to run a country, having defended mussolini in an interview.

the man's an absolute disgrace. he brings disrepute to his beautiful, cultured country and makes a mockery of the high ideals, now sadly mired in corruption, of the e.u., of which italy currently has the presidency.

why will the italians not learn from their mistakes and elect someone honest to be their prime minister, someone who's worthy of the trust that his/her people put in the holder of that post?

same reason we brits keep electing absolute bastards and liars, i guess - it's all that the party system offers us. they're offered as candidates for high office because they've been utterly ruthless and greedy in the rise throught the ranks of their party, so they'll be utterly ruthless and greedy when in power; see bliar, anthony charles lynton.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

more lies, damned lies and government announcements.

alan milburn stated very clearly some time ago that the largely canadian- and u.s.-owned private clinics which are being used to 'relieve pressure' on n.h.s. hospitals would not be allowed to poach staff from the n.h.s.

he lied.

the b.m.a. has made it clear that milburn's department has quietly told those clinics that they may poach just those staff we were told were sacrosanct, and that up to 70% of staff in the clinics are seconded from the n.h.s.

milburn's just another lying corporate puppet.

and his lying cunt replacement, john reid, should be sacked now and all those staff returned to the n.h.s. hospitals from which they've been stolen.

of course, we're used to john reid's difficulties with the truth and with honesty given his many pronouncements, since shown to be lies, about iraq's having weapons of mass destruction.

bliar's infamous "45 minutes" claim is given its lie by 'when in doubt, lie your head off' by brian cloughley.

fat us corporatist pigs searching for cannon fodder are now targeting poor mexicans and other lations to supplement their army in iraq.

funny how the rich bastards never have to go and fight, eh?

personal computers are hardly difficult things to use, so read this article about the basic incompetence of british computer users and be very worried about the level and quality of training being offered by british companies.

john chuckman at his best:

"two years after 9/11 the world is forced to accommodate an unhealthy, delusional america, like adults fearful of confronting a disturbed child who paces the schoolyard mumbling while carrying a loaded gun taken from home. it is not an exaggeration to say that the situation often involves less rationality and predictability than we knew from leonid brezhnev's soviet union."

there are lies, damned lies and anything from riaa (recording industry ass. of america).

this bunch of lying, immoral bastards have just started suing a 12-year-old girl for file trading, claiming she's stealing copyright material.

  • fact: she's only 12;

  • fact: her mother paid a service fee to kazaa so the family could download files;

  • fact: the riaa collects 'royalties' on behalf of musicians which it then fails to pass on to those musicians if their record label is not a member of riaa. that's called 'theft' of those royalties;

  • fact: the riaa's members were all found guilty in the 1990s of price-fixing. that's called 'theft' and 'corruption';

  • fact: revenues for riaa members are falling because they insist on charging too much for albums and they sign crap musicians who are all far too greedy. that's called 'corporate failure'.

so, what have we here?

a bunch of fat, incompetent, lying, thieving, corrupt, fascist, failures who terrorise children because the corporations are losing money 'cos they can't run their businesses properly.

in a decent world, the bastards would all be imprisoned for extortion and abuse of minors.

in fascist america, they'll all be given a big, fat pay rise.


brianna's mother settled with riaa for $2000.

brianna and her mother live in a housing project - for those on the lowest incomes.

what fat, piggish, lying, fascist, bitch's bastard's whore's sons would take $2000 from a low-income family?

obviously, the fat, piggish, lying, fascist, bitch's bastard's whore's sons who work for riaa.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

bt claims to have broadband in 80% of uk homes.

'bt wholesale chief executive paul reynolds said: "we have now brought broadband services to exchanges serving 80 per cent of uk homes".

"this month we'll have as many people connected to exchanges offering broadband as can switch on their mains gas cooker to make the supper," he sad (sic).'

it's a pity bt doesn't want to emulate the electricity grid rather than the gas network, so that we can all have broadband.

the village i live in will likely never get broadband 'cos it's full of old folks who couldn't give a flying fuck about the internet, so they'll never ask for broadband, so i'll never get it.

i think the gas companies need a good hard kicking, too. why can't i have a gas supply just 'cos i live a few miles from the nearest large conurbation? 'cos it'll cost some fat capitalist pig his new company car if i get it, that's why.

arafat's choice as pm angers israel by refusing to crack down on hamas.

since hamas are a group of freedom-fighters whose aim is to release palestine from the brutal, murderous israeli invaders, i can see no reason why ahmed qureia, the new palestinian pm, should 'crack down' on them. they are trying, after all, to save his life and liberty as they try to remove the invaders from their country.

if ahmed qureia were to 'crack down' on the israelis in his country and kick the lying, genocidal bastards out, that'd be a step in the right direction.

until israel and its bandit-like politicians get the fuck out of a land which is not theirs, until they pay massive reparations for the lives they have taken and for the lives they have blighted, the world cannot begin to be a decent place. until sharon and his ilk are imprisoned for their crimes, the world cannot begin to be a decent place.

israeli bleating about the words and actions of a man who they would prefer to see dead is far beyond hypocrisy.

the un should enforce its 200+ resolutions against israel and kick the fuckers out of palestine, take money from the israeli treasury and from israeli companies to pay reparations and should make it absolutely clear that any further acts of violence against palestine and the palestinian people will be met with major, rigidly-enforced economic sanctions.

perhaps if the israelis suffer as they have made the palestinians suffer, they will feel some humility and will resolve to act properly towards their neighbours.

interesting article by mark rasch at securityfocus about silly new extensions to computer crime caused by a california court decision. something needs doing about this one quickly 'cos it's really stupid and makes nearly everyone a criminal - including people outside the u.s., as far as i can see.

i've heard of british governments doing some disgusting things, but their treatment of the people of diego garcia really takes the biscuit.

message to bliar: stop wasting our money on your occupation of iraq and start using it to help these people. they have suffered more than anyone ever should because of the u.s.-arse-licking by successive governments - give them back their homes, and a great load of compensation to at least pretend you're sorry.

Monday, September 08, 2003

police call for national d.n.a. database.

i call for the police to be told to fuck off and do some real work instead of assisting the politicos to build a police state.

stupid bastards. don't they think that their database would ultimately be used against them as individuals whenever it suits the politicians and their capitalist pig pay-masters?

i take it all back. michael meacher really is the craven little tit i'd previously accused him of being.

despite writing this attack on shrub's lies, he's now trying to pretend he's not criticised the war-mongering, serial-killer of a child-murderer; take a look at this if you can stomach yet another politician proving he's a spineless piece of shit.

when, oh, when will some british politicians make a sustained attack on the lies of shrub, bliar, cheney, wolfowitz, straw and the rest of the lying bastards who run the u.s. and the u.k?

i want to start my own political party to try to bring honesty back to british politics. mail me if you live in the u.k. and want to join in - and as long as you're not a spook - i am very paranoid and will sniff you out in a second :))

double-think at its best.

on the failure of abstinence-only sex education to achieve anything in the good ol' u.s. of a., peter bearman, writer of a report on the phenomenon, says, "of course the programme fails in an absolute way, but I would not say it fails. for kids who took the pledge, the age when they first had sex was eighteen months after they otherwise would have."

'but when they do become sexually active, they are far less likely to use contraception than other teens - partly because they spent those months denying that they would ever need it - and so increase their risks of pregnancy and disease', says suzanne goldenberg, summarising part of bearman's report.

if that ain't failure, peter boy, then i'm a military-loving conservative who wants to suck george w shrub's cock 'cos i love him so much.

rachel shabi's the torturers' picnic is an excellent piece of writing.

corruption, lies, deceit and insider-trading on wall street.

while that paragon of financial probity, george w shrub, is in charge of the u.s.a?

how could it have happened?

i've had a go at michael meacher in the past, when he was u.k. environment secretary, as he was incompetent at that job.

i now praise him for daring to write such a damning critique of both shrub's and bliar's motives both pre- and post-9/11.

their lies are exposed by a fully-paid-up member of the ruling party: more damaging, i hope, than the angry writings of bloggers like me and the thousands of others out there.

let's hope this is the beginning of the end for both of the scum-sucking, capitalist-pigs' lap dogs.

let's hope, also, that both are replaced by men of integrity and honesty.

if anyone who lives in the u.k. reads this blog and is interested in forming a new, anti-corruption, anti-pigs-noses-in-the-public-trough political party, please contact me at

here's the evidence: p.f.i. triples profits, say firms.

despite their lies about not profiteering because there's a "higher risk", they are obviously coining it. why, otherwise, would they all be clamouring to be involved?

money grasping capitalist pig-cunts.

Friday, September 05, 2003

winston churchill, one of our finest prime ministers?

I don't think so.

on using chemical weapons against iraqis during the first world war: "i do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. i am strongly in favour of using poison gas against uncivilized tribes. the moral effects should be good, and it would spread a lively terror."

then he got elected to run britain during world war two - the mind boggles. no wonder he and his american pals were so keen to try out their genocide weapons at nagasaki and hiroshima.

murderous cunt.

hoon's a lying little cunt, too.

impeach him now!!!!!

Thursday, September 04, 2003

george monbiot must be one of the most intelligent, perceptive journalists in the world. visit his site at and follow the link to the article le monde, c'est nous. brilliant.

bliar is a lying little bastard.

impeach him now!!!!!

ernest partridge's 'now we are the redcoats!' is an excellent critique of the anglo-american iraqi misadventure and the appalling way in which the 'peace' has been managed.

it's a pity that shrub and bliar never read anything which is critical of their actions, otherwise they may realise what a fuck-up they're making of the world and both give someone with a less dogmatic attitude, and someone who's not a capitalist lackey, their respective jobs.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

israel's 'security fence' is, of course, nothing of the sort. it's part of a massive land grab by the fascistic israeli state.

gods, i'm stupid sometimes.

i wanted the article by gabriel ash mentioned below to be a joke.

i've re-read it a few times and am astounded that i missed the heavy irony running through it.

well done, gabriel. you made your point very well, even if you left at least one of your readers feeling very silly.

there is vast evidence that israel, run by power-mad, imperialist, capitalist pigs, is becoming ever more manic in its attempts to stifle criticism of its policies.

attempts have been made to criminalise anti-semitism and anti-zionism. foreign news reporters have been targetted by israeli troops in palestine. frech journalists were actually put on trial for reporting the killing of some palestinians. the bbc has been made persona non grata in isreal for daring to try to report what its journalists see in an unprejudiced way.

some little bunch of shits in the u.s., 'concerned liberals of america for a true secure peace in the middle east', is somewhat concerned that the illegal actions of israeli soldiers is causing people to hate jews around the world, so it's sent a little missive to shaul mofaz, the israeli minister of defence, giving him some guidance on how to stop people hating the jews.

is suggests :

  • that israeli soldiers shouldn't paint the star of david on palestinian houses, but should instead use the menorah 'when defacing palestinian property';
  • that helicopters should drop leaflets explaining the difference between 'israeli' and 'jewish' - after they've attacked palestinians;
  • 'families whose houses have been demolished should receive a special folder of information about israel with photos of lush kibbutzim and colorful tel-aviv nightlife scenes'.

it goes on and on. read it here.

it makes no mention of the idea that no little israeli bastard has any right to be in palestine, or has no right to deface palestinian property, or has no right to attack and kill palestinians. the israelis are known to target palestinian kids, of course.

this whole thing reads almost like a really, really sick joke.

it's not.

it's a group of american jews trying to say it's ok to attack, kill and subjugate palestinians, but israel should be careful not to create anti-semitism.

this document will create anti-semitism.

when other people see it, they will be convinced that american jews think that the actions of the israeli government are perfectly ok and they will start to hate jews.

many, many people have given the jews an easy ride because of the horrors perpetrated upon them by the nazis. that the jews have now become as bad as the nazis seems to have just skipped by this group of stupid, pro-genocidal people.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

poor countries to import generic drugs on the cheap?

all lies.

the big parmaceuticals companies have pulled a fast one, giving them complete control over the drugs' export, making the system virtually unworkable.

guess who helped the bastards pull this one off.

yep. george w bastard and his capitalist pig-cunts in the white house.

am i the only person to notice that vehicle design these days closely matches that of vehicles in the 1930s?

why do i raise this point?

because vehicle design back then was influenced by the war-mongering, genocidal bastards of the german third reich and their supporters in the usa. its purpose was to help express the grand ideas of an insane, mythological world where fine, upstanding aryan types ran a sophisticated, egalitarian utopia. speer's architecture was used to express just such ideas in the built environment.

this makes our current crop of car designers, obviously, tools of the far-right, racist, war-mongering, money-grubbing fascists who currently run much of the world.

shame on them for allowing themselves to be used in such a way.

hugo young has a great piece in today's guardian: how tony bliar climbed the foothills of the big lie.

shows how bliar and the other pigs in government all use goebbels' propaganda techniques to lie to the public, even while insisting that they'd never do such a thing.


Monday, September 01, 2003

fire engines in w midlands are now limited to travelling at speeds of under 45 in 30 zones and under 80 on motorways - in the name of safety.

as the association of british drivers spokesman nigel humphries says: 'it is hard to imagine
anything more stupid than training an emergency driver to drive safely and fast - and then imposing a meaningless and arbitrary speed limit for the sake of "safety".'

this country is well on the way to a hell created by fearful managers who don't have the sense to realise that saving lives is more important than sticking to arbitrary speed limits, that risk is a standard part of life and that they will have further deaths on their hands if they limit the speed of fire engines.

if my child died in a fire and i discovered that the fire engine driver had been limited to some stupid speed limit by some idiotic, dogmatic little cunt of a pen-pusher, i'd be 'round to that moronic pen-pusher's office to sort out his attitude - with an axe - and i wouldn't stop until the bastard was dead.

i hope the fire engine drivers will ignore this idiotic rule, save the lives with which we entrust them, and treat the twat who gave them this order as he deserves : scrape the stupid piece of shit off their boots as they next climb into their engine to do their job with the determination and courage with which we're all so familiar and for which we're all so grateful.

is israel a fascist state? yes. see imitations of fascism are not a form of flattery, raff ellis.