Monday, September 08, 2003

i take it all back. michael meacher really is the craven little tit i'd previously accused him of being.

despite writing this attack on shrub's lies, he's now trying to pretend he's not criticised the war-mongering, serial-killer of a child-murderer; take a look at this if you can stomach yet another politician proving he's a spineless piece of shit.

when, oh, when will some british politicians make a sustained attack on the lies of shrub, bliar, cheney, wolfowitz, straw and the rest of the lying bastards who run the u.s. and the u.k?

i want to start my own political party to try to bring honesty back to british politics. mail me if you live in the u.k. and want to join in - and as long as you're not a spook - i am very paranoid and will sniff you out in a second :))


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