Wednesday, September 10, 2003

there are lies, damned lies and anything from riaa (recording industry ass. of america).

this bunch of lying, immoral bastards have just started suing a 12-year-old girl for file trading, claiming she's stealing copyright material.

  • fact: she's only 12;

  • fact: her mother paid a service fee to kazaa so the family could download files;

  • fact: the riaa collects 'royalties' on behalf of musicians which it then fails to pass on to those musicians if their record label is not a member of riaa. that's called 'theft' of those royalties;

  • fact: the riaa's members were all found guilty in the 1990s of price-fixing. that's called 'theft' and 'corruption';

  • fact: revenues for riaa members are falling because they insist on charging too much for albums and they sign crap musicians who are all far too greedy. that's called 'corporate failure'.

so, what have we here?

a bunch of fat, incompetent, lying, thieving, corrupt, fascist, failures who terrorise children because the corporations are losing money 'cos they can't run their businesses properly.

in a decent world, the bastards would all be imprisoned for extortion and abuse of minors.

in fascist america, they'll all be given a big, fat pay rise.


brianna's mother settled with riaa for $2000.

brianna and her mother live in a housing project - for those on the lowest incomes.

what fat, piggish, lying, fascist, bitch's bastard's whore's sons would take $2000 from a low-income family?

obviously, the fat, piggish, lying, fascist, bitch's bastard's whore's sons who work for riaa.


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