Tuesday, September 09, 2003

arafat's choice as pm angers israel by refusing to crack down on hamas.

since hamas are a group of freedom-fighters whose aim is to release palestine from the brutal, murderous israeli invaders, i can see no reason why ahmed qureia, the new palestinian pm, should 'crack down' on them. they are trying, after all, to save his life and liberty as they try to remove the invaders from their country.

if ahmed qureia were to 'crack down' on the israelis in his country and kick the lying, genocidal bastards out, that'd be a step in the right direction.

until israel and its bandit-like politicians get the fuck out of a land which is not theirs, until they pay massive reparations for the lives they have taken and for the lives they have blighted, the world cannot begin to be a decent place. until sharon and his ilk are imprisoned for their crimes, the world cannot begin to be a decent place.

israeli bleating about the words and actions of a man who they would prefer to see dead is far beyond hypocrisy.

the un should enforce its 200+ resolutions against israel and kick the fuckers out of palestine, take money from the israeli treasury and from israeli companies to pay reparations and should make it absolutely clear that any further acts of violence against palestine and the palestinian people will be met with major, rigidly-enforced economic sanctions.

perhaps if the israelis suffer as they have made the palestinians suffer, they will feel some humility and will resolve to act properly towards their neighbours.


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