Friday, May 30, 2003

while the newspapers' web sites seem to have no mention of it, the bbc and mcn both have articles about the death of david jefferies in practice for the isle of man tt races.

i feel like blubbing.


sharon's going to withdraw troops from the centers of some palestinian cities.

big deal. he needs to remove all israeli troops and all israeli settlers from palestine.

until that happens, he's playing with words and people's minds.

sharon's a fucking murderer and needs to be removed from power - and palestine freed completely.

the government admitted during the war on iraq that the use of cluster bombs against civilian targets would "not be legal", says the independent.

makes bliar's war-criminality more certain than ever. parliament needs to sack the bastard and try him for war crimes.

poly toynbee says "the pm's warning that iraq could strike in 45 minutes now looks bogus, and we may never trust him again".

by "bogus" i assume she means a complete pack of lies used to justify his desire to kill loads of iraqi children?

of course it was "bogus", silly bitch, as anyone who was reading other web sites would know - try clicking on any of the links to political sites on the left.

"we may never trust him again" - anyone with a brain never trusted the little bastard from the start of his premiereship, so she shouldn't go feeling sorry for him or herself. she has allowed herself to be duped by this scheming murderer and she needs to admit to herself and the rest of us that loads of other journalists have allowed themselves to be used like this - and it needs to stop.

journos need to stop putting a nice spin on bliar's activities and show him for the capitalist pig he really is. "new" labour is a bad joke at the expense of the people of this country and should be exposed as such. it is a tool of the corporations and should be kicked out of office for misrepresentation during the elections.

among toynbee's more ridiculous statements: "hans blix always said they [wmds] were there and we who opposed the war never doubted it". we? we? you, maybe, madam, never me.

among her less idiotic statements: "all around him [bliar] lies the wreckage - wild lawlessness, monstrous looting and killing, our own cluster bombs, no police, no water, no electricity and the dangerous boiling fury of people who find the white knights who came to save them look more like the horsemen of the apocalypse right now". too true. how can bliar justfy the result? and how can toynbee justify calling the invaders "white knights"? stupid tart.

cook says bliar was "suckered" into war with iraq by the americans.

bullshit, robin, you're being too nice to the little fascist. he wanted war because he enjoys the idea of people dying by his hand and he wants more oil money.

worse, though, is wolfowitz's assertion that the "weapons of mass destruction" excuse was a "bureaucratic reason" for the war.

proves beyond doubt that bush and the new american nazis want to create an empire and will use any excuse to allow them to go to war. the american people must remove these mad bastards from power now, before we and they are all treated like hitler treated the jews.

fucking bliar must go.

his latest crap appointee as education secretary, charles "plug" clarke, has overseen the issuing of redundancy notices to 1,500 teachers because local education authorities do not have enough money to pay them.

the shortfall in education funding is an aboslute scandal when this is one of the 8 richest countries on earth, we're paying tax at higher rates now than when "new" labour took control of government and we've been promised, over and over, that education is a priority.

these lying little bastards offered teachers £2,000 each in performance-related pay rises, but didn't give the education authorities the money to finance the rise, so their pathetic bleating that it's the education authorities' fault is complete bullshit.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

is bush as fucked-up psychologically as hitler was? seems so. mad little cunt.

what do we do with mad dogs? why haven't we done it with bush?

derek brown has deflated me. he says that sharon's rhetoric about israeli occupation of palestine is just that, and he intends to change nothing - just to sound as if he is to the gullible, i.e. me.

britain's civil rights legislation is oppressive enough to be mentioned in amnesty's annual report.

evidence provided, by an independent group, that blunkett is a fucking freedom-hating fascist. if anyone knows one, amnesty do, and they have had a serious go at the little wanker.

i'm surprised that m.s. hasn't sued gartner over this passport warning.

gartner are only being sensible, but when did sensible ever matter to the money-crazed bastards at m.s?

Tuesday, May 27, 2003


fuck me!!!!  ariel sharon has apparently said that israel must leave palestine.

is this the same ariel sharon who oversaw the massacres of palestinians at shatilla and sabra refugee camps? the same ariel sharon who's overseen an average of three palestinians being killed by israeli troops every day? the same ariel sharon who wants to build a fucking great wall around what little of palestine the palestinian people have left?

if he means it, he must start getting the israeli occupiers out of palestine now, otherwise it'll just be shown to be another lie.

i fear it may just be rhetoric designed to get the u.s. to give israel more money so that it can buy and build more weapons to use in israel's genocide of the palestinians.

let's wait and see how long it is before some "terrorist outrage" is used as an excuse to back-track on the committment.

norman baker, the liberal-democrats' environment spokesman, has suggested that 4x4 vehicles be banned from the school run and from being used to visit the supermarket.

nice idea, norman, as is your idea for getting these piles of shit marketed in a more responsible manner. but the thing is, the fucking things should not be allowed on the road at all.

they are registered as agricultural vehicles and enjoy dispensation from much safety legislation for that reason. this is bollocks. they are more dangerous than other vehicles. they are heavier, higher and wider than most cars, so anyone who has the misfortune to collide with one of these heaps of crap is going to get hurt - badly. their bumpers are higher than other cars', so they tend to ride over and to crush vehicles they collide with.

unless someone can prove a requirement - for farm- or site-work, for towing etc - then they should not be allowed to buy or hire one. if they are allowed to own one and they use it for other than its proper role, they should be fined heavily and receive a criminal conviction rather than just a few points on their license.

Friday, May 23, 2003

since the u.s. continues to use judicial murder, i will never go there. the bloody bastards in utah are about to exacute two guys by firing squad.

never mind what their crimes were, no-one deserves to die for their actions (notable exceptions being genocides like bush and bliar, but that's somewhat off the point here), and to use the brutality of a firing squad really shows what a truly disgusting place the u.s. is.

how the supreme court could have decided that judicial murder was ok back in 1976, i can't fathom. the fact that most u.s. citizens seem to think it's ok to do it really does make them much less civilised than most of europe.

in another attempt to make the british people panic and allow more repressive shit to be done to us, bliar's pathetically see-through government has had a load of concrete blocks erected around the palace of westminster to stop terrorists driving a bomb into the fucking place.

they treat the british people as if we are all stupid.

let's, please, prove we're not stupid by electing some other party to run the country as soon as possible. even tinky-fucking-winky and the telly-tubbies patry would not be such transparent liars as bliar and his fascist-filled cabinet.

talking of teaching creationism and such bull-shit, the car dealer peter vardy, a 'born-again christian' (whatever the fuck kind of insane moron that is), is funding schools via his vardy foundation.

sounds like a nice, altruistic thing to do, until you discover that the mad, religionist twat is only funding schools where creationism is taught.

i think that creationism is the biggest load of old horse-shit ever thought up by anybody. it was kind of ok to believe it when you didn't have centuries of empyrical evidence for how the universe was formed and continues its processes. that some stupid, religionist bastard who just happens to have loads of cash can now force-feed children with such clap-trap is appalling, immoral and should fucking-well be illegal.

the best that creationism deserves is for its insane ideas to be described to kids so that they appreciate just how much human knowledge has increased over the years. for it to be taught as a feasible means for production of the universe is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard of. parents who send their children to such schools should be prosecuted for failing to ensure that their children are properly educated.

two men who killed a man (the son of one of them) during a fucked-up excorcism got only four-year sentences for manslaughter. the man's mother got one day in prison for failing to provide him with the necessities for life.

this was not manslaughter, it was murder.

these brutes killed him by depriving him of water for seven days. that must have been seven days of hell for the poor man and these mad, religionist bastards got away with murder because the judge accepted a plea of manslaughter because they were 'exorcising' the guy.

the world seems to have reverted to the fucking middle ages:

  • exorcists who kill are treated as if what they did was accidental or negligent rather than brutal murder;

  • countries go to war because some god tells their fucking insane presidents and prime ministers to do so;

  • 'religions' such as those money-grabbing bastards the scientologists are given tons of legal protection because they have tons of cash when they murder their members;

  • the catholic church thought it ok until very recently for their priests to sexually abuse children (i suspect that they only think it's not ok now because they're fed up with being castigated by the victims and their parents);

  • priests in countries where there is a high incidence of aids are now fucking nuns and each other rather than the locals, so that they have less risk of getting hiv;

  • mad religionists murder doctors and nurses who carry out abortions 'cause "it's ok to kill them 'cause they're killers themselves" according to these murdering bastards;

  • school boards in the u.s. continue to try to prevent evolution being taught to american children;

  • there are schools in the u.k. where creationism will be taught as if it were a feasible means by which the universe could exist;

  • real scientists are attacked by mad religionist twats because they dare to suggest that some sort of god may not have been the driving force behind the universe.

i am heartily sick of these hypocritical bastards and their stupid, simplistic, selfish, moronic view of the world.

  • stupid because it ignores centuries of empyrical research;

  • simplistic because anything else would require them to use more than one brain cell at a time;

  • selfish because they all pray to their deities for things for themselves. children are taught to pray for good things to happen to others - as soon as they grow up, all that changes to 'please give me more money', 'please make me famous', 'please get me on the telly';

  • moronic because no-one who has any intelligence will believe such complete and utter crap.

i think i may just go and live on the fucking moon. it's the only place i'm safe from mad, selfish, brutal religious nutters.

david blunkett has found himself a new way to get us all to carry id cards. he's pretending that it'll stop the "problem" of illegal immigrants getting jobs.

fucking lying, miserable, fascist bastard. this is nothing but another excuse to make it easier for his fucking spooks to pry into our lives. typical british politician, playing the race card to get another piece of repressive legislation through parliament.

i hate that cunt. he's a liar, a fascist, a fanatical stalinist.

i don't care how much it costs me in fines, i will never carry one of those fucking things in public.

here's john lettice's take on this story at the register.

Thursday, May 22, 2003

i have never read an article which encapsulates the horrors of the u.s. empire as well as arundhati roy's 'buy one, get one free' at both smirkingchimp and znet.

she has pulled all the threads together in a way no other writer i've read has been able to.

i just wish she was wrong.  unfortunately, she clearly isn't.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

the guardian is going to court to ask that a stupid, unused law be reinterpreted. the treason felony act of 1848 makes it a crime, punishable by life imprisonment, to advocate in print the uk becoming a republic. the guardian says that the human rights act's free speech provisions over-ride this stupid law.

fuck it. britain should be a republic.

i recommend it be made a republic by force of arms, just for tony 'baby-killer' bliar to have more fun killing children - there's bound to be some 'collateral damage' that he can enjoy in that spine-freezing way he enjoyed operation iraqi devastation.

so take me to court and let's see what my human rights really are under tony 'fascist in faux-social-democratic clothing' bliar.

"hypocrisy and immorality simply do not come on uglier terms", says john chuckman in his article 'of blair, hussein and genocide' at

he's absolutely correct.

blair is a war criminal and should be in jail for the rest of his life.

he is scum.

he is a fascist.

he is a murderer.

Monday, May 19, 2003

gott mit uns was the motto of the german soldiers during ww2.

bush, too, declares that god is on his side, yet he perpetrates crimes as great as those of hitler and his fascists. i suppose if hitler did have a god on his side, bush probably has the same god - it just happens to be a god of war, death, suffering, oppression, hatred and fear.

where's hitler now? his spirit is alive and well in nazi america. there's plenty of evidence that the bush family first made their wealth by collaborating with the nazis during ww2 and that they continue to make money illegally and immorally.

why don't the american people impeach this little cunt and lock him up forever for war crimes? spine-free bastards.

here are some road safety tips from the excellent association of british drivers.

join it.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

a 17-year-old kid who called some copper "fat" has been ordered to pay £100 compensation for "mental anguish" caused to the policeman.

the cop is 5'8" and weights 14 st.

fuck mental anguish, that's fat.

more about the wonderful world of the capitalist pig : microsoft has a slush fund to pay for huge discounts or to give away software for free in order to prevent customers deserting windows for linux.

glad to see that the fine capitalist desire to thrive in a competitive world is alive and well in bill gates' domain - dishonest little twat.

david "control-freak" blunkett's home office is illegally intercepting over one million 'phone calls, letters, e-mails, internet logs etc a year.

and this is a man who complains just 'cos others call him names - at least they're acting legally and honestly when they do it. blunkett is behaving criminally. he should be in prison, the fucking little fascist.

apparently david blunkett doesn't like being described as a "whining control freak" and has had a go at judges, saying it's time for them to "live in the same real world as the rest of us", according to robert verkaik at the independent.

"whining control freak" doesn't describe him well.

here are a few phrases i'd use to describe him:

  • power-mad head-case;

  • over-bearing bastard;

  • selfish git;

  • uncaring twat;

  • vain but ugly;

  • mean-spirited;

  • whining;

  • control freak;

  • illiberal bastard;

  • fascist;

  • capitalist pig;

  • would-be serial-killer.

s.c.o. has initiated proceedings against i.b.m., claiming that linux contains their intellectual property.

the way that capitalist pigs use i.p. suits to protect themselves from their competitors is pathetic. one of the "rules" the pigs claim to live by is that if you can't compete in the marketplace, your competitors will take your customers away and you'll disappear. the reality is that they will do anything to prevent a competitor getting an edge and will sue competitors into oblivion rather than have to compete on price or product quality or features.

s.c.o. are showing themselves to be of the worst kind of capitalist pigs and i, for one, will never buy one of their products because they're such shitty little arse-holes and they don't deserve my money.

david weinberger has a good article at about why d.r.m. is a really shitty idea.

environmental sense starts to be made at the e.u.

m.e.p.s have voted to make companies pay to clean up the mess they make without the taxpayer having to foot the bill for the dirty bastards.

sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

predictably, the capitalist pigs are squealing about how much it'll cost them.

tough titties. they make the mess, they clean it up - they're the ones profiting from their filthy ways, so they can take responsibility for tidying up.

jack straw is a lying, weazely little bastard.

he says it doesn't matter if no "weapons of mass destruction" are ever found in iraq, it was ok to kill all those children anyway 'cos hans blix said the weapons were there.

odd. i seem to recall hans blix saying that the iraqis had destroyed, under u.n. control, their banned weapons and that there were absolutely none in any of the places that colin powell said there were in his famous lying speech to the u.n.

blix' only accusation against the iraqis was that they were failing to co-operate as well as he'd have liked, not that they were failing to destroy the weapons or to declare them.

straw says that the existence of chemical and biological protection suits in iraq means that the iraqis had chemical and biological weapons. no. it means they had protection suits. perfectly reasonably, they feared that the u.s. and u.k would use chemical and biological weapons against them. after all, donald runsfeld said they would.

straw is a liar.

he knows that this war was about oil, power, influence and, above all else, the americans building an empire. it was also about the pathetically vain tony "baby-killer" bliar crawling up george w bush's arse. he's pathetically attempting to cover up his previous lies with more. he's an absolute disgrace. if it were my decision, the little cunt would be out on the streets without a penny - and especially without a big, fat state-provided pension.

ben russell at the independent asks '
so, mr straw, why did we go to war?'.

some more of straw's weasel words are that 'iraq had illegal possessions of mass destruction and had them recently'. whether "possessions" is what he said or whether russel meant "weapons" is open to conjecture, but the fact is that 'had them recently' suggests that there is some real evidence to support the accusations about iraq's banned weapons.

there is none. straw is a liar. and bears an uncanny resemblance to the beano's plug.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

zurich zoo is offering a tour which explains and (sometimes) illustrates homosexual behavior in non-human animal species.

anything which helps to show that homosexuality is not an uniquely human behaviour and that it is probably genetically predetermined has got to be a good thing. it means there are two less things the bigots and horrible religionists can whinge about - that homosexuals 'choose' their sexuality and that humans are the only species that exhibit homosexual behaviour.

the tour draws on information from bruce bagemihl's 'biological exhuberance'.

sounds like an odd thing to do, since they're effectively complaining about a work of art, but f.o.e., english nature and kent wildlife trust have taken the government to the european court to make the e.u. enforce a european law regarding the protection of wildlife.

making sure the e.u. stops the carving of a white horse into a hillside in kent may mean they can get some road, port and airport building stopped, too.

could be a good result provided they don't over-do it and stop necessary building work this way - some towns still need by-passes to make the environment nicer for the towns-people, some road building is still needed for safety reasons, some for congestion relief etc.

'worse than thatcher'.

paul foot, the guardian. excellent. but why is it taking the commentators so long to realise what we, the public, realised years ago?

"he calls you in. he always wins the argument, but it doesn't make him right," said one middle-of-the-roader who had just turned down an invitation to the pm's presence. "i couldn't be arsed this time. why should i? he doesn't listen."

polly toynbee, the guardian, 'it's not another leader we want, it's a better blair'.

she's wrong, of course. a different leader is just what we want. one who's not a capitalist pig, child-killing, war-monger.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

paul harris, whose articles i have mentioned before, has another good one at, concerning the u.s.' response to terrorism and the way that it's being used to have a go at arabs and islamics and is an excuse for racism of the nastiest, meanest kind: 'human, almost human'.

read it alongside 'bush's mantra in action' by dr mithra fernando over at pravda.

these two articles summarise the appalling state of political thinking in the u.s. and the stinking sewer that that federation has become.

gods help me, i went there once, to florida. i'll never, ever go there again - except in chains, when they take me off to guantanamo bay for writing about how horrific the american people have become.

further proof, if proof were needed, that mac users will pay through the nose for anything just so long as it has come from apple computer: apple has a new music download site where mac users are downloading tracks for 99c a go.

nothing wrong with that, one may think, until one realises that the downloads are not recorded as transactions so, if you lose the track by e.g. accidental deletion or because the downloaded file was damaged in transit, you have to pay again to have a new download.

european apple users will soon be able to be ripped-off by apple, lucky things.

when will doctors in this country get the idea that they're not allowed to take bits from dead people without permission?

first we had the story about the fuckers keeping hundreds of dead childrens' organs without their parents permission, now we have then keeping thousands of brains without permission.

grow up, lads and lasses. of someone won't give you permission to keep organs, learn to live with it; don't cheat and keep the things anyway. it demeans the people you have chopped-up and it shows that you are uncaring of their relatives' feelings.

if you want the respect of the public and their support for your massive pay demands, act like you deserve it.

fucking geoff hoon should be sacked now and arrested and tried for perverting the course of justice and as an accessory to murder.

this nuclear-weapon wielding little shit knew about and approved the suppression of information about criminal activities by soldiers trying to protect their informant, freddy scappaticci. those soldiers had arranged for an innocent catholic, francis notarantino, to be killed in order to protect scappatacci (i assume that his death was intended to make the loyalists believe that he was the informant).

hoon knew about this criminal behaviour and he tried to stop the police investigation of it. he succeeded for several years in delaying that investigation.

at the very least, he has perverted the course of justice. at the worst, he is an accessory to murder. he should be on remand awaiting trial, not living a life of luxury at public expense.

clare short now reckons bliar should resign as p.m. for an elegant succession by gordon brown.

a few small points:

  1. short's a spent force in british politics. she should have resigned before the iraqi war - she may have stopped bliar killing so many iraqis had she done so. no-one gives a fuck what she says apart from a couple of her mates in the press;

  2. george monbiot has an excellent article in the guardian today debunking short's image as a rebel and showing her for the cruel, vicious, capitalist little pig she is. she cares nothing for ordinary people. she's as much a corporatist fascist bastard as bliar is;

  3. who the fuck would want gordon fucking brown as p.m? he's a boring little twat without an original idea in his head. his idea of labour economics is to mimic what the tories did for so many years. now he's beginning to do something different, the economy's getting as shaky as fuck and we're headed for a recession. should he really be rewarded by being made p.m?

if blair resigns or is sacked by the party as a result of short's attacks, i'll eat all three of my crash helmets, my road boots, my motor-cross boots and both my fucking motorbikes - without any mayonnaise.

update : robin cook has a go at short in this article in the independent.

Monday, May 12, 2003

one of plaid cymru's "leadership hopefuls" (quaint newspapery use of language, that one), helen mary jones, says that the conspiracy to get rid of ieuan wyn jones was just a "misunderstanding".

well, i watched her being interviewed on the t.v. yesterday morning and i don't believe her. she has the look of a political predator. if she wins the leadership of the party, plaid will be used as her personal toy and she'll destroy it completely. i won't vote plaid if she's the leader, and i've voted for them since i was allowed to vote (with an exception when i once voted labour many years ago). i fear that many other people will feel the same as me and that the party will lose all credibility with her as leader.

she's a manic self-publicist. she's also useless on the telly: she smirked, mugged at the camera, turned to look at the camera when a rear-view of her and her co-interviewee was used, all to try to ensure she was the centre of attention.

plaid members beware. you elect her as party leader at your peril. the only reason she's a member of plaid is that it's the only party in which she would ever have a chance of winning high office. labour and the tories wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot shitty stick.

don't elect her as leader. instead, eject her from the party for conspiracy, along with dai lloyd, janet davies and janet ryder. they're all disloyal and will damage the party further if any of them are allowed to stand in party leadership elections.

clare short has at last resigned her cabinet post saying that bliar lied to her regarding assurances he'd given her about the u.n. role in iraq's rebuilding.

too little, too late, clare, sweet-heart. i hope your political life is finished, because you should have done this when it might have saved some iraqi childrens' lives. you helped save the lying little bastard bliar's political life before the war kicked-off knowing he'd always been a liar, so now you reap the whirlwind.

wonderful these microsnot people, aren't they? just four minutes into an attempted hack on m.s.' "passport" shit, a hacker managed to find a way of getting "passport" to e-mail him another user's password. all he needed to know was their e-mail address because he'd created a script which made "passport" send the password to an address included in the script! what kind of shit security is that, exactly, billg?

m.s. could be fined up to $2.2 trillion (whatever that means). hope they are, 'cos it might put the stalinist little mother-fuckers out of business and help save the world from corporatism (mussolini's word for fascism).

billg is also up to his old, pre-anti-trust lawsuit crap, forcing p.c. makers to follow m.s.' lead on what p.c.s should look like.

the public needs protection from the anti-competitive actions of this little fascist bastard and his fellow piggies with their noses in the trough.

bush and bliar led our forces into war by lying.

there are no "weapons of mass destruction" in iraq. there have not been for years because the u.n. inspectors had destroyed them all, as bush and bliar and their lap-dogs well knew. they are both war criminals and should be removed from office and arrested now.

'organist duped me into having sex, claims vicar'.

oh, poor man. he says that the woman 'duped' him into having sex, 'possibly under the influence of drugs'. the police investigated his claims and decided he is a lying little bastard.

note to vicar: have the courage to admit that you fucked her because you wanted to, you spine-free little twat, and pay for your child's maintenance with good grace, and resign your ministry, because you're just the kind of twat who gives religionists world-wide a bad name.

this is a man who would have been shagging all the black girls he could if he'd been a 19th century missionary, while condemning others for adultery and organising the burning of witches. his bishop should sack him now, without a pension. not because he's had an affair - that is of no significance - but because he has no moral courage and cannot possibly give others a lead on such issues.

there is a simpsons episode in which homer becomes responsible for springfield's waste disposal. he allows other cities to dump their rubbish all over springfield until mayor quimby finds out what he's doing and sacks him - but only because it damages the golf course.

the same is about to happen in stoke.

do the people of stoke realise that their councillors, in considering such actions, are at least as stupid as homer simpson?

the simpsons is intended, apparently, partly as a warning to the people of the u.s. that their society is completely and utterly fucked-up. british voters should take it as a warning, too, 'cos tony "tiny-penis" bliar is making our country into the same kind of corporation-owned shit-hole that the u.s. has become.

Friday, May 09, 2003

how fucking stupid is george w bush?

the little arse-hole wants to build fuel-cell vehicles using hydrogen generated from fossil fuels!!!!!

just how long will the american people tolerate this tiny-penised bastard doing everything in his power to assist the oil industry to ravage our planet?

Thursday, May 08, 2003

john ashcroft obviously has no penis, otherwise he wouldn't worry about statues of 'justice' showing their tits.

straw has a very, very, very small penis.

blunkett has a very, very small penis.

bliar has a very, very small penis.

some time ago i wrote a little thing about bush having a little thing (or maybe i said it about bliar, but the issue's the same). here's an article by sam hamod at about how he sees bush as a little snot, a little bully.

why is bush like this?

'cos bush has a very, very small penis, that's why.

'pee-pees' and 'front-bottoms'.

there is nothing more revolting than adults using child-speak. morons.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

the guardian has ten things tony bliar should be before he's 55.

i have my own list:

  1. die;

  2. die;

  3. shut up and die;

  4. die;

  5. die;

  6. die;

  7. crawl back to his swamp and die;

  8. die;

  9. die;

  10. crawl out of the capitalist arse and die.

sharon's highly unsuccessful israel's main growth industry is the soup kitchen.

bush's u.s. is going the same way.

funny how the more militaristic the leader, the more fucked-up the economy, isn't it?

bliar has had george galloway suspended from the labour party.

time was that the labour party was known for its tolerance of different viewpoints, its principles of free speech and its rejection of capitalism.

those days are long gone. the labour party now stands for dogma, toeing the party line and capitalism gone mad.

the rot was started by the shiftless neil kinnock who had loads of dissenters thrown out of the party, removed clause 4 from the party constitution and sold his party to the capitalist pigs.

it continues under tony 'child-killer' bliar who will have loads of dissenters thrown out of the party, is doing his damnedest to remove the right of free speech from the whole country and who is so far up the arse of the vilest capitalists in the world that he'll never see clear daylight again - unless he occasionally glimpses it out of some winnit-clagged ring-piece.

the man's a fucking disgrace who, if his party members had any guts, would be out on the streets without a penny - so that he could see how his system fails the needy - and would be picked out of the gutter only after every other person who needs assistance had been helped.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

tam dalyell's in trouble again for saying there's too great an israeli influence on u.s. and u.k. foreign policy.

he's right, of course, but that won't stop bliar from trying to crucify the man. if you speak the truth in british politics today, tony 'child-killer' bliar's supporters in the press will destroy your reputation. if they fail, his mates in the legal system will finish you off for definite.

Friday, May 02, 2003

america's prison culture means that possibly as many as 75% of black males in washington d.c. will have been incarcerated during their lifetimes.

the corrupt idiot savant jack straw is presiding over just such a prison culture here and i think he needs to be replaced by a politician with a spine and some brains before we have the same disgusting things happening here. prison building is big business. corporations that run prisons are pushing for tougher penalties so that they can take more money from the public purse. straw is conspiring with them to let that happen.

he's a disgrace and needs sacking.

the american people need to remove this blood-crazed bastard and his minnions from power now 'cos if ever there was a man who's tuning up for world war 3 it's bush. he's mad. he's a psychopath. he has no feelings except the self-satisfied illusion of control that any young human gets when it's first potty-trained. he's a freak who needs immediate removal to a secure hospital.

jeremy voas' spun dizzy by dubya at is an excellent critique of the appalling way dissent has been suppressed in the u.s. because the politicians are spine-free and the news media are capitalist lap-dogs.

voas compares the vilification of academics and artists who disagree with child-killer bush's policies to mao's cultural revolution. he's spot-on correct.

the same thing's happening here in the u.k. - we don't get to see the real size of anti-government demonstrations because the web-cams that would show them are 'under maintenance'; the press and t.v. news collude with bliar's spin-doctors to corrupt all the 'information' we're given; traffic-control systems are perverted into a means of personal surveillance; public resources are sold to corporate thieves who asset-strip them and leave us with the bare skeletons or charge us a fortune for what used to be free, public services; dissent is 'contained' by contant vilification by the press of dissenters rather than reasoned argument; politicians lie without turning a hair; politicians accept bribes on a huge scale (usually called 'donations to the party').

it's time for some serious civil disobedience in this country to bring down the appalling, lying, child-killing bliar and his bunch of sychophantic, power-crazed, capitalist pig-dogs in the cabinet (and much of parliament).

it's become apparent what liar bush has up his sleeve with his $15bn for aids relief in africa:

he's imposing new rules on the dissemination of the money that mean that anyone who wants to use it cannot house their aids advice centre in the same building as their contraception advice centre. this means that, in most poor towns, one of the two facilities will not be available because the organisations involved simply cannot afford to acquire a new building to house the second centre.

so, bush lies again, forces peole to make a choice between life and family planning.

this little shit needs removal from office sooner rather than later. he's a liar, a serial-killer, a war criminal and has so many sexual hang-ups it's scary.

he's probably got a small dick, too, ha, ha.

what kind of racist inbreds still inhabit the backwoods of the u.s?

there is a county in georgia where, outrageously, it's still common for school proms to be segregated on racial grounds.

mind you, the black kids are probably better off with their own dances, rather than having to try to make conversation about the latest fashion in dungarees with cletus the slack-jawed yokel and his sister girlfriend, lurlene.

i know this is full of cultural steroetypes but sometimes one has to resort to silliness to make one's point

Thursday, May 01, 2003

'i always guffaw when i hear some wingnut pinhead call homosexuality a "lifestyle choice" made by people who connive to wheedle "favored treatment" out of gullible bureaucrats. like any sane person would choose a life-style that would put him/her in the crosshairs of the glassy-eyed, spittle-flecked, gun-toting crazies (i.e. the republican "base") out to serve as instruments of god's righteous wrath.'

rich procter, hate speech, republican style.

i admire this man's writing - content and style.

that true friend of democracy, the-fascist-who-used-to-be-known-as-red ken livingstone has, once again, switched off the jam-cams in london along the route of the may day protest matches.

he says it's for maintenance to be carried-out.

one would have to have the meanest of intellects to believe this story.

this spine-free tool of the capitalist pigs running the u.k. doesn't want us to see how big the protests are / will be.

ken, you're a cunt of the first order. you always were and always will be a tory. your champagne socialism impresses no-one who has two brain cells to rub together. you are a disgrace. you are a fascist, crawling so far up the corporate arse that you'll never see the light of true democracy again - not that you'd recognise it if you saw it anyway, you illiberal little shite-hawk.

gods, please save me from sychophantic has-been performers crawling up the arse of tony 'child-killer' bliar.

why is the b.b.c. wasting my money on celebrating bliar's birthday. he's only 50, for fuck's sake, it's not like he's become a fucking centenarian.

greg dyke was recently railing against the b.b.c.'s failing to live up to its reputation in its new coverage, now he's letting this type of shit be produced.

i weep for our culture.


when monroe sang 'happy birthday' to kennedy, they were shagging each other. does this mean that bliar and black are shagging each other? gods, what a disgusting image that conjours in my mind. pass me the sick-bag - quickly.

the palestinians start their terrorists young, obviously. israeli soldiers raided a 'hamas stronghold' (whatever the fuck that is) in gaza yesterday and killed a load of terrorists. they bravely killed a 13-year-old and a toddler.

i hope the israelis feel safer sleeping in their beds tonight knowing that children won't run in and bomb them.

i have had enough of the fucking jews carping on about how they need to feel 'secure' in their sad little country. they will feel secure when they start acting on u.n. resolutions against them, leave palestine, a country they illegally invaded in 1967, and stop killing palestinian children.


gary leupp at counterpunch has this to say about grown men shooting schoolboys.

bliar harbours terrorists - official.

israeli police claim that the tel-aviv suicide bomber and an accomplice were british, according to the independent.

this is sufficient evidence that tony bliar is sponsoring terrorists throughout the world. we must beg dubya to get rid of this tyrant. it must be done at the earliest opportunity. regime change clearly has been delayed for too long and the u.s., with or without u.n. approval, must invade liberate us from this despot.

300 Number of people who have died in SARS 'epidemic' in last 6 months
3000 Number of people who die of malaria every day

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