Monday, May 12, 2003

wonderful these microsnot people, aren't they? just four minutes into an attempted hack on m.s.' "passport" shit, a hacker managed to find a way of getting "passport" to e-mail him another user's password. all he needed to know was their e-mail address because he'd created a script which made "passport" send the password to an address included in the script! what kind of shit security is that, exactly, billg?

m.s. could be fined up to $2.2 trillion (whatever that means). hope they are, 'cos it might put the stalinist little mother-fuckers out of business and help save the world from corporatism (mussolini's word for fascism).

billg is also up to his old, pre-anti-trust lawsuit crap, forcing p.c. makers to follow m.s.' lead on what p.c.s should look like.

the public needs protection from the anti-competitive actions of this little fascist bastard and his fellow piggies with their noses in the trough.


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