that true friend of democracy, the-fascist-who-used-to-be-known-as-red ken livingstone has, once again, switched off the jam-cams in london along the route of the may day protest matches.
he says it's for maintenance to be carried-out.
one would have to have the meanest of intellects to believe this story.
this spine-free tool of the capitalist pigs running the u.k. doesn't want us to see how big the protests are / will be.
ken, you're a cunt of the first order. you always were and always will be a tory. your champagne socialism impresses no-one who has two brain cells to rub together. you are a disgrace. you are a fascist, crawling so far up the corporate arse that you'll never see the light of true democracy again - not that you'd recognise it if you saw it anyway, you illiberal little shite-hawk.
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