two men who killed a man (the son of one of them) during a fucked-up excorcism got only four-year sentences for manslaughter. the man's mother got one day in prison for failing to provide him with the necessities for life.
this was not manslaughter, it was murder.
these brutes killed him by depriving him of water for seven days. that must have been seven days of hell for the poor man and these mad, religionist bastards got away with murder because the judge accepted a plea of manslaughter because they were 'exorcising' the guy.
the world seems to have reverted to the fucking middle ages:
- exorcists who kill are treated as if what they did was accidental or negligent rather than brutal murder;
- countries go to war because some god tells their fucking insane presidents and prime ministers to do so;
- 'religions' such as those money-grabbing bastards the scientologists are given tons of legal protection because they have tons of cash when they murder their members;
- the catholic church thought it ok until very recently for their priests to sexually abuse children (i suspect that they only think it's not ok now because they're fed up with being castigated by the victims and their parents);
- priests in countries where there is a high incidence of aids are now fucking nuns and each other rather than the locals, so that they have less risk of getting hiv;
- mad religionists murder doctors and nurses who carry out abortions 'cause "it's ok to kill them 'cause they're killers themselves" according to these murdering bastards;
- school boards in the u.s. continue to try to prevent evolution being taught to american children;
- there are schools in the u.k. where creationism will be taught as if it were a feasible means by which the universe could exist;
- real scientists are attacked by mad religionist twats because they dare to suggest that some sort of god may not have been the driving force behind the universe.
i am heartily sick of these hypocritical bastards and their stupid, simplistic, selfish, moronic view of the world.
- stupid because it ignores centuries of empyrical research;
- simplistic because anything else would require them to use more than one brain cell at a time;
- selfish because they all pray to their deities for things for themselves. children are taught to pray for good things to happen to others - as soon as they grow up, all that changes to 'please give me more money', 'please make me famous', 'please get me on the telly';
- moronic because no-one who has any intelligence will believe such complete and utter crap.
i think i may just go and live on the fucking moon. it's the only place i'm safe from mad, selfish, brutal religious nutters.
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