kevin zeese : abu ghraib one year later
melancholic in mid glamorgan
anthony berrow's rantings from the west side of offa's dyke
the evils of government are directly proportional to the tolerance of the people - frank kentFriday, April 29, 2005
omar waraich : blair's poodle: the billy bragg interview
death sentence for u.s. soldier who killed officers.
fuck me, but the u.s. is a sick place.
here's a country which glories in killing anything and everything, from deer to iraqis, and which revels in being able to judicially kill people.
any country which has the death penalty should be an international pariah; instead our politicos pal-up to these stinking savages in what john lanchester has described as "the coital lock".
stinking savages with stinking friends.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
i have a link on a posting made on april 14 to duncan campbell's story 'fake terror - ricin ring that never was'.
the guardian has pulled that story for 'legal reasons'.
luckily, indymedia uk has an archived copy of the story, so you can read it here, free, so far, of government gagging.
u.s.a. locking up school kids without trial.
what a shit-hole that country has become.
and why have none of the british press taken up this issue with our fucking lying twat of a p.m., asking him why the fuck he supports fascists?
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
andrew grice and colin brown : bliar warned: more to follow sedgemore out of the party.
he, he, he.
and all the more fitting when you read this : was p.m. trying to cover up his requests to goldsmith?.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
herman ouseley : it is racist to target the bigot's vote
richard gott : the prime minister is a war criminal; 'blair is a war criminal who should be locked up behind bars without a vote, not standing for election'.
hear, hear.
now let's all get out there and do something about it by voting plaid cymru / scottish nationalist / green and replacing this vile man and his decrepit cronies.
putin: collapse of the soviet union was 'catastrophe of the century'.
i've little time for vladimir putin, a man who always seems to put his own interests above those of the russian people, but on this issue he is absolutely right.
the u.s.a.-engineered collapse of the soviet union (probably using massive bribery of gorbachov and his cronies) has led to the massive rise of u.s. imperialism, the rise of fascism throughout the world and to the most enormous threat to democracy throughout europe.
if the soviet union still existed, its extreme left leanings and its huge military power would have helped balance the extreme right leanings which the u.s. has always had and balanced u.s. military power.
without the soviet union, the world is completely out of kilter, with spine-free little cunts like bliar running around acting as lackeys for
worst of all - selling our childrens' and grand-childrens' lives to the corporate bastards who hold sway on this plant.
mike whitney : let's let atheists back into politics.
whitney is right. the religious are making religion into the only force in u.s. politics. they're trying to do the same here in the u.k.
we atheists need to stand up and shout about the fact that we don't want their religions rammed down our throats; that we'd prefer to make decisions based on scientifically verifiable data; that we do not wish to become part of some unhinged theocracy; that we don't believe in their silly gods; we don't want the silly rules they invent to control others using fear of their gods as a means of social control.
i have argued with 'people of faith' for decades about the fact that people like the pope, the archbishop of canterbury etc are, in truth, politicians not just religious leaders. that truth needs to be recognised and acted on by us unbelievers.
Friday, April 22, 2005
haifa zangana : bliar made a pledge to the iraqis once, and he lied when he made it - so why is anyone thinking of voting for the bastard based on more pledges which will turn out to be lies? the man's a fucking tory, despite some journalists continuing in their fantasy that he's a 'centre-left socialist' or some such nonsense.
vote plaid cymru / green / respect / scottish socialist (depending upon geography) if you want to end tory rule of our country.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
prof sir alec jeffreys' suggestion that everyone on the planet should be on a d.n.a. database is wrong for two reasons:
- someone not being able to identify a dead body is not reason enough to hold such sensitive data on any database;
- no government can be trusted to keep its hands off such data.
but he is absolutely correct in his condemnation of "new" labour for having non-convicted peoples' d.n.a. on a database of criminals' d.n.a.
i believe that it is wrong to store criminals' d.n.a. unless they have been convicted of very serious crimes of a violent or sexual nature; to have non-criminals' data on there is one of the most disgusting breaches of privacy that even twatty bliar could think of.
gods, i hate bliar and his corporate owners. he and they are the most dangerous terrorists britain has ever faced - yet they're the cunts allowed to make decisions in this shit-hole of a country - which most certainly wasn't a shit-hole until the vile thatcher and her successors came to power - for thatcherite is exactly what bliar is.
catherine bennet : how atheists can swing this spiritual election.
i know we don't have the separation of church and state here that's supposed to exist in the u.s.a., but i am heartily sick of politicos bringing their religious views into my life.
if they want to send their kids to privately-funded, faith-based schools, that's their kids' hard luck; but if they want to allow religious nutcases to build, using public money, "schools" where kids will be taught that creationism is correct and that evolution is wrong, that's another matter entirely.
faith-based schools should never have received, and should be prevented from receiving in future, public funds. education and faith are different matter. education happens in schools, indoctrination happens in homes or in churches; i don't want to have to pay for indoctrination.
bliar, coward and konningyou have all made a play for the religious vote; well, i don't want a party that expects me to vote for them to be pandering to the insane rantings of the religious. i expect humanist policies, not faith-based crap.
you want my vote - tell the religious to fuck off.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
mike whitney : the purveyors of violence: the n.y. times in falluja
paul craig roberts : outsourcing the american economy.
the same is true of the u.k.
and cunty little bliar encourages rather than fights this terrible threat to the u.k.'s workers.
rice urges russia to show 'democratic development'.
how dare that fucking hypocrite make such comments?
the 'government' of her own country was put in place using voter misregistrations so that many, many backs or other likely democratic voters could not even vote, rigged voting machines, deliberate undercounting of e.g. black people's votes, deliberate dumping of non-machine readable black people's votes (even though humans can easily assess them).
get that??? ... rigged voting machines.
using machinery to read votes is the biggest threat to democracy in the world, she and
fucking choc-ice.
this is a good 'un : a pope who believes it is far better to be right than popular.
problem is, he's not right. his teachings have nothing to do with anything written in his bible, nothing to do with jesus' care for other people's health, sanity and dignity, nothing to do with giving a flying fuck about anyone having a decent life.
the man's an ideologue with no care at all for anyone else on the planet - just like his predecessor.
schröder's deputy urges boycott of unpatriotic german firms.
what a good idea. i've been trying to get my friends to do this for years.
perhaps we can start a proper campaign, now.
jean-guy allard : interview with ricardo alarcon
neve gordon : israel's military justice system in the occupied territories, a review of lisa hajjar's "courting conflict: the israeli military court system in the west bank and gaza".
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
hugh muir : sir ian, put away your megaphone or, less politely, you're an unelected public servant, not a politician, so keep your gob shut. if you want to mouth off on this issue, you can do so as a politician or as a member of the public, but not as a cop, 'cos that's not what my hard-earned taxes pay you for.
omar waraich : tony bliar's accountability moment
as always, where transport is concerned, there's some bunch of wankers who put the cart before the horse. this time it's a load of twats claiming that reducing speed limits at the severn bridge tolls will reduce collisions.
lower speed limits will not work. the current limit is 50mph. the wankers themselves have data showing vehicles approaching at a mean speed well above that, with some vehicles being measured at >90mph. how will reducing the limit to e.g. 30mph help? the majority of drivers will still be breaking the limit, most by an even larger margin. what will that achieve? more revenue for the local 'safety' camera partnership from speeding tickets, i suppose, but absolutely no decrease in collisions and no increase in safety.
the thing that will reduce collisions is getting rid of the bloody tolls.
wales' economy has suffered for years because of these fucking tolls; the company who take the tolls are making money off the backs of the public - the people who paid for the bridges to be built; that company has to give nothing back to wales apart from a very few quid in taxes.
this is bollocks.
sack that fucking company. remove the toll booths. make the motorways free-running. help release wales' economy from its historical subjugation by the bloody, greedy bastards in the english parliament.
don't want "new" labour? don't want the tories? think you should vote liberal democrat?
george monbiot on why a vote for a minor party is a better idea : signal your opposition.
vote plaid cymru, green, respect, scottish socialist in order to give a very clear message to bliar about the way you want the country run - no wars, no lies, no spin, no corporatist policies, no diminution of human rights, rolling back of damaged human rights, no more crap - we want socialism - provide it to us or lose the next election on a wave of socialist sympathy.
chris crittenden : believe in armageddon and it will come.
fucking right, and another bloody good reason to stop the religious head-cases from gaining power and influence.
we must stop such people from destroying our planet - for destroy it they will, because they believe that when that happens, they'll ascend to heaven - stupid, sad, ignorant bastards that they are - believing in their little gods in the teeth of the evidence, needing their beliefs as a crutch to get through their otherwise unfulfilling lives, needing to make others suffer in order to temporarily alleviate their own mental anguish.
a bunch of sad acts who'll kill us all if they get a chance, they are currently stopping a little short of burning witches, but many of them are murdering doctors, judges and politicians who do not share their pathetic beliefs or who speak against their vile excesses.
send them back to their sad little churches where their sad little priests can make them feel wanted and loved - even if that want and love supposedly comes from a being whose existence cannot be proven in even the slightest way - jerks.
drink coca-cola or pepsi-cola? no thanks, not after reading how coca-cola gave back to plachimada.
yet another example of how fascistic elements in governments all over the world are giving our world away to corporations whose senior employees don't care what damage they do to the environment, don't care about the birth deformities they cause, don't care about the farmers left destitute by their actions, don't even care if they kill us - in fact, if we weren't their customers, they'd be pleased to see us dead.
the people of the world must wake up to what's being done to our planet and must fight these fascist bastards in their every effort to steal our planet from us.
howard says immigration could lead to race riots - it could - but only if feelings are deliberately stirred-up by craven bastards like howard who continue to pander to the lowest common denominator.
here's a man who is the child of an immigrant, an asylum seeker, who's trying to incite hatred against people just like himself - he's a fucking hypocrite in the best traditions of another nasty, racist bastard - enoch powell.
Monday, April 18, 2005
thinking of voting tory?
this may make you change your mind : conservatives will take the axe to cash for environmental protection.
so, unless you're a major share-holder in a company which will gain from being able to pollute more and all you care about is lining your own pockets and it's ok with you that every child on the planet gets asthma and poisoned by polluted ground-water, then you'll be a complete moron to vote for this bunch of corporatist hooligans.
care for the environment? vote plaid cymru, scottish nationalist or green.
david podvin : in the name of the lord.
the same thing is starting in the u.k., with some religious fascist trying to make abortion into an issue in our general election - and the fucking tories trotting along with the hateful bastard - trying to make women's misery into something they can win power with.
we need to be certain that we stop this nonsense in its tracks - now. leaving it until later will just make it harder, because one thing is for certain and that is that these bastards know how to appeal to the lowest common denominator, having done it for centuries (otherwise their religions would not still exist), and they will soon motivate a bunch of witch-burners with their emotive, logic-free ranting.
if that happens, it'll turn from a reasonably simple job of shutting them up using the law and turn into having to face them down in public - a very dangerous thing for anyone to have to do given the illogical, primeval fears that such people's rhetoric is designed to appeal to and the irrational, blood-thirsty behaviour of their followers.
let's not forget that such people were burning and hanging u.s. blacks as recently as the 1960s, are still killing u.s. doctors who are willing to perform abortions, are killing u.s. judges who will not pander to their hate-filled whims - the list goes on - and inactivity on the part of the liberals is not an option.
it's official, the world is a more dangerous place to live since bliar and
have you seen this in a british or u.s. newspaper? i haven't.
and we never will see it, because this pair of murderous bastards survive by frightening people into believing that they are the only pair of murdering bastards who can make the world a safe place to live; they simply cannot afford to have the majority of people know that the opposite is true.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
mary riddell : with poison in their souls
Friday, April 15, 2005
more "new" labour lies : labour promises 'voluntary' compulsory i.d. card.
we do not need i.d. cards, they would help prevent no crime, they would impinge on our human rights, their sole use is to allow governments to monitor us all. big-ears is a cunt, bliar is a liar, we need to sack the whole sorry lot of them and elect a party with a modicum of socialism in its policies - plaid cymru, scottish nationalist, green or, as a last resort, liberal democrat.
big-ears' lies know no bounds: big-ears calls for i.d. cards after imagining huge poison terror ring.
compare and contrast :
robin cook : bliar has delivered on some of the left's historic demands - forgetting all about iraq and about the hammering the working-class have suffered under bliar
larry elliott : despised and patronised by new labour - remembering the constant hammering the working-class have suffered under bliar
dr ian gibson : a stick to beat cuba.
fuck bliar for his craven co-sponsorship of the u.s.'s lie-filled, self-serving, deceitful, blackmailing u.n. resolution condemning cuba's human-rights record.
i detest bliar, major, thatcher etc for their spinelessness, i hate bush, clinton, ford, etc for their continued lies about cuba, the most beautiful, unspoiled country i've ever visited with the kindest, most gentle population i've ever met.
if there is, as bliar and
Thursday, April 14, 2005
duncan campbell : fake terror - ricin ring that never was, gives the lie to last night's b.b.c. coverage of this trial; coverage which was sensationalist to say the least and contained tons of lies - "ricin was found at the flat", "al-qaeda training manuals were discovered" etc, following blindkuntt's line from start to finish.
i knew the new boss of the b.b.c. was a bit spineless, but to allow such craven crawling up the government's arse is really beyond the pale - twat.
joe bageant : let's drink to the slobbering classes.
there are more than a few lessons in there for socialists in the u.k.
get a grip on some of bageant's points and you may even win an election - rather than doing what "new" labour has done: selling its most loyal members to the fucking fascist bastards who pay for all bliar's new suits and specs.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
read this little lot and hope that nothing like this happens here in the u.k.:
- the radical right looks to impeach justice kennedy and other 'activist' judges
- in contempt of courts
- republican vigilantism
better still - work at making sure it doesn't happen 'cos the religious right is very active in the u.k. - currently trying to make abortion into an election issue - and appears to have the ear of not a small number of senior politicos, as dangerous a set of circumstances as has existed since the religionist mother-fuckers were last allowed to run amock, burning 'witches' and murdering many other innocents as their religious fervour took hold of their (admittedly, minor) good sense and turned them into psychopathic killers.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
terry jones : let them eat bombs
Monday, April 11, 2005
transport 2000, a group which allegedly gets most of its funding from the bus companies, says 'top gear' should stop showing us high-performance vehicles and should instead encourage folks to use busses.
given the alleged source of their funding, well, they would, wouldn't they?
this bunch of propagandists ranted on about road safety and the environment in their trashing of 'top gear'.
they've obviously forgotten that busses pollute more per kilometre travelled than the same number of cars used to transport a bus's load and kill more people per kilometre travelled than any other type of vehicle.
a phrase including the words 'pot', 'kettle' and 'black' comes to mind.
Friday, April 08, 2005
"new" labour in a nutshell:
- lie your way into a war
- intern those you find inconvenient
- create asbos so that kids can be locked up for doing fuck-all with no test of the evidence against them (see above)
- rig elections
- send all our jobs overseas
- turn the bbc into a government-controlled automaton
- treat asylum-seekers like scum
- force all parents to add their children to a virtually-uncontrolled database
- force all adults to carry id cards (see above)
- give your businessman pals anything they want at the expense of the electorate
vote plaid cymru / green / scottish nationalist, depending upon geography, in order to get rid of this odious bunch of neotories.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
this is fucking hilarious: hold your nose, vote bliar and brown will be the victor (polly toynbee). its sub-title is "disillusioned Labour voters should forget iraq and think of the future".
what toynbee is suggesting is that we should all forget 100,000 dead iraqis, unnumbered tortured iraqis, unnumbered murdered iraqi children, unnumbered raped iraqi women and men, forget the lies bliar told to drag an unwilling parliament along with his plundering of iraq's oil wealth, forget the threat that
the woman must be off her head.
while brown may be a slightly nicer person than bliar, the difference is marginal - he did, after all, vote for the war, vote for internment, vote for i.d. cards etc.
in what way is gordon brown better then tony bliar?
do you want to have a different face in charge of the country? then punish "new" labour for really being "new" tory and vote plaid cymru / scottish nationalist / green - the nearest thing to socialism we're going to get in this country for a very, very long time.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
bill berkowitz: lurching toward theocracy, lurching towards fascism
david podvin : george w bush, corporate assassin
correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't the fat, bloated cunt, ariel sharon, promise a while ago to remove israeli settlements from the west bank?
so why's the fat turd now planning to expand a settlement with 3500 new buildings?
and while he's at that, he's going to dump waste near a palestinian water supply.
it really is time that the pig-ignorant, vile cunt was removed from office and charged with war crimes and genocide.
he's a murdering twat and why the u.s. crawls up his fat arse i will never know.
i can only assume that he knows 'where the bodies are buried' and
Monday, April 04, 2005
so, the u.s.'s 'intelligence' about iraq's weapons programmes came from a man described by his handlers as 'crazy' and by his friends as 'a congenital liar' (edward helmore : u.s. relied on 'drunken liar' to justify iraq war).
yet, amazingly,
it's time the u.s. media rounded on
michael dickinson : turkey's new penal code is no joke.
how long before the rest of the world's governments follow suit?
about 10 minutes for the u.s.a. to do it, 15 for the u.k., 20 minutes for the rest is my guess, so speak out now because it may be your last chance.
instead of wringing their hands that the pope's snuffed it, catholics should be gleefully celebrating the death of a man who condemned many millions of third-world catholics to death by a.i.d.s. because of his opposition to the use of condoms.
the world's luck will, unfortunately, probably get worse because his successor may well be more of an authoritarian idealogue than even john-paul ii was.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
tariq ali : punish the warmongers