Wednesday, April 06, 2005

this is fucking hilarious: hold your nose, vote bliar and brown will be the victor (polly toynbee). its sub-title is "disillusioned Labour voters should forget iraq and think of the future".

what toynbee is suggesting is that we should all forget 100,000 dead iraqis, unnumbered tortured iraqis, unnumbered murdered iraqi children, unnumbered raped iraqi women and men, forget the lies bliar told to drag an unwilling parliament along with his plundering of iraq's oil wealth, forget the threat that cunt bush & co present to world peace, forget internment without trial, forget imprisonment without trial for contravening stupid a.s.b.o.s, forget i.d. cards, forget our children being on a government database without their permission - and vote for bliar so that, maybe, gordon brown will become p.m. when our tone resigns shortly after winning the election.

the woman must be off her head.

while brown may be a slightly nicer person than bliar, the difference is marginal - he did, after all, vote for the war, vote for internment, vote for i.d. cards etc.

in what way is gordon brown better then tony bliar?


do you want to have a different face in charge of the country? then punish "new" labour for really being "new" tory and vote plaid cymru / scottish nationalist / green - the nearest thing to socialism we're going to get in this country for a very, very long time.


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