Tuesday, April 26, 2005

putin: collapse of the soviet union was 'catastrophe of the century'.


i've little time for vladimir putin, a man who always seems to put his own interests above those of the russian people, but on this issue he is absolutely right.

the u.s.a.-engineered collapse of the soviet union (probably using massive bribery of gorbachov and his cronies) has led to the massive rise of u.s. imperialism, the rise of fascism throughout the world and to the most enormous threat to democracy throughout europe.

if the soviet union still existed, its extreme left leanings and its huge military power would have helped balance the extreme right leanings which the u.s. has always had and balanced u.s. military power.

without the soviet union, the world is completely out of kilter, with spine-free little cunts like bliar running around acting as lackeys for cunt bush; moving the political agenda further and further and further to the right all the time; covering-up for u.s. extremism and terrorism; aiding and abetting the corporate rape of our planet; destroying democracy (remember it was "new" labour people who rigged the birmingham elections and that they were only caught because someone phoned the police, not because the system was capable of spotting the rigging);

worst of all - selling our childrens' and grand-childrens' lives to the corporate bastards who hold sway on this plant.


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