Friday, October 29, 2004

schools instructed to provide atheism lessons alongside r.e.

about fucking time, too. the religionist nut-cases have had it too easy, too long.

my biggest reservation is that christianity is supposed to be taught throughout childrens' entire schooling, rather than being taught as just another religion. why? what's so special about christianity? it's just another means of social control wrapped up in a load of pseudo-magical nonsense.

don't agree.

if tales of gods, sons of gods and miracles aren't fairy stories, then i don't know what are. and how is christianity to be separated from say, islam? they both worship the same god; the differences are in the means of worship.

so what's different or special about christianity?

are its adherents better people than, say, muslims? are they more peaceful? are they more charitable? are they more 'godly'? are they kinder to children and animals?

i don't think so.

the true cost of bliar's lies and deception : war has cost 100,000 iraqi lives

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

i am heartily sick of all israel's apologists.

it is a nation hell-bent on the genocide of the palestinian people.

its soldiers deliberately target palestinian children. its politicians are operating one of the biggest land grabs in history. its apologists accuse its accusers of anti-semitism.

palestinians are semites, too. i don't hate them. i don't hate israelis in general. i hate zionism - a political movement in israel.

a political movement whose followers are deeply racist, believing that israel has the right to take over palestinian land, to remove palestinians from that land and to give it to israelis, to kill palestinian children because they're throwing sticks and stones at tanks!! - but really because they're palestinians, to laugh in the face of the international court.

please, please, everybody boycott israeli goods until israel gets out of palestine and has shown, by its actions over many years, that it intends to stay within its agreed (pre-1967) borders - as per u.n. resolutions, that it is willing to properly repatriate all the palestinian refugees - most people don't even realise that they're refugees from israeli attacks, and that it it is willing to pay restitution to the palestinian people it has so evilly mistreated.


sharon's victory in the israeli parliament yesterday, where he won a vote forcing israeli invaders settlers to leave gaza has been seen by some as a positive act; one that is the first step on the road to peace.


sharon's finding it hard to fight on two fronts, so he's abandoning gaza in order to make it easier to invade more of the west bank. left-wingers who are tempted to support him should not do so - he's trying to blind-side them - a typical tactic and one of which they should really be well aware.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

please promise not to laugh derisively when you read this : murdoch: fox news does not favour bush.

mudcock's sense of humour is obviously more advanced than fox news' impartiality is.

more bliar lies : u.s. offered to send detainees back to u.k..

does he really think no-one will ever find out about his lies?

why does his party not dump the little tory bastard and put a socialist in charge of this country? that's what people thought they were voting for when he was first elected. it's what the country needs now, in order that the power of the corporations be reigned-in, that the war-mongers are stopped, that the people get the government they pay for - rather then a government paid for by us, but controlled by fat cunts who own big companies.

cunt bush and bliar got exactly what their corporate owners needed, then : b.p. reveals record profits as fuel prices leap.

this pair of murderous bastards have cost tens of thousands of iraqi civilian lives, tens of thousands of iraqi military lives, over a thousand u.s. military lives, nearly a hundred british military lives, hundreds of hostages' lives.


so that the fat cunts who run the oil companies can rip off everybody on earth with massive increases in oil prices.

they should both be impeached, tried and imprisoned for corporate-led war crimes.

b.p. and all the other oil companies should have their profits seized as a wind-fall tax, and the money used to pay reparations to the iraqi people.

kennedy: ministers using terror threat to erode civil liberties.

yes, we know that. what took you so long?

and, more importantly, what are you going to do about it?

i keep voting for the lib-dems on the basis that they're less right-wing than the tories or "new" labour, but they still won't fight the fascists effectively.

when kennedy uses terms like "run the risk that interference with individual liberty outweighs the benefits in terms of crime detection" instead of the much more accurate "the interference already outweighs the benefits", we will never have an effective parliamentary opposition to blindkuntt's strategy.

our liberties are in extraordinary danger. we need to take extraordinary measures to protect them. failure to fully confront blindkuntt and bliar will not assist. kennedy needs to stop pussy-footing and start shouting.

kennedy: ministers using terror threat to erode civil liberties.

yes, we know that. what took you so long?

and, more importantly, what are you going to do about it?

i keep voting for the lib-dems on the basis that they're less right-wing than the tories or "new" labour, but they still won't fight the fascists effectively.

when kennedy uses terms like "run the risk that interference with individual liberty outweighs the benefits in terms of crime detection" instead of the much more accurate "the interference already outweighs the benefits", we will never have an effective parliamentary opposition to blindkuntt's strategy.

our liberties are in extraordinary danger. we need to take extraordinary measures to protect them. failure to fully confront blindkuntt and bliar will not assist. kennedy needs to stop pussy-footing and start shouting.

from car-thief to cannon-fodder at age six.

blindkuntt's friends in the privatised prisons industry and the arms industry wouldn't have helped the thick twat to come up with this idea, would they?

if this is correct, tea helps memory, then i ought to have the finest memory on the planet, since i drink loads of the stuff.

thing is, i am always forgetting things. maybe i'd be worse without the tea :(

blindkuntt's fascism ever deepens.

now the totalitariam bastard wants to allow jurors and magistrates to be informed about defendants' previous convictions.

he says, and you'll have a good laugh at this one, that this can happen "without unduly prejudicing the fairness of the trial".

since all the research suggests that juries are heavily influenced by this knowledge, and given that we all know that all magistrates believe, without question, what the prosectuion alleges, this will lead to massive, massive numbers of miscarriages of justice.

this is handy for blindkuntt, though, since he needs to increase the prison population to satisfy his party's corporate owners donators.

zoe williams suggests slapping a few asbos on prince harry and his pals.

fucking wonderful idea.

mark curtis : the colonial precedent

duncan campbell : prisons and profit don't mix.

no, they don't. and the home office should be fucking ashamed that it's being seen as attempting to privatise our prisons, but the home office is run by a fascist, so this is exactly what he wants - to remove power from the people and vest it in the corporations which pay his party so handsomely for doing their bidding.

i never thought i'd find myself agreeing with max hastings, one of my least favourite journos, but his article, if snobs can stop this bill, they should, in the guardian makes more sense than anything i've ever known him write before.

does this mean i'm becoming an old fogey, or does it mean that hastings is a more caring person than i'd realised previously? hope it's the latter :)

Friday, October 22, 2004

america's headlong dive into fascism : chris floyd, heart of darkness: the bush cult and american madness

america's headlong dive into fascism : chris floyd, heart of darkness: the bush cult and american madness

since bliar does everything that cunt bush does, but a while later, this is what we can expect bliar and co to do over the next few years : judd legum, the non-arguable case against bush: 100 facts and 1 opinion.

this is an oldish article, but is the newest research on the subject : music sharing doesn't kill cd sales, study says.

internet piracy is not a crime ... it's a hobby

so, hugh montefiore's left friends of the earth because he thinks that nuclear power's the answer to global warming.

good thing, too.

nuclear power's not the answer to anything. it's dangerous of itself, leaves unmanageable waste behind it and costs a fucking fortune to implement and decommission.

furthermore, i don't particularly like the idea of religionists being given positions of responsibility in any organisations. they're all fucking mad and are about 10 minutes away from burning the nearest witch.

the idea of having some idiot who believes there's a nice little god who's going to sort out all their problems taking responsibility for important issues scares the living shit out of me. how can they take proper responsibility when they believe that someone or something else will fix it all when it goes tits-up?

so, good thing he's left and good thing that friends of the earth are not falling for the nuclear power crap. this is an idea put around by people who stand to make money from it, not by those who give a flying fuck about the future of the planet, and i'm shocked that an adult (montefiore) could fall for the siren voices of the corporate bastards.

the straw man's descent from militant to corprate lackey is complete : straw tries to block law on death at work.

in my youth, i remember this man having much to say about workers' rights; now he wants their employers to be allowed to continue to kill them with impunity.

he is a complete and utter little shit - and looks more like a frog without his specs than ever he did when wearing them.

robin cook : deeper into the iraqi quagmire

terry jones : george, god here ...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

bliar denies lying about iraq.

what can i say? how often can you lie? how often can you deflect attention from your lives by questioning someone else's patriotism?

bliar gets more like bush every day. they're both deranged. they're both inveterate liars. they both try to hide their lies behind fake patriotism.


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

fucking miracle; the fucking israelis have ordered an enquiry into the killing of a little palestinian girl by a bunch of their fucking brutal soldiers.

thing is, they seem to be most concerned because the fucking chief of these fucking brutes shot her many times after she was dead.

the article in the independent suggests that they're appalled that he shot her after she was dead, but couldn't give a fuck about the fucking bastard who shot her when she was alive.

why aren't they investigating the conduct of the bastard whose excuse for shooting her is apparently that this school-girl's school bag, which was full of school books, might have been full of explosive?

every single man and woman in the israeli army should be tried for genocide, along with ariel sharon and every other israeli politician. the soldiers are all guilty of it, because they will all happily open fire on unarmed, harmless palestinians - particularly children - because they're all racist bastards; and the politicians are all guilty of it because they tell the soldiers what to do.

having these hypocritical, brutal soldiers saying their commander should be stood down because he desacrated her body is the most fucking ridiculous thing i have ever heard. what about imprisoning the fucking murderous cunt who shot her in the first place. once she was dead, who gives a fuck what happened to her body? what matters is that she should not be dead. she was a 13-year-old child on her way to or from school. what kind of threat was she to a bunch of armed-to-the-teeth, bestial bastards?

Monday, October 11, 2004

this is what the israeli murderers are doing to the mental health of palestinian children.

still got some ideas that bliar's not a complete and utter, cuntish little fascist?

read this - john pilger, stealing diego garcia.

make sure you read all of it - the most recent events are described towards the end, with bliar's complete disregard for human suffering being clearly highlighted.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

i am sick to the back teeth of politicians declaring a new war on crime.

all the bastards are really doing is aiming to fill their corporate "sponsors'" (read: owners) pockets by allowing them to build, and instructing the judges to fill, new private prisons.

if they gave a fuck about crime, they'd do something about getting people out of poverty so that they can't be targeted by loan sharks, they'd legalise most drugs so that the supply can be made clean and can be removed from the hands of criminals, they'd prosecute companies who kill their workers through negligence, they'd stop allowing solicitors to advertise, some of whom encourage people to lie about the injuries for which they're claiming compensation.

they wouldn't fill the boots of disgraceful "security" companies who see nothing but more and more profits on the horizon; companies who won't pay enough staff to stop kids in their custody from killing themselves.

the bastards must be laughing all the way to the bank.

when will the rest of the world stop pandering to the israeli murderers and give them the kicking they so deserve for their fucking murderous attacks on gaza?

it's time ariel sharon got his come-uppance. he's a genocide. genocides are, at the very least, imprisoned for life. what's going to be done with sharon?

Monday, October 04, 2004

ariel sharon needs to be put somewhere where he has a real chance of being hit by a piece or ordnance so that he learns to properly fear. the sort of fear that makes him soil his clothes. the sort of fear that'll make him never, ever want to hurt another human.

otherwise, the fat, ugly cunt will continue to kill, maim and terrorise palestinians.

the vile bastard will never understand how ugly he seems to peace-loving people until he's had to live in real fear of his life, the sort of fear that peaceful people can imagine and would not, normally, dream of inflicting upon another animal - not even one as vile as sharon - except under these very special circumstances.

Friday, October 01, 2004

guantánamo briton 'tortured in u.s. custody'.

when will bliar, strawman, blindkuntt, prescunt and the rest of the bastards 'leading' our country do something real about getting british men released from the americans' concentration camp at guantánamo bay?

when will the same bunch of bastards release the men held in belmarsh prison, without charge, without any evidence having been presented against them in open court?

never - 'cos they don't give a fuck about human rights - they're only interested in licking cunt's bush's arse and in licking the arses of their corporate owners.