Friday, October 22, 2004

so, hugh montefiore's left friends of the earth because he thinks that nuclear power's the answer to global warming.

good thing, too.

nuclear power's not the answer to anything. it's dangerous of itself, leaves unmanageable waste behind it and costs a fucking fortune to implement and decommission.

furthermore, i don't particularly like the idea of religionists being given positions of responsibility in any organisations. they're all fucking mad and are about 10 minutes away from burning the nearest witch.

the idea of having some idiot who believes there's a nice little god who's going to sort out all their problems taking responsibility for important issues scares the living shit out of me. how can they take proper responsibility when they believe that someone or something else will fix it all when it goes tits-up?

so, good thing he's left and good thing that friends of the earth are not falling for the nuclear power crap. this is an idea put around by people who stand to make money from it, not by those who give a flying fuck about the future of the planet, and i'm shocked that an adult (montefiore) could fall for the siren voices of the corporate bastards.


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