Tuesday, October 05, 2004

i am sick to the back teeth of politicians declaring a new war on crime.

all the bastards are really doing is aiming to fill their corporate "sponsors'" (read: owners) pockets by allowing them to build, and instructing the judges to fill, new private prisons.

if they gave a fuck about crime, they'd do something about getting people out of poverty so that they can't be targeted by loan sharks, they'd legalise most drugs so that the supply can be made clean and can be removed from the hands of criminals, they'd prosecute companies who kill their workers through negligence, they'd stop allowing solicitors to advertise, some of whom encourage people to lie about the injuries for which they're claiming compensation.

they wouldn't fill the boots of disgraceful "security" companies who see nothing but more and more profits on the horizon; companies who won't pay enough staff to stop kids in their custody from killing themselves.

the bastards must be laughing all the way to the bank.


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