gold fillings, auschwitz & george bush.
see my links for more about bush family crimes and nazi connections.
anthony berrow's rantings from the west side of offa's dyke
the evils of government are directly proportional to the tolerance of the people - frank kentgold fillings, auschwitz & george bush.
more john chuckman: forty years of lies.
john chuckman, the doomsday machine.
excellent piece on why the u.s.' founders wanted to separate state from religion, wealth and the military.
sharon hints at dismantling settlements.
bliar, read this, you bastard.
the real reason there's not peace in the middle east : israel.
gary younge, the guardian, 'get mad - and get even': why we must get rid of bliar.
i am heartily sick of hearing bliar, bush, rumsfeld, straw, perle and all the other war-mongering cunts saying there was some justification in their invasion of iraq.
israel has, for years, held prisoners without charge or trial.
the god forsakes antony
thom rutledge. cool guy. cool views.
blindkuntt's latest plan, to issue us all with id cards with biometric data on them is the beginning of a very, very slippery slope into fascism.
luke walmsley's death highlights, yet again, that many british schools seem to have a heads-in-the-sand attitude to bullying.
i see lots of people taking the piss out of a man who, dressed as spiderman, held a protest about fathers' rights.
the u.s.' patent laws really need a fucking good revision.
jim cottle, falsely imprisoned, tortured, convicted and sentenced in a show trial in saudi arabia, has stated that he wants the government to assist him and the other falsely convicted men in their claims for compensation against the saudi government.
fucking south wales police, the incompetent bastards who police the area where i live, have apparently made it clear that they will prosecute two of the cardiff newsagent three (cn3) for car theft if they, the cn3, help the police to trace the real killers.