Herr Bush's fascism takes a step closer to the suppression of all dissent. This article at SmirkingChimp.com, Kurt Nimmo: 'Bush's master plan for the Internet', should be making all US citizens sit up and take notice. But they're all busy planning their Christmas holiday, so they probably won't even notice it's happening.
melancholic in mid glamorgan
anthony berrow's rantings from the west side of offa's dyke
the evils of government are directly proportional to the tolerance of the people - frank kentMonday, December 23, 2002
Saturday, December 21, 2002
So, Bush and Blair, paragons of virtue the pair of them, have decided on the date to start bombing the shit out of Iraq. Susprise, surprise, surprise that they should have found it so easy to find an excuse to do so - a "material breach" in Iraq's inventory of their weapons, so we're told. Funny that the people who "know" that the weapons exist won't tell Hans Blix' group where those things are so that they can be decommissioned, eh?
If they want a war so badly, there's fuck-all I can do to stop it, but I detest the way this pair of murderous bastards are trying to hoodwink me. I'm not that fucking stupid and I don't need to be lied to. If they can't justify their war in any meaningful legal manner then they should just say so and get on with it. Trying to get my support for it just makes them look even dumber than the pair of them obviously are.
I believe that Saddam should be removed from power. He's a cruel, heartless murderer. I don't believe that Iraqi children should be blown to bits to depose him, though. I also don't think that the leaders of the two countries on earth who have more weapons of mass destruction than all the others put together should dare to moralise in this way. Makes them look a bit hypocritical, don't it?
So, quick Christmas message to them: "Hope you enjoy your war, chaps, and, when it comes back to bite someone on the arse, above all you'd better pray it's you personally who gets bitten. If it's someone I care for who gets hurt and I'm still alive after the event, you'd better hide because, if I can ever get near you, you cowards, it'll be very, very unpleasantly violent for you, just like the environment you're building for millions of innocent Iraqi men, women and, above all, children, you cowardly, craven, useless pair of child-killers."
I always want to use swear words, or ordinary words in a derogatory way, when I write about Blair, Bush, Sharon, Musharaff etc, but it would be a misuse of some fabulous words:
- I want to call them "fucking" useless, but I enjoy fucking - it's one of the most fun things on the planet ;)
- I want to call them "butchers" but butchers are useful people
- I want to call them "bastards" but there's no difference between me and a person whose parents don't happen to have gone through some bizzare religious ceremony
- I want to call them "twats" but twats, specifically meaning "vaginas", are great. Love 'em :)
- I want to call them "morons" but a misuse of (limited, in Bush's case) intelligence is far worse than having none
Best words for them are, I think, evil, arrogant, childish, churlish, stupid, murderous, mean-spirited. I'm sure I'll think of a few more immediately I've posted this, but I can always edit it later.
If anyone does ever read this, which I doubt because I haven't yet had a visit from the spooks, I hope you all have a peaceful time over the Christmas period. I know there are more non-Christians than Christians in the world, and I'm not one myself, but most of the Western world will be celebrating Jesus' birth; supposedly a time when we're meant to consider the rightness of our actions towards other people. Unfortunately, the people who can make a big difference to the world will be considering making a very big difference to many Iraqi's lives - ending them. I wish all non-Christians to please believe that the majority of people in the UK (certainly all of the ones I speak to) do not support this war. We know it's about oil not about Saddam being naughty, and we don't think its basis is in religion and we don't want it to happen so, when you hit back, please make it at specifically governmental targets 'cause the rest of us didn't start this, any more than you did, and we really don't want it.
Happy Christmas 2002
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Ainlee Labonte: Rest peacefully, little one.
The judge: 'She suffered more pain than anyone could imagine' (The Guardian). Her scum-bag parents got 10 and 12 years for manslaughter and cruelty. Why weren't the fuckers locked up forever? There's a possible life sentence for manslaughter. Why did the useless judge not use it? These people are not fit to be allowed freedom, so why has this fuck-wit of a judge given them such pathetically short sentences? Judge, you're a cunt and I hope, should there be any gods, that they mete out a suitable punishment to you, as they surely will to this pair who are the lowest form of humanity.
Social workers involved: I'd love to believe they'll at least hang their heads in shame for eternity but, seeing how the bastards reacted to the death of Victoria Climbie, they'll do nothing of the sort. Instead there'll be loads of justifications for their cowardice. There is no justification. If they were scared of the muderous bastard parents, they should have taken poor little Ainlee out of that environment and NEVER let her go back and NEVER let that pair of killers near the child again. Heads should roll. There should be prosecutions for negligence at least. Instead there'll be another anodyne statement from their employers and they'll all go back to work as if nothing happened. Why are my taxes being wasted on employing such useless, uncaring twats? If you can't handle the nastier 'clients' then get Police assistance when you need to visit them. But, most of all, stop leaving children with abusive parents. It does no-one any favours except you, because that way you don't have to do any real work.
Bastards, the fucking lot of you.
Why is it that after EVERY child killing like this, there's loads of hand-wringing but no-one ever gets to grips with the problem? The answer is to take children away from abusive parents after the FIRST provable or probable act of cruelty. Anything else leaves the poor children open to further and worse abuse because, having escaped the consequences once, abusive people get worse - fact - and will continue to get nastier until they are stopped - fact. Stop treating scum like these as if they deserve compassion. They don't. They need their children to never, ever have to be in their company again.
Tony Blair, you're into the dramatic gesture; why not do something constructive about this instead of your usual posturing? Oops, forgot. You're a politician not someone who gives a fuck.
Saturday, December 14, 2002
What's up with our government? Here's Blair in the midst of decision-making about a huge expansion of the EU, an institution of which the UK fought for years to become a member and, yet, he's still toadying up to the serial killer Bush in order to keep trade links between our two countries as friendly as possible.
Surely, if we're expanding the EU into a massive trade region, we need do little more than retain cordial relations with the US? We don't need their money, so why crawl up their arses, Tony, boy? Scared of Bushy's little nukes? It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees, boy - unless you're sucking Bush's cock - are you, Tony?
Glad that Turkey has been told that it will not even be considered for EU membership for at least two years because of its appalling human-rights record. The folks who want Turkey to join desparetaly are the Turkish gov, Blair, Bush and ... no-one else at all. Apparently Bush has been pushing very hard to get Turkey into the EU. Very pleased if the little cunt's nose is out of joint today because he hasn't had his way. Let's hope that the people of the US show the same resolve in stopping him getting his way with his neo-Nazi policies over the pond.
The Blairs are still getting a kicking from the press. ROFL. Serves the star-struck pin-heads right.
Bush is now accusing Iran of having a 'secret' nuclear programme. Must be like all the WMDs that the UN can't find in Iraq - another figment of his paranoid psychopathy.
Kissinger's resigned from the September 11th investigating committee because he doesn't want to divluge his client list. Must be a list some of the most heinous criminals in the world, surely, otherwise why keep them secret? Wonder if Saddam or Musharaff or any of the other dictators all over the world are his
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Watched Cherie Blair's act on TV last night. What a giggle! To see the PM's wife squirming and wriggling to try to get herself off the hook was incredibly satisfying.
I wonder just how corrupt the cow is, given that she is prepared to make herself look a complete and utter twat in order to throw people off the scent. You have to be up to something big to humiliate yourself to that extent.
As far as I can see, the big problem with all of this is that she, a professed Labour supporter and wife of a Labour (!!!) PM, is trying to make unearned income by buying flats and letting them. This is the action of a bloody capitalist. Her purchase of the flats will push up prices in that area, making it more and more difficult for local people to find affordable accommodation. Ultimately, she'll make pots of cash out of the deal and her poor tenants will end up with shit-all.
Very 'new' Labour, I suppose, but nothing to do with socialism.
Bush the arse-hole is again threatening the world with the use of nuclear weapons in response to an 'attack' on the US.
Given that this paranoid, psychopathic cunt sees any criticism of his fascist policies as an 'attack' ('you are either with us or with the terrorists') then I'm due a fucking roasting any day soon.
When are the more sensible world leaders going to inform this serial killer that they've had enough of his shit and stand up to him and his disgusting, capitalist lackey, right-wing appointees? For him to hold the world to ransom in this way is worse than what the terrorists who fucked the World Trade Center did. They killed 3,000 or so, this mad cunt will kill us all - all of us who haven't bought a political appointment and safety in a bunker from the murderous bastard, that is.
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Zoe Williams wrote a superb article in The Guardian today, Tut, tut, Tony Two Flats. Puts the Blair family's antics into their proper perspective. Don't know who Zoe Williams is, but I think I'll read some more of her stuff for The Guardian.
Thursday, December 05, 2002
Seems Jacques Chirac has spiked Gerhard Shroeder's guns over Turkish entry to the EU. Good job, too. Turkey's human-rights record is appalling and it should not even be considered for membership until many laws are overhauled or repealed. Also, it needs to make serious reparations and a very public apology to the Kurds for its continuing mistreatment of them.
Mistreatment of the Kurds is one of the reasons that Saddam's Iraq is regarded as a pariah. Why the double standard, chaps?
The fact that the US is desparate for Turkey to join the EU is, in itself, reason enough not to let it join.
Turkey was the cause of the Cuban missile crisis in 1961/2. The US had installed ICBMs there in 1961. The USSR, understandably, panicked when it discovered that the US had atomic missiles which were capable of striking the USSR mainland, so it put some missiles in Cuba - within range of the US mainland. Tit-for-tat.
Why is JFK regarded as such a great statesman when he was the cause of the problem with his stupid missiles and he was the one who backed-down first?
He only removed those missiles from Turkey 'cos he was afraid his own sorry arse was going to be toasted, not 'cos he was a great or peaceful man. He was a moral coward - only such a person would have put those missiles in Turkey in the first place instead of trying to reach a peaceful understanding with the USSR.
The USSR has always been portrayed as the bad guy in international relations, but a second thought about it reveals something somewhat different.
The USSR, Russia and its satellites, has been the target of attack from nearly all quarters for its entire history. Everyone's had a pop at them: the French, the British, the Germans, the Chinese(?), even the bloody Christmas Islanders have probably had a go at some time.
This is bound to lead to some paranoia. When the USSR eventually had the military strength to turn away potential invaders, it's understandable that it should have become somewhat insular and, apparently, threatening. It was just trying to protect itself.
I note that the CIA is now allowed to kill even US citizens if they're "helping" al-Quaida. Hope no-one ever suspects Bushy-boy of "helping". Retract that. Really hope someone suspects Bushy-boy of "helping". I'll laugh my head off when the psychopathic bastard gets toasted.
Haven't posted anything for a week. Don't know why - lots of dangerous things have been done by governments all over the world, things which deserve comment and condemnation. There are so many of them that I can't list them all here, so go visit SmirkingChimp.com or YellowTimes.org (see my links) to see what's pissing me off.
People need to start rebellions all over the world. Governments in most of the West and virtually all of the rest of the world, even when they're supposed to be democratic, are acting as if the people are their subjects rather than the people who run the country. So, we all need to start ruling. This means kicking out these power-mad mother-fuckers and replacing them with people who have a public service ethic and who are not firmly up the arses of global corporations.
There seems to be a left-wing backlash starting in the UK, unless I'm much mistaken. The unions, now that they're not chaired by guys who are being fist-fucked by Blair, are starting to raise questions about the way the country's being run, how corporations who give fuck-all get everything, how a Tory bastard like Blair ever got to be leader of "new" Labour anyway.
Well, that's the no-brainer, chaps - Blair is leader of "new" Labour 'cos "new" Labour has nothing whatsoever to do with real Labour; the marketeers have assisted in the hijacking of the party by the Tories. Why else would the Tories appear so unconcerned that no-one listens to what they have to say under their official name - it's 'cos they're being listened to under their assumed identity.
Time for you to take the party back, guys, and put Blair where he belongs - on the Tory back benches - unless you can make the twat resign from politics altogether and give us a break from his ever-so-earnest, ever-so-patronising tones.
He has the sort of face that needs slapping for smirking all the time. God, I detest the self-satisfied little jerk.