Thursday, March 31, 2005

geoffrey wheatcroft : both bliar and howard echo the rhetoric of fascism.

absolutely correct. they're both vicious little fascists, one of whom is trying to make a whipping-boy of someone just like himself - an asylum seeker.

they are both disgraces to the fine traditions of their respective parties and, if their m.p.s had an ounce of moral fibre between themselves, they'd both be in the political wilderness where they belong, not terrorising the rest of the nation with their fascist crap.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

iraq war : the smoking gun?

anthony charles lynton blair - born liar

read this, how the democratic party fosters conservatism, replacing republican with tory and democrat with 'new' labour, then cry your eyes out for the lost socialist programme of the labour party and for our childrens' dismal futures in a corporatist (nazi) state.

cuba and venezuela face u.s. and colombia

control order flaws exposed.

big-ears' fascist laws are one of the greatest threats to democracy in the u.k.; the fact that he has set up a set of rules to control the life of mr mahmoud abu rideh which are driving the man to attempt suicide show just what a heartless, mean-spirited, gormless cunt big-ears really is.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

keep faith out of politics, says bliar.

this must be the only time i've ever agreed with anything that bliar has said.

i suspect, though, that we both agree that religionists should be kept out of politics for different reasons:

bliar, because his very public display of religious faith makes his actions more easily criticised by religious nutters; he does not, after all, even keep to the ten commandments, a fundamental part of the christian faith which he so publically subscribes to. me, because i think that most religionists are illiberal, mean-spirited, sex-obsessed, homophobic control freaks who are ten minutes away from burning their next witch.

Monday, March 21, 2005

warren hastings : why the queen should chop off bliar's head; treason on downing street

gary younge : in a warped reality

Friday, March 18, 2005

fucking bliar, big-ears, blears and all the rest of the stinking head of the 'labour' party are vile, disgusting racists.

frightened by the tories closing in on them in the polls, seeing that the tories make so much political collateral by pandering to the lowest common denominator in society, this bunch of racist twats are going for everyone they can who has darker skin than they have. here's a charming little story, covered by polly toynbee, wherein the racist cunts are deporting a settled family who truly deserve to be allowed to stay in the u.k. but who have been appallingly badly represented by the crap legal bastards available to them.

bliar's always been a cunt and a closet tory. this story, along with his waging of illegal wars to help his pal cunt bush steal all iraq's oil, proves that he is.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

david aaronovitch : let women decide for themselves

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

big-ears' prevention of terrorism bill is the most disgusting piece of legislation dreamed up by a british politician in a very, very long time.

the provisions of the bill allow the home secretary to make a control order restricting the activities of any person whom he, the home secretary, has 'reasonable grounds' for believing 'is or has been involved in terrorism-related activity'.

control orders may restrict movement, use of certain technologies, meeting with certain persons and even house arrest.

failure to comply with a control order can result in imprisonment.

so, just like the appalling 'asbo', these control orders are imposed without evidence being presented to a court, but result in imprisonment if the controlled person fails to comply. further, the controlled person is not allowed to know the 'evidence' on which the home secretary's decision is made and it therefore, of course, unable to show whether he / she has, for example, an alibi or some other defence against the charges.

this flies in the face of every premise of british law. control orders can be imposed by an individual with no reference to due process in the courts, no opportunity for the controlled person to refute the charges and little or no possibility that the order will ever be rescinded, since there is no appeal so, in the all-too-frequent cases of incorrect identification, some poor bastard who has had nothing whatsoever to do with any of the supposed 'crimes' he's been virtually imprisoned for, will be controlled and never, ever be freed of the suspicion which has been placed upon him by this odious legislation - in fact, he may never be freed from house arrest - ever - because the 'evidence' cannot be refuted - ever.

big-ears is a fascist. this is fascist legislation. it will be abused, despite the home secretary's 'promise' that it will be used as a last resort, and it will be abused big-time should we ever have, gods forbid, a government which is even more over-arching, more over-wheening than the control freaks who currently 'govern' this country.

big-ears, bliar, brown, strawman, goon and all the rest of them have forgotten that they are our employees. they govern by consent. this kind of legislation provides for them to govern by diktat.

gods help us all if this vile legislation is enacted, for we'll be a very long way down the road to being a completely fascist state - and this from a political party that used to be vaguely socialist.

since this legislation is obviously inspired by horrendous legislation in the u.s.a., i wonder how long it will be before we have the kind of scandal that has ruined american democracy, such as it was, where government supporters prevent a fair and proper election from taking place?

update :

in an interview with the guardian, big-ears said, "al-qaida's ambition is not to get us out of iraq or wherever, it is about seeking to destroy the fundamental nature of our society ... freedom of expression and democracy, the rule of law, religious tolerance, the rights of women."

isn't that just what the thick bastard is doing with his ill-conceived legislation?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

gareth peirce : a stampede against justice

ms peirce is absolutely correct.

there is no reason for this country to have legislation of this type. it is the first, big step along the road to fascism.

the 'morals' of u.s. corporations are astounding.

boeing, a company which has, throughout its history, bribed, blackmailed and otherwise corruptly done business, sacks its c.e.o. just because he allegedly had a relationship with a company executive.

the stench of these scum as they try to take the moral high-ground is absolutely overpowering.

john chuckman : the creature walks among us.

i love this paragraph :

'i read recently of another frankensteinian project in which a mouse is to be given a brain composed of a clump of human brain cells. perhaps the president personally inspired this one, his behavior resembling nothing so much as a human with the brain of a mouse.'

Monday, March 07, 2005

if john stevens is so fucking sure that the belmarsh 'terrorist' detainees would 'commit devastating terror attacks against us if they could', then why was he not doing his job as commissioner of the metropolitan police and presenting the evidence against them to the crown prosecution service so that they could be tried in a court of law?

there are two possible reasons:

  • he wasn't doing his job properly, either wilfully or through incompetence;

  • he'd done his job properly and discovered that there is insufficient evidence to convict them.

if the reason is that he wasn't doing his job properly, then he should have been sacked and should not have been given his peerage; if the reason is that there isn't enough evidence, then he should stop politicking on behalf of bliar and big-ears and should leave it to the police to do their job properly and have those people arrested and tried when there is sufficient evidence.

could the problem be that he was incompetent, didn't get the investigations done properly and is trying to cover his arse by supporting the fascist, racist big-ears in his determination to lock-up any fucker he feels like under the guise of 'national security' - an excuse used by many governments over the years to cover-up evidence of their own incompetence by burying that evidence in red-tape and now apparently being used by a former senior policeman to cover-up his own incompetence or the incompetence of the force of which he was previously in charge.

Friday, March 04, 2005

doug griffin : trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit

institutional racism has been acknowledged in the metropolitan police.

here's another example of it, as the commissioner says that hazel blears was right to say that muslims should expect to be stopped and searched (i.e. harassed) by the police more than any other group. one racist supporting another.

i have no time for any sort of religion, because i think it's all superstition which is used, usually brutally, as a means of social control; but i also think that anyone who discriminates against another on the basis of their religion is a bigot who has no place in society, and certainly no place in a highly responsible job.

this man needs to be kicked out of his job sooner rather than later, for he's the type of person who causes problems between the police and ethnic minorities. twat.

robin cook : morally, this is indefensible. politically, it's plain stupid; but then, what does robin expect of a journey-man like big-ears? not an intelligent, sensible measure which is proportional to the real risk and which maintains our liberties?

big-ears is a deeply unimaginative man, who has obviously accepted a load of old crap from bliar's handlers and cannot see just how stupid, illiberal and ultimately damaging to british democracy his proposed measures are.

he needs a good kick in the arse to wake him up - reasoned argument patently will not do that, so a good, brutal hammering by the house of lords just may do the job.

ken livingstone : this is about israel, not anti-semitism.

he's absolutely right. israel's invasion of palestine is illegal. sharon is a criminal who should be in prison, and the rest of the world needs to sit up and take notice of the fact that israel is using ethnic cleansing to rid itself of the palestinians in its continuing terror campaign against them.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

you want to see how right-wing bliar, strawman, blindkuntt and big-ears are?

read this terror bill : taking liberties.

the u.s.a. is a fascist state.

i've said it for a while and here, at last, is mark drolette giving a good list of reasons why it's true, part 1 : if it walks like a goose ..., part 2 : if it walks like a goose ....

and "new" labour and the fucking conservatives are going to turn britain into one, the fascists conservatives having signalled that they are prepared to cave-in on their opposition to big-ears' fascist laws.

i can understand this from the fucking tories, given their history of shooting striking miners in wales, but that the labour party should have come to this is appalling.

and hazel blears, big-ears' side-kick and an obvious racist, has stated that muslims can expect to be stopped and searched by police more than any other group. the woman's racism is both staggering and sickening, for let's not forget that the majority of muslims in the u.k. are from racial minorities. the slut is just trying to justify racism by pretending that muslims are the greatest terrorist threat britain faces. all the terrorist attacks i'm aware of in britain have been committed by white people, so isn't it those people, people like me, who should be being stopped by police, not people with darker skin-colour than mine?

since when did someone's religion mean that they should be subject to harassment?
since bliar got into power, that's since when. the man and all his cronies in government are fascist, racist bigots. the sooner they're out of office the better.

i'm off to join the socialist workers' party - the only socialist group left in the u.k.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

paul de rooij : straw men and wild fires

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

clarke fails to stem revolt as majority collapses to 14.

this is a defeat for big-ears?

the most illiberal piece of legislation since gods know when and the twat still gets a majority?

what the fuck is wrong with our m.p.s?

do they completely fail to understand that the next home secretary, or the one after that, or one sometime or another, will abuse these powers to lock up inconvenient people?

if there's any real justice in the world, the cunts who voted for this piece of nazi crap will be the first ones locked up. but they won't be; it'll be journalists, commentators, trades-unionists and political rivals who'll suffer because of this bunch of fascist bastards.

i hope to the gods that the house of lords defeats this bill and sends big-ears home for a big, big flea in his oversized ear.

saul landau : an interview with cuban vice-president ricardo alarcon

part 1 : the u.s. is declining

part 2 : the u.s. tramples the charters and laws it wrote

part 3 : the miami mafia