Tuesday, March 01, 2005

clarke fails to stem revolt as majority collapses to 14.

this is a defeat for big-ears?

the most illiberal piece of legislation since gods know when and the twat still gets a majority?

what the fuck is wrong with our m.p.s?

do they completely fail to understand that the next home secretary, or the one after that, or one sometime or another, will abuse these powers to lock up inconvenient people?

if there's any real justice in the world, the cunts who voted for this piece of nazi crap will be the first ones locked up. but they won't be; it'll be journalists, commentators, trades-unionists and political rivals who'll suffer because of this bunch of fascist bastards.

i hope to the gods that the house of lords defeats this bill and sends big-ears home for a big, big flea in his oversized ear.


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