Thursday, February 24, 2005

it's time that big-ears was given a lesson in the real purpose of government.

the proper use of government is to provide a safety-net for those that the rest of society fails, to provide proper, appropriate, protection for all members of society and to control the excesses to which the rich and powerful are prey.

government does not exist in order to allow politicians to lock-away, or otherwise deprive of their human rights, those who say or do things of which they do not approve.

charles clarke is acting entirely improperly in his attempt to force the prevention of terrorism bill through parliament.

this disgusting act contains provision for him to remove the liberties of anyone he says is a 'threat' to the remainder of the population. although he says that house-arrest is not appropriate at the moment, he can introduce it at a later date, on a whim.

the whole concept of this bill is flawed.

if someone is a threat, there must be evidence that they are : so try them in court.

nothing else is needed.

but the arrogant bastard is trying to bring in law which makes it legal to remove liberties from people who 'facilitate' terrorism. here, the broad brush really takes a good slosh at huge numbers of people, because 'facilitating' terrorism can be shouting something like 'get the troops out of iraq', or giving a contribution to a body which is trying, otherwise within the law, to get people like bliar and goon impeached for taking the u.k. into a totally illegal war.

and all it'll take is for the home secretary, a person who wouldn't know reality if it came and bit him on his fat arse, to be 'satisfied, on the balance of probabilities' that the person is guilty.

where the fuck's the justice in that?

where the fuck's the due process?

where the fuck's the honesty with the electorate?

where the fuck are the human rights?

none of these things matter to a creep like big-ears because, like his predecessor, he's so deeply up the arse of big business, he'll do anything 'new' labour's pay-masters tell him - 'cos it's big business which will really benefit by charging anyone who says, for example 'mcdonald's produce food which is bad for your heart', with terrorism, thus silencing them forever.

along with 'new' labour's new laws on harassment, the new anti-terrorism laws will give the corporatist mother-fuckers everything they need to be able to pollute, poison, kill by negligence, with nobody able to blow the whistle on them 'cos potential whistle-blowers will be branded as terrorists and silenced.

john lettice : guilty! new labour could arrest self under new terror law


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